(WSB photos by Christopher Boffoli)
Roxhill Elementary has had some high-profile visitors. But this afternoon’s surprise visitor might have topped them all – the most famous Seattleite on the music scene right now – Grammy Award-winning hip-hop artist Macklemore. He came to Roxhill a little while ago for the presentation of a “buddy bench” (explained here).
ADDED: More photos, and we have video in the works. Here’s Macklemore on the bench with (left) fiancee Tricia Davis and (right) Roxhill principal Sahnica Washington:
He signed the bench, of course:
Though his appearance was a surprise in the classic sense of the word, but it’s not surprising, given his involvement in pro-acceptance and anti-bullying advocacy.
“Helping other people – that’s what life is all about,” you’ll hear him say in our video of the assembly; he first appears about 10 minutes in, after principal Washington explains the buddy bench. He then joined in a skit demonstrating it:
Roxhill’s Youth Ambassadors were the official assembly hosts. Macklemore (better known as Ben Haggerty in his own school days) said he and the YA program “go way back.”
Roxhill’s head teacher Marcie Sheppard Shaw explained to WSB’s Christopher Boffoli how this all happened:
One super-fan of Macklemore, Lashaunycee O’Cain, was overwhelmed to meet him:
A memorable day for Roxhill’s scholars!