month : 03/2012 337 results

2nd meeting for K-5 STEM at Boren: More info, less attendance

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The second informational meeting for families interested in West Seattle’s new public school, K-5 STEM at Boren, was very different from the first one 2 weeks ago (WSB coverage here).

For one, tonight’s meeting was led by Seattle Public Schools assistant superintendent for teaching and learning Dr. Cathy Thompson (at left in top photo). The crowd at the first meeting was told that Dr. Thompson had been leading the school-creation project, but was unable to be there that night because a School Board meeting was scheduled concurrently. Tonight, no board meeting, so the West Seattle-residing district official was there, bubbling over with enthusiasm, as well as a message: Yes, it will obviously be a “leap of faith” for families to enroll their elementary schoolers in this new program, and they understand if someone decides against it.

Also different, but not surprising: While more than 300 people jammed the Schmitz Park Elementary cafetorium for the first meeting, our informal count noted maybe 100 in the more-spacious Denny International Middle School galleria tonight. Here’s our video of the meeting, unedited, in its entirety:

We’ll add the key toplines soon. One important point: If you are interested in being on the school’s Design Team, which Dr. Thompson says will include six district staffers, six parents, and three community representatives, tomorrow’s the deadline for applying. Those chosen, she said, will be notified March 9th, and the team’s first meeting – which will be open to the public – will be March 14th. Meantime, the March 13th meet-and-greet with principal Dr. Shannon McKinney (about whom we learned more tonight, too) is still on, 6:30 pm at Madison Middle School. And if you missed the link in a comment thread here this afternoon – the first FAQ about the new school is now on the district website.

ADDED 7:51 AM FRIDAY: More new info from the meeting:Read More

West Seattle schools: Denny, Sealth band concert ‘magical’

March 1, 2012 9:52 pm
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(Photo by Bruno Cross)
“Magical” is the word Chief Sealth International High School principal Chris Kinsey used to describe tonight’s concert, with 350 band musicians from his school and adjacent Denny International Middle School, whose principal Jeff Clark shared the quote, and the enthusiasm. Above, the Denny Senior Band, directed by Marcus Pimpleton (whose Golden Apple Award-acceptance ceremony was broadcast on KCTS 9 tonight, while he was directing his Denny and Sealth musicians in concert).

ADDED FRIDAY MORNING: Here’s senior John Aguilar directing Sealth bandmates:

And the Denny beginning/intermediate musicians:

P.S. Some of the Sealth musicians have a big gig Saturday night – playing at the annual auction presented by the CSIHS PTSA.

Help the West Seattle, White Center Food Banks now – and your donation goes further

Now that it’s March, it’s a particularly important time of year for you to help the two food banks that serve our area – the West Seattle Food Bank and White Center Food Bank (whose service area includes part of WS). The Feinstein Challenge is under way, a national program in which the food banks participate, with donations counting extra as a result. Here’s the official announcement:

The White Center Food Bank and West Seattle Food Bank are seeing a record number of families come to their doors for assistance. During March and April your donations to help neighbors in need can go farther.

For the 15th consecutive year, Allan Shawn Feinstein will divide $1,000,000 among hunger relief agencies nationwide through his Feinstein Challenge. All donations made between March 1 and April 30th, 2011, and that are specifically designated “Feinstein Challenge,” will count towards the challenge total and help these agencies receive a larger percentage of the million dollars.

For the White Center Food Bank, donations may be mailed to 10829 8th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98146. To make a donation online or for information about the White Center Food Bank’s programs benefited by the $1 Million Challenge, visit or contact Rick Jump at (206) 762-2848, or e-mail

For the West Seattle Food Bank, donations may be mailed to 3419 SW Morgan, Seattle, WA 98126. To make a donation online or for information about the West Seattle Food Bank’s programs benefited by the $1 Million Challenge, visit or contact Fran Yeatts at (206) 932-9023, or e-mail

For information about the Feinstein Foundation and the $1 Million Challenge, visit

Video: The Great Battery Roundup of 2012, updated

West Seattle diver/photographer Laura James has shared undersea stories here before – including previous reports on the ongoing project to get old batteries up and out of the water. Now the total number of batteries they’ve retrieved and recycled is into double digits, and Laura shares an update, in the five-minute video clip you can watch here. (For background info, there’s an FAQ of sorts on her website.)

