day : 04/11/2013 10 results

Another ‘Team Tracy’: This time, fighting pancreatic cancer

(Click image for larger view; Tracy Burrows is the signholder in the center)
Another cancer-fighting “Team Tracy” has emerged in West Seattle – this time, rallying with the color purple, the official color of the fight against pancreatic cancer. The photo is shared by Madalyn, who explains the photo and its inspiration, as well as the namesake of this “Team Tracy,” who gathered for an event on Sunday:

Hi, my name is Madalyn Mincks and I live in West Seattle and I, like many of you, are friends and acquaintances of West Seattle’s Tracy Burrows. Tracy has been featured in our great West Seattle Blog on many occasions and she is extremely active with West Seattle High School’s PTSA, serving as President this year. In September, Tracy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and has recently completed her third round of chemotherapy at SCCA Clinic.

Tracy is one of the most inspiring, intelligent, humorous and positive people most of us have ever met. Our friendships and her courage brought together over 80 participants in support of Team Tracy yesterday morning.

I would like to share a photo from yesterday’s PurpleStride Walk/Run. Magnuson Park was a beautiful location and over $222,000 was raised in the fight against pancreatic cancer. It was a powerful and inspiring day! The event was also a way to to kick off November as National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month!

When I asked if Tracy would be okay with my posting of the photo, she said yes and further commented that “Hopefully it will be inspiring to other folks who are in this cancer fight along with me.”

The PurpleStride event raised money for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN). According to the event website’s homepage, Team Tracy was a top-5 fundraiser!

Medical-marijuana growers meeting in West Seattle to save their industry

As the state’s newly legalized recreational-marijuana industry gets closer to launch, the medical-marijuana industry says it’s fighting for its life – and a new group of growers is organizing, with its first meeting scheduled for West Seattle this week. The group is calling itself the Association of Cannabis Breeders and Growers, and organizer Chris Kelly of Green Lion Farms says they are inviting anyone and everyone interested in saving the medical-marijuana industry to come to its kickoff meeting at 8 pm Wednesday (November 6th) at the VFW Hall in The Triangle (3601 SW Alaska). (There’s a Facebook event page for the meeting here.)

Followup: Puerto Vallarta owner, 4 others charged with stolen-liquor trafficking

(WSB photo, September 26, taken while law enforcers were searching Puerto Vallarta)
Six weeks after the arrest of Eduardo Morales-Cardenas, owner of Puerto Vallarta in The Junction, for allegedly buying stolen liquor, he is now charged with two felonies. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office filed charges against Morales-Cardenas and four others this afternoon; he is charged with trafficking in stolen property and attempted trafficking in stolen property. Prosecutors are asking that bail for Cardenas-Morales be set at half a million dollars, though he has no criminal history. He is scheduled to answer the charges in King County Superior Court two weeks from today. We just received the charging documents and are reviewing them now .

ADDED: Charged along with Morales-Cardenas are Amber Vincent, Shaye Glenn-Nitschke, Eric Olson, and Michael Jensen. Jensen, Olson, Glenn-Nitschke and Vincent are charged with 2nd-degree organized retail theft, with the victim named as QFC; Jensen, Olson, and Vincent face a second version of that charge, with the victim named as Safeway; Jensen and Olson face a third version of that charge, this time against Costco. The charges against Morales-Cardenas mention Safeway and QFC. Here’s what the charging documents say happened:

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Congratulations, SWAC Cougars’ Juniors: The champs!

November 4, 2013 3:54 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Thanks to Seth Leaptrot for sharing the photo and word of West Seattle’s newest champions:

I am very proud to announce that West Seattle’s SWAC Cougars Junior football team, after an amazing 8-0 record in the regular season, have finished their season as the UNDEFEATED Greater Seattle Youth Football and Cheer CHAMPIONS!!

They finished the season on Sunday with a perfect 10-0 record, capped by a nail-biting championship game against the Beacon Hill Cowboys. The Cowboys led for the entire game, and were up by as much as 12 points, but the SWAC Cougars persevered, with a come-from-behind victory in the closing minutes of the 4th quarter, and winning the championship with a final score of 19-18. On behalf of the entire SWAC organization, I would like to congratulate all the SWAC Junior players and coaches for their hard work, perseverance on the field, and a phenomenal season!

Reminder: Child-safety meeting at Hope Lutheran tomorrow

November 4, 2013 2:16 pm
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 |   Safety | West Seattle news

One more reminder that tomorrow night is your chance to get free, expert advice on keeping your kid(s) as safe as possible. It’s the special event with Savvy Parents, Safe Kids, 6:30 pm Tuesday at Hope Lutheran; here’s our original announcement. (Hope is at 42nd/Oregon in The Junction.)

