West Seattle Crime Watch update: 2 gunfire investigations

10:29 PM: Police are investigating a report of gunshots fired toward or near a West Seattle home. No reports of any injuries, so far. We don’t have a hard and fast address for it yet, but one caller says it’s in the vicinity of 20th and Cloverdale (map), where similar incidents were reported recently. Per the scanner, witnesses reported a car resembling a gold Taurus headed northbound on 20th afterward.

WEDNESDAY MORNING UPDATE: Not long after that report, police now say, they got a second one, just a few blocks west, in the 2400 block of SW Thistle. A man said someone fired a shot at him from a passing vehicle – details are in this SPD Blotter update, which also includes the latest on the 20th/Cloverdale gunfire report, though police say they are not sure if the two are related.

31 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch update: 2 gunfire investigations"

  • pierre April 2, 2013 (10:35 pm)

    There were also 2 gunshots fired at 10pm around Evergreen HS

  • moji April 2, 2013 (10:40 pm)

    I heard three rounds of shots, sounded like from two different guns. Was walking my dog near 8th and Cloverdale, sounded like it was directly ahead of us, on the other side of the school. Heard a loud, smallish sounding car speeding south just after. Than a fire truck or two about 3 minutes later but the 911 log shows that response at 29th SW.

  • Corrina April 2, 2013 (10:43 pm)

    So – it is the same exact house that all of the other “non gang related” shootings have occurred. tonight I am pretty sure I either heard return fire or a second shooter not in the car.First there about three shots from a car that I heard speed away and then approx two to three more from a different location-sounded like my front door by the time I hit my front porch area. My husband having had enough of the ok corral happening around our family home went outside to ask when enough would be enough if one of us have to get shot – he was accosted by about eight to ten twenty something males that were inside and outside of the house of the shooting and also a neighbor across the street that screamed go home white man you don’t know sh@t along with other crappy stuff- seriously are my neighbors comfortable with getting caught in the cross fire of some juvenile delinquent crap – West Seattle / rat city people who will take back the night with me

  • Corrina April 2, 2013 (10:44 pm)

    also after the police left “someone” drove down the street slowly bumping their stereo and honking – felt threatening

  • gail April 2, 2013 (10:50 pm)

    I live on Delridge and I heard the three shots then I thought another three shots and a car speeding away. I called 911 a little after ten to report gun shots.

  • Repeat. April 2, 2013 (10:52 pm)


    Start a blockwatch if you guys are not already on one. If you don’t know if you have one near your place, contact Officer Jon Keihn at SW Precinct, or the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network, or Mark Solomon, the Crime Prevention Coordinator for the SW Precinct.

    They will have advice on how to deal.

  • B April 2, 2013 (10:55 pm)

    Corrina – I would call 911 and report them. Even if SPD just sends a unit to drive by making sure it’s all legit, it may be enough to silence the miscreants.

  • Noelle April 2, 2013 (11:13 pm)

    Wow Weeeeeeee 2nd night in a row . . . not good!!!

  • Truth April 2, 2013 (11:17 pm)

    I will get torched for this comment I’m sure but maybe
    It’s time to become a responsible gun owner. I have a CWP, I’ve received training, I practice at the range once every month or two, I have a biometric (finger print unlock) gun box and I feel like I could defend my home while maintaining a safe household!!! I am in NO WAY a gun nut or let’s arm America sort of guy but keep your home and your family safe. You never know when you are going to have a bunch of turds in front of your house and no police to help you!!! Corrina, it sucks you have to deal with this and take care of yourself, be safe and tell you husband to stay inside :-)

  • mookie April 2, 2013 (11:26 pm)

    Wonder if Marivel–who supposedly lives at that house–has anything to say about this happening again, and who the eight to ten 20-something males were at that house?
    Corrina I’m sorry that you and your other neighbors are dealing with this and feeling threatened, it’s got to be pretty damn scary.

  • westseattledood April 2, 2013 (11:53 pm)

    Find out about organizing a Block watche REGARDLESS of whether you have a permit to carry.

    The point is for neighbors to keep eyes and ears out for each other. And have summer barbeques or baby clothes yard sales when things are not quite so intense. ;)

  • Darryll April 3, 2013 (1:02 am)


    I live about 2 blocks away and am part of an active block watch. Let me know if you want to sync up and see if our blocks can start working together. We’d love to expand the network!

