West Seattle, Washington
12 Wednesday
As reported on partner site White Center Now, a suspect is in custody in connection with the Wednesday night shooting death of a 17-year-old Burien boy at 15th/Roxbury. We’ll continue updating the story there as we find out more, but did want to let you know here too, since the incident stirred some discussion.
That’s one big middle-school orchestra – more than 200 musicians joining together at Madison Middle School on Thursday as Madison hosted Seattle Public Schools‘ districtwide Middle School Orchestra Festival. Madison music teacher Clark Bathum, who invited us to stop by and check it out, explained it’s a chance for the young musicians from middle-school students all around the city to “participate in a joint rehearsal, clinic, and recording session.” Guest clinician was Kim Roy from Seattle Rock Orchestra and the West Seattle Community Orchestras:
The students rehearsed and performed two songs that were huge hits more than 40 years apart – The Beatles‘ “All You Need Is Love” and Adele‘s “Rolling in the Deep.”
Immediately above is our video of one of their runthroughs of the Beatles song; for the Adele song, we have an audio recording – listen to it here. Perhaps in honor of the occasion, a Beatles lunchbox was sighted on the sidelines – we were there right after lunch break:
Final count of musicians in attendance, Bathum told us, was 226.
The date is now set for the memorial service honoring Michael Hoffman, the West Seattle business owner and community supporter gone too soon at just 47. Len Burton-Hardin of Howden-Kennedy Funeral Home says the memorial will be at noon Saturday, April 5th, at the Alki Masonic Center (40th/Edmunds). We also are told that donations in Mr. Hoffman’s memory can be made to Furry Faces Foundation and Pencil Me In For Kids, both of which recall him as an avid supporter. In addition to what we mentioned in our first report on his sudden death a week and a half ago – owning Liberty Bell Print and Design, and founding/organizing the annual West Seattle Car Show – he was part of many other community projects, as noted by some of the dozens of friends and colleagues who shared memories here.
Two sightings on Alki:
SIGHTING #1: Driving Alki Avenue a little earlier today, we noticed those signs along both sides of the Alki Bathhouse block (61st SW vicinity), announcing a temporary No Parking zone for 11 am-10 pm tomorrow (Saturday, March 22nd). The mandatory hard-copy notice attached to one sign explains that it’s for a “production shoot.” No further details so far.
SIGHTING #2: At first we wondered if this were related to #1, but a Twitter conversation threw cold water on the idea: Palm trees arrived today, further east on the beach, tweeted Connie (@EyeOnAlki). At first, that led to memories of 2011, when palm trees were brought in so that Alki could double as Florida during the filming of “Ira Finkelstein’s Christmas” (which has since been retitled “Switchmas“). But after we tweeted that observation (but before we could get to the beach for the photo below), Jen (@hildeborg) tweeted that Parks crew members told her they’ve planted two between 53rd-54th SW to see how they do – with more possibly to follow.
We’ll be checking with Parks for more on the palm plan.
Three development updates:
6900 BLOCK OF CALIFORNIA DEMOLITION: Three days ago, city published its land-use-permit-approval decision for the 30-apartments, no-parking project at 6917 California SW in south Morgan Junction. But the two houses torn down today (so far) are not for that site, but rather mostly (due to a lot-boundary adjustment) for the 4 townhouses and two single-family homes shown in city files as planned immediately north.
On to The Junction:
4439 41ST SW COMMENT EXTENSION: The Hope Lutheran Church/School community has been voicing concern about the 40-apartments, 5-parking-spaces proposal on the site above, which is across the alley from their campus, and the latest community update notes that the city has granted a two-week extension in the official comment period. (That’s always an option if requested before the original comment period on any proposal expires.) If you have something to say about the project, Bruce Rips is the assigned city planner, bruce.rips@seattle.gov.
CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE TOWNHOME-PROJECT UPDATE: The six townhouses proposed on the unofficial “park” site south of, and owned by, West Seattle Church of the Nazarene, now have an informational website, as announced by architect David Neiman, who says, “The website contains links to the plans and drawings that we showed at our neighborhood presentations, a project schedule, and a document outlining how the church intends to spend the proceeds from the development. We’ll be posting a draft of the proposed comp plan amendment by the end of the month, and we’ll post additional info as it develops.” The “comp(rehensive) plan amendment” refers to the zoning change required for the project to get approval; the “neighborhood presentations” include this one we video-recorded.
Looking for past WSB development coverage? It’s all archived here, newest to oldest.
(Chris Jordan on Midway, via Midway Journey photoset on Flickr)
School is almost out for the week at Chief Sealth International High School – and when its students return to class Monday, it will be a special occasion: The start of the fourth annual World Water Week “ideas festival.” You are invited to the keynote presentation Tuesday night by Chris Jordan, who addresses this year’s theme – plastic pollution – via a close-up look at one particular effect of the Pacific Ocean “garbage patch.” Here’s the official WWW overview:
Students, teachers, and members of Chief Sealth International High School community will come together for a week dedicated to raising awareness about global and local water issues during the fourth annual World Water Week. This year’s festival theme is plastic pollution.
On Tuesday, March 25, World Water Week presents keynote speaker, Chris Jordan. For the past few years, Jordan, a Seattle photographer, has immersed himself in a stunning environmental tragedy on Midway Island in the heart of the Pacific: the starvation of thousands of albatrosses who mistake floating plastic trash for food. Jordan will share his journey to Midway through stories, photos, and film, recounting his harrowing and redemptive journey into horror, beauty, grief, love, and — ultimately — healing. The event is co-sponsored by Town Hall Seattle and will take place in the Chief Sealth International High School Auditorium.
Students are currently fundraising to cover festival costs. Online contributions can be made here: http://www.global-visionaries.org/GLClassDonate
The 2014 World Water Week schedule includes:
● Monday/Tuesday, March 24-25: The student body will attend a student-led assembly that introduces the topic of global plastic pollution. The students will also participate in a synchronous all-school lesson about plastic pollution.
● Tuesday, March 25: Resource Fair with local water organizations from 6-7 p.m. with music and refreshments. Keynote lecture with Chris Jordan in the Chief Sealth International High School Auditorium at 7 p.m. This is the only public component of the festival.
● Wednesday, March 26: School-wide student conference with workshops for students with speakers from NOAA, King County Solid Waste Division, 5 Gyres, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, UW-Tacoma, Waste Management, Product Stewardship Institute, Tox-ick.org and others.
● Thursday, March 27: Students’ families will attend a Multicultural Night program that will feature activities about water and plastic pollution for all ages.
● Friday, March 28: Closing all-school assembly.
This festival is being organized by Chief Sealth International students Tasha Addington-Ferris, Aisaya Corbray, and Paloma Robertson along with teacher and mentor Noah Zeichner. The team works with a hard-working group of over 40 Chief Sealth students and teachers, in collaboration with several local organizations.
These students became interested in water issues after participating in the 2011 World Water Week festival put together by then-Sealth senior Molly Freed. In the summer of 2010, the Bezos Family Foundation selected Freed and Zeichner as Bezos Scholars — two of 12 scholar/educator pairs across the nation — to attend the Aspen Ideas Festival. At the festival, scholars were directed to create their own local Ideas Festival, and Freed and Zeichner developed the vision for World Water Week.
Here’s our coverage of the community kickoff night from that first-ever Sealth WWW; in 2012, we covered outdoor activities including a food walk and garden-building; last year’s focus was on sanitation issues, including a visit by world-famous “Mr. Toilet,” Jack Sim.
Thanks to Gary Jones for the photo: Seen from West Seattle, that’s the USCGC Polar Star (WAGB-10) entering Elliott Bay this morning after completing its ice-breaking mission in Antarctica. According to its infopage (linked to its name in that last line), it’s “one of the largest ships in the US Coast Guard and one of the world’s most powerful non-nuclear ships.” Here’s the USCG news release detailing what the Polar Star and its 140-person crew have done during their 108-day deployment.