ADDED 9:45 PM:
Commenter Nick asked how the batteries got down in the first place. We asked Laura – and she shared some additional info; read on:Read More

West Seattle businesses: Knows Perfume shutters storefront

Today was the final day for the Knows Perfume storefront in The Junction, according to spokesperson Ali Brownrigg. She says Knows owner Christen Cottam “has decided to transform her brick-and-mortar business into a more mobile incarnation, complete with private consultations and concierge services, both at a soon-to-be determined office space and at the perfume counters of major department stores .. Christen will continue to offer her popular series of classes, host Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Full Moon Parties, and has plans to launch an e-commerce site so shoppers can still purchase the indie and boutique fragrances they’ve come to love.” The store at 4536 California SW opened in May 2010.

Traffic update: Southbound 99 lanes all open now, says Metro

(Added 6:30 pm – photo courtesy Dan Murphy)
5:25 PM: Hearing this from multiple sources – a stalled or broken-down bus (one person says it’s a 56) is blocking a lane on southbound Highway 99 around S. Atlantic, so it’s much slower going out of downtown than usual. If you haven’t left yet, you might consider an alternate route TFN.

6:20 PM UPDATE: As commenters point out, this hasn’t cleared yet. Metro has just tweeted that 99-traveling buses are delayed. Two commenters have mentioned reroutes. Thanks again to everyone who texted/tweeted/called/e-mailed about this.

6:39 PM UPDATE: According to a tweet from Metro, all lanes of southbound 99 are now open.

Spraypark, park, P-Patch, all @ Highland Park Action Committee

(Courtesy SiteWorkshop – click for full-size PDF version)
The final design meeting for the Highland Park Spraypark was a big part of the agenda last night for the Highland Park Action Committee‘s second meeting of the year – but two other much-anticipated HP projects were discussed too: West Seattle Reservoir Park, and the new Westcrest P-Patch community garden (which has a design workshop coming up this weekend).

Toplines ahead:Read More

More booze news: West Seattle stores seeking suggestions

With three months to go till the hard-liquor business is fully privatized in our state, two local stores are asking your opinion regarding what they should stock. Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) has just announced an online survey asking which brands you’d like to see, including locally produced “craft” spirits – take the survey here. Meanwhile, West Seattle Thriftway is inviting you, via their home page, to e-mail your thoughts, particularly regarding “local craft liquor.” (While they’re not conducting surveys so far as we know, we also have reported that local QFC and Safeway stores have already applied for their licenses to sell liquor.)

Name that beer! Next West Seattle/White Center benefit brew

First came Löwman Bräu – then Whale Tail Ale … The next charity-benefiting brew to be debuted by the West Seattle/White Center beverage community is almost ready, and this time, YOU get a chance to name it! Jeff Gilbert from Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) – one of nine participating establishments – shares the announcement:


~ brought to you by ~ Big Al Brewing, The Feedback Lounge, West 5, Shadowland, Mission, The Bridge, Locöl, Beveridge Place Pub and Company Bar

It’s that time again and we’re about to premiere the third of three West Seattle/White Center charity beers crafted by BIG AL BREWING – and we’re inviting YOU to give it a name!

Last year we debuted LÖWMAN BRÄU (named after West Seattle’s Lowman Beach) and WHALE TAIL ALE (in homage to the famous whale tale sculpture on the Alki Elementary playground). This year the naming rights are given over to the West Seattle/White Center communities and all the prestige that comes with it!

Come up with a name that is West Seattle/White Center-centric and e-mail it to us. The author/authorette of the winning name will receive a $25 gift certificate from THE FEEDBACK LOUNGE, WEST 5, MISSION, SHADOWLAND, LOCÖL, BIG AL BREWING, THE BRIDGE, BEVERIDGE PUB PLACE and COMPANY BAR ($225 value), along with a T-shirt from each of these fine establishments ($150 value).