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Another charge filed against Michael Stanley

Another day in court today for Michael S. Stanley, the convicted rapist who cut off his monitoring bracelet and fled Canada, turning up eventually in West Seattle, arrested for harassment and under investigation for sexual assault. The City Attorney’s Office has added another charge to the case that started with harassment, when Stanley was arrested in an Admiral alley two weeks ago – he is now also charged with resisting arrest, and pleaded not guilty this morning. We have an inquiry out seeking more information on the new charge and will add it here when we have it; meantime, Stanley remains jailed, bail still set at $100,000, and he’s scheduled to return to Seattle Municipal Court in two weeks.

Stanley is not yet charged in the alleged sexual assault of a teenager who reported it to police after the harassment arrest, but our partners at The Seattle Times reported last week that Seattle Police have completed their part of the investigation and referred it to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.

West Seattle development updates: For-sale apartments approved; lot-split proposals; more

While much of WSB’s development coverage in the past few years has focused on the largest projects, neighborhoods are taking a keen interest in smaller projects too. We’re watching city files more closely these days too, after hearing from residents’ concerns that the process is hard to follow and often leaves them finding out about a change for their neighborhood when it’s too late to even try to be constructively involved in the process. So we’re expanding our ongoing development coverage. First today, one West Seattle project from today’s edition of the city’s twice-weekly Land Use Information Bulletin (to which you can subscribe via e-mail – follow that link and use the sidebar box):

(3829 California rendering by Caron Architecture, from final design-review meeting)
3829 CALIFORNIA SW APARTMENTS APPROVED, BUT … The land-use approval for this 29-apartment, 29-parking-space project is in. The site, however, remains listed for sale (as first reported here in August, two months after it passed Design Review), price reduced to $1.45 million from the original $1.6m. That doesn’t necessarily affect the city process, so the clock is now ticking on the two-week window for appeals; here’s the official approval notice. (map)

Now, three projects in city files seeking boundary changes related to smaller projects:

2420 WICKSTROM PLACE SW, ALKI: Just east of the “Alki 11” proposal that is now the subject of an appeal (reported here October 24), there’s a new filing to split one lot into three. The city file for the site shows a plan for a three-unit rowhouse and demolition of a duplex. (map)

7313 BAINBRIDGE: Another application to split one lot into three homes – as is not uncommon, depending on what other approvals are required – after construction has already begun.

The photo above is from this site just north of Lincoln Park, taken on Friday; construction is approved at this site for three single-family houses where one has been demolished. It’s yards away from the southeast border of six new single-family homes at 47th/Othello. (map)

4022 19TH SW, PIGEON POINT: A lot-boundary change has been pending here to create the sites of two new homes for which the developer is seeking construction permits, at 4022 and 4024 19th SW, on the 8,200-sf site of a century-old house at 4022. (map)

Two highly visible sites (on busy streets) where you will likely see teardown activity soon:

4101 SW OREGON, THE JUNCTION: Just east of the close-to-completion 131-unit Oregon 42 apartments, applications were filed last Wednesday to tear down an 86-year-old house and replace it with two 2-unit townhome buildings. The 4,500-square-foot lot is zoned Low-Rise 3. (map)

5457 FAUNTLEROY, FAIRMOUNT SPRINGS: The permit application is in for demolition of the 103-year-old house on this five-unit-rowhouse project with attached garages, which was approved last week, as reported here. (map)

Project in your neighborhood that you’re wondering about? E-mail us! WSB development coverage is all archived at, newest to oldest.

All about orcas! Special event with The Whale Trail

(Photo by Candace Emmons, NOAA Fisheries)
Our area’s resident orcas were seen in nearby waters three times this past week – the photo above, in fact, is from one of those days. And now, without even taking your binoculars to the shore, you have a chance to find out more about our local killer whales, courtesy of The Whale Trail and NOAA:

Killer Whales in Winter – Recent Findings about Range, Diet and Behaviors

Presentation by Brad Hanson, NOAA Fisheries
Tuesday, November 12, 2013, 7 – 9 PM (doors open 6:30), C & P Coffee (5612 California SW)
$5 suggested donation, kids free
Tickets available
Presented by The Whale Trail

Where do the southern resident orcas go during the winter? What do they eat? And how will that information help move this endangered population toward recovery?