(Photo by Don Brubeck via the WSB Flickr group)
Sunshine now, weekend on the way – what could be better? As we do most mornings, we’re taking a moment to look ahead at what’s happening today/tonight via the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (which has even more listings for today, tonight, and beyond):
SPA DAY AT WEST SIDE MOPS: 9:30-11:30 am, local businesses and service providers pamper the members of West Side MOPS for a blissful morning at West Side Presbyterian Church, the group’s regular meeting site. Details and participants in our calendar listing.
PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT: West Seattle High School students are raising money for a project to help fight hunger, and tonight they’re offering “Parents’ Night Out” babysitting to bring in some $. 5-10:30 pm – details in our preview, including how to check whether they’re all booked up or not. (3000 California SW)
FREE MOVIE NIGHT AT HPIC: Bring the family to Highland Park Improvement Club – 6:30 pm, doors open; 7 pm, movie time. No admission charge; concessions available for purchase; bring your own pillow/blanket and/or use an HPIC chair. Movie hint in our calendar listing. (12th/Holden)
RESTORATIVE YOGA: 6:30 pm with Milo Minnis at SoundYoga (WSB sponsor) – details here. (5639 California SW)
TONIGHT AT KENYON HALL: Kyleen Austin (guitar) and Andrew Emlen (cello) perform at the historic performance hall – details (including reservation info) in our calendar listing. 7:30 pm. (7904 35th SW)
That’s just a sampling of what’s on the calendar – follow the link and browse!
(WS Bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
So far, so good, as the Friday morning commute approaches the peak period. Tomorrow, meantime, is the day for Highway 99 to be closed all day – 4:30 am-7 pm, for the Alaskan Way Viaduct’s “followup inspection” and also for remaining work on the Spokane St. Overcrossing just south of the West Seattle Bridge.
(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
“We’ve organized this meeting because you requested it. … We’re here to listen and write down your comments.”
That’s how senior land-use planner Bruce Rips from the city Department of Planning and Development opened last night’s meeting at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center about the two-lots-into-eight subdivision proposal for the 42,000-square-foot greenbelt site at 6536 24th SW (map), describing himself as the “project facilitator.” Also on hand, DPD manager Jerry Suder, who has been in attendance at most of these types of meetings.
The two revealed that they’ve already asked the site owner/developer to respond to concerns that have come up during the city review, and are still awaiting answers. The big concerns about this site, as first reported here in January, involve what happens to the wildlife and wetland on the site, and how runoff will affect Longfellow Creek, steps away and already a flooding problem many years because of the area’s drainage woes, as shown in this photo by neighbor Cyndie Rokicki (the proposed-subdivision site is in the background, with the real-estate shingle):
Thanks to NP for the soccer report and photos: It was friendly-rivalry time at Walt Hundley Playfield in High Point on Thursday as West Seattle High School defeated Chief Sealth International High School 2-1, “with freshman Akili Kasim in the goal box along with a young team on the field.” NP adds, “It was nice to see a [retired] Sealth teacher (Mrs. C) giving the West Seattle goalie a hug after a great win!”
Next up for WSHS, Franklin comes to play @ Southwest Athletic Complex at 4 pm Tuesday; next up for Sealth, it’s back to Walt Hundley for a 3:30 pm game against Cleveland that day.
(Cameron Slader making the play at third base)
Next up for West Seattle High School baseball – they’re playing at Safeco Field on Saturday! This follows a Thursday pre-season loss to Ballard, 3-1, with photos and summary courtesy of Greg Slader (thank you!):
Pitching and defense did their job Thursday, but the offense still lacks the clutch hits. Ben Wexler pitched three innings as he relied on his defense to hold Ballard to one run:
(Ben Wexler throwing a strike)
Offense struggled again to get going as the Only RBI hit was late in the Game. The Wildcats left plenty of base runners stranded and had plenty of opportunities late in the game.Next game is Saturday 4 pm @ Safeco Field vs. Issaquah. Tickets are FREE, sit anywhere you want. Parking is ½ price. Come support the team!