  • Marivel April 3, 2013 (2:18 am)

    Yea actually I do got something to say…all the people that were here were neighbors and family just so u guys know everything. And idk why this happened again does it look like we have a clue who is doing this if we had something to do with it we wouldn’t be calling the cops everytime something happens its just common sense.we been living in this house for 15 years now so don’t cone telling us we brought this to the neighborhood because it isn’t true

  • Bonnie April 3, 2013 (6:31 am)

    Don’t we see this location listed a lot?

  • ae April 3, 2013 (6:56 am)

    I heard 5 shots clearly from Sunrise Heights. So sorry for the people in that neighborhood, but Corrina, tell your husband to stay inside!! Call the police relentlessly!

  • justme April 3, 2013 (6:57 am)

    @Truth, I totally agree. No torching coming from me!

  • Mike April 3, 2013 (7:05 am)

    @Bonnie – Three times…that is ridiculous.

  • NewNeighborDlrdg April 3, 2013 (7:19 am)

    I am a new neighbor in this area and this worries me a lot. Do people around want to start a block watch?

  • Corrina April 3, 2013 (8:24 am)

    @daryll yes how do I contact you
    @marivel the undeniable truths are – the repetitiveness of the shooting indicates something hinky is going on and if you cared about the other families you would empathize with our fear of the situation not be angry at us for being fed up

  • Be kind to your neighbors April 3, 2013 (9:35 am)

    @marivel — perhaps you should try reaching out to your neighbors and asking for help, rather than trying to alienate them. If indeed you are fed up with being targeted and not knowing why, use the people around you and help them to know you. If people at your house are acting defensively and throwing cheap shots at neighbors for their concern, you are not going to find any sympathy. Be nice, and nice things will happen.

  • Cait April 3, 2013 (10:17 am)

    Marivel – people aren’t wrong for being suspicious if this is a noticeable pattern. Reach out and ask your neighbors for help and be as forthcoming as possibl.

  • Concerned April 3, 2013 (10:44 am)

    Ignorance does not equal innocence..
    It sounds like this might be a similar issue with a certian complex in my neighborhood….
    Seems like the older mothers stay inside most of the time, while the little kids and teenagers are outside causing all the noise and commotion.. Maybe the’re just as scared as all of us, who knows.. But turning a blind eye to it, makes them as guilty- IMO

  • West Seattle Block Watch Captains' Network April 3, 2013 (10:58 am)

    @daryll Can you contact me and I’ll connect you with Corrine. wsblockwatchnet@gmail.com

    Any other known blockwatches in this area?

    Thanks, Deb Greer

  • Corrina April 3, 2013 (11:10 am)

    also Marivel don’t get it twisted I do not have hatred for your family in fact you are in my nightly and daily prayers that this nonsense ends for all of us to be safe again

  • Doug April 3, 2013 (1:51 pm)

    I called in directly after the 2 strings of shots. This is really making me think about putting my house on the market. I know I live in the city, but gun fire on a regular basis is not something I want to deal with. God forbid my daughter gets shot by a stray round. I guarantee the shooter isn’t thinking about where those rounds end up, regardless if you are the target or not. It was a gold 4 door vehichle I saw speeding through my neighborhood. Really not sure if it had anything to do with this, just highly suspicious.

  • Darryll April 3, 2013 (11:54 pm)

    Corrina – I’ve sent my contact info to Deb from the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network. Please get in touch with her to get my info. I’m really looking forward to hearing from you and seeing what we can do when we get our communities talking!

    And thanks to you, too, Deb!


  • Corrina April 4, 2013 (9:11 am)

    awesome – thanks everyone

  • Connie April 5, 2013 (8:55 am)

    Marivel – In a Q13-Fox report from 03/17/13 you said your family was putting up security cameras and when I drove past your house yesterday I saw them in place . . . were you able to get any footage to share with police?


  • Dave April 5, 2013 (3:32 pm)

    “Per the scanner, witnesses reported a car resembling a gold Taurus headed northbound on 20th afterward.” I’ve seen a gold Ford Taurus around the area being driven by gang banger looking types. Driving agressively with an FU attitude. WA Plates: ADV62–

    • WSB April 5, 2013 (3:45 pm)

      We don’t publish full plate numbers for third parties unless it’s a police BOL. I hope you have provided that plate # to SPD.

  • paul April 9, 2013 (10:57 pm)

    I see alot of GANG UNIT cars around 17 and henderson

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