Brad Hanson, NOAA Fisheries, will discuss the innovative research techniques that are being deployed to answer these and other key questions. Satellite telemetry and genetic analysis of prey and fecal sampling are providing new information about where the orcas are going, and what they are eating. LIke scientific detectives, Brad and his colleague are solving the mysteries that are critical to the orcas’ survival.

Join us on November 12 to hear first-hand about these research efforts, what the data are showing, and what it means for the long-term recovery of this population.

Brad is an ecologist with NOAA Fisheries Science Center, who studies the foraging and habitat use of Southern Resident killer whales.

This is the first in a new series of Orca Talks hosted by The Whale Trail in West Seattle.
The event also features updates from Robin Lindsay (Seal Sitters), and Diver Laura James ( and Puget Soundkeeper Alliance), and photography and art from Judy Lane.

Buy tickets ahead of time and we’ll save you a seat! And hurry – this will likely sell out.

West Seattle Monday: Ballot van; martial arts; sports trivia…

Dragon in the sky over West Seattle! In case you hadn’t seen that photo on the WSB Facebook page, we’re sharing it here too. Thanks to Viola from Wise Orchid Martial Arts for sharing it; she credits husband Rusel for the pic. Now, fiercely onward to highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

BALLOT-DROPOFF VAN: Why wait till the last day (tomorrow)? If you haven’t voted – or just haven’t sent your ballot yet – the ballot van is back in West Seattle today, 10 am-5 pm at West Seattle Stadium, 4432 35th SW. (If you’re off-peninsula during those hours, go here to find the list of other places you can drop off your ballot.) No stamp required if you take your ballot to a van or dropbox; it IS required if you use postal mail.

BEGINNING KARATE: Alki Community Center starts a new series of classes for ages 7 and up, 6 pm tonight. Details in our calendar listing. (5817 SW Stevens)

FREE SELF-DEFENSE CLASSES: Seattle Integrated Martial Arts is offering two free classes tonight at 6:15 and 7:15 pm – details in the calendar listing. (4159 Fauntleroy Way SW)

FAMILY STORY TIME: 6:30 pm at High Point Library, free and fun. (35th/Raymond)

FINANCIAL GOALS 101: Free workshop in the “Family Matters” series at Fauntleroy Church, 7 pm – details in our calendar listing, including how to RSVP. (9140 California SW)

SPORTS TRIVIA TEST RUN AT TALARICO’S: How about some sports trivia with your Monday Night Football? Phillip, who hosts Wednesday trivia at Talarico’s in The Junction, is going to try out Sports Trivia tonight, starting around 8 pm during MNF: “$2 per person. Cash prizes. Three Rounds of trivia. Over before 10 pm.”

Not in West Seattle but of interest:

WEST SEATTLE PHOTOGRAPHER’S NEW EXHIBITION: Christopher Boffoli‘s new “Big Appetites” photography exhibition “Amuse Bouche” has just opened at Winston Wächter Fine Art in South Lake Union. Christopher (longtime WSB contributor) says, “The exhibition – a continuation of work with tiny figures and food – features all new photographs shot over the past year in my West Seattle studio, as well as a few classics being presented in super-sized mountings for the first time (like the 48×72″ version of Macaron Team, which features Bakery Nouveau macarons).” The studio is open 10 am-5 pm Mondays-Saturdays. (203 Dexter Avenue N.)

See more of what’s up today, tonight, tomorrow, and WAY beyond, on our calendar!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Here are your Monday updates

November 4, 2013 6:07 am
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(East-facing camera on the West Seattle Bridge; see other cams on the WSB Traffic page)
And so we start the first full week of November! First, a reminder for Metro riders:

From Monday, November 4 through Tuesday, November 12, the bus stop westbound on Columbia St just east of 2nd Av will be closed at all times, due to construction.

During those times, board or exit the RapidRide C Line & route 125 to Westwood Village, and routes 21 Express to Arbor Heights, 55 to the Admiral District, 56 to Alki, 57 to the Alaska Junction and 120 to Burien at the temporary relocated stop southbound on 3rd Av just north of Columbia St.

Once leaving the stop on 3rd Av at Columbia St, southbound Viaduct buses will operate non-stop via their regular routing, with no other stops affected.

Another reminder: NEXT weekend brings a scheduled Alaskan Way Viaduct/Highway 99 closure, both ways between the West Seattle Bridge and Battery Street Tunnel, because of work on the Atlantic Street overpass, Friday night-Monday morning.

8:59 AM: Winding up the morning commute without anything out of the ordinary on routes to/through West Seattle. But remember that we add updates throughout the day if something DOES come up, and the newest daily report is always linked atop the WSB sidebar so you can find it to check.