West Seattle scene: ‘Locked up’ to help fight muscular dystrophy

Around West Seattle today, there was an unusual number of “arrests” – and an unusual number of smiles associated with them. The occasion: The “lockup” fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Above, environmental health/safety specialist Christa Colouzis getting “arrested” at South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) at noontime today. That photo was shared by co-worker Marcia Mitchell; next photo, we went to the lock-up site – Talarico’s in The Junction – to see who we would find “behind bars”:

That’s Lora Swift from Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) – Lora tweeted the actual “arrest” – and David Groves from Seattle Logo Pro. Firefighters made the “arrests,” and then the “arrestees” were supposed to get MDA donations from friends, family, colleagues, whomever, to make “bail.”

2 Replies to "West Seattle scene: 'Locked up' to help fight muscular dystrophy"

  • Westcoastdeb November 9, 2012 (10:04 am)

    I’m fairly certain Uncle Mike was arrested too!

    • WSB November 9, 2012 (10:27 am)

      More than a few folks – but unfortunately we didn’t get any official announcement on this from MDA or organizers, we just got a couple individual tips, so we have no full list, and Lora & David are who we found when we went to Talarico’s to check out the “inmates.” Anybody involved in this in the future, send us a photo :) or at least a tip – otherwise we might not know about it! Thanks as always to everybody who shares info … TR

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