That’s not all:

Read More

Remembering West Seattle writer Mark Bourne, 1961-2012

Though his accomplishments and interests were certainly much broader, West Seattle writer Mark Bourne came to WSB attention over these past several years because of one quirky phenomenon: “The West Seattle Grouchos,” those Groucho Marx-photo cutouts that occasionally appear on local slopes. We pointed to his website just four weeks ago, after he wrote about a sighting at Walking on Logs, one of several times he had written about The Grouchos (including a 2008 article on

This morning, Amy e-mailed to share the news that Mr. Bourne died suddenly last weekend. She included the link to this website mentioning that family and friends were gathering for a small formal funeral this morning, with a larger celebration-of-life event being planned for later. Checking WSB archives, we also had mentioned Mr. Bourne several times when running and re-running a memorable photo of the Alki Statue of Liberty, pre-Plaza, that he shared back in 2007:

Mark Bourne was just 50 years old.

Sports notes: West Seattle Soccer Club signup deadline today; WS Little League ‘Draft Day’ Sunday

Two reminders from major local youth-sports organizations:

WEST SEATTLE SOCCER CLUB: Today is the last day for open registration for WSSC. More than 1,135 players and 180 coaches are already on board, according to the club’s website, but today’s the last chance to be guaranteed a spot; after today, signups are on a “space-available basis” only. Full registration details are here.

WEST SEATTLE LITTLE LEAGUE: Sunday (March 4) is WSLL “Draft Day,” with tryouts, number distribution, and other activities, starting at 8:45 am for the majors, 1:15 pm for the minors. The day’s full schedule is on the WSLL website.

West Seattle schools: Schmitz Park auction March 31st

March 1, 2012 10:43 am
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This morning, we’re continuing our ongoing series of school-fundraiser dinner/auction announcements – it’s a busy month, and they all welcome community support from beyond their immediate parents/staff/etc. circles. On March 31st, Schmitz Park Elementary PTA presents the “Livin’ the Island Life”-themed dinner/live auction/silent auction, 5 pm at South Seattle Community College‘s Brockey Center. From their note:

All proceeds from our auction benefit our amazing kids at Schmitz Park Elementary. The auction is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the PTA, so it’s a really big deal! Money raised allows us to support important programs like Singapore Math (unique to our school), Read Naturally, Writer’s Workshop, Visual Arts and Physical Education.

We are fortunate to have strong support from the West Seattle community with donations from businesses such as West 5, Junction True Value, Stella Ruffington’s, 8 Limbs Yoga, Salon Fauntleroy, West Seattle Karate, Bamboo Bar and Grill, Cactus, Mashiko’s (including WSB sponsors- Hotwire, C&P Coffee Company, Zippy’s, Tom’s Automotive Center, etc.).

They’re detailing auction “experiences” available to bidders here. (Haven’t sent us your school’s upcoming auction info yet?

West Seattle Thursday: K-5 STEM meeting #2; fix your bike…

(Photo by Karen (“Old Desolate” on Flickr) from the WSB Flickr group pool)>
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

ONE MORE REMINDER: As of today, the West Seattle Water Taxi‘s fare increase has taken effect (details here).

LOVE SOCCER? Starting today and all month long, the High Point Branch of the Seattle Public Library has a soccer-themed display with more than 50 soccer books, magazines, and DVDs available for check out! Items for children, teens, and adults—come on in and take a look! 3411 SW Raymond.

CHINESE CORNER: At the Seattle Chinese Garden, 6000 16th SW. 4-6 pm. Free introduction to Chinese language and culture. Learn basic Mandarin Chinese conversation words, learn about Chinese culture,join easy all-ages games and activities. Second of eight every-other-Thursday free sessions, 4-6 pm (here’s our preview story from last month).

FUNDRAISING ZUMBA: Last session for the West Seattle High School ASB fundraiser for the class of 2012, 5 pm, WSHS gym, all welcome, $7.

WINE, BEER, AND A FOOD TRUCK IN MORGAN JUNCTION: We think West Seattle Cellars says it well in their e-mail newsletter, regarding three events on the north side of Morgan Junction tonight (including WSC’s own tasting event 5:30-8 pm):

Speaking of Thursday night, we want to let you know about an exciting development in our little corner of West Seattle. You may not be aware that Beveridge Place Pub, just down the road, has a special beer event every Thursday night. Now our old friend Chris Collier is inviting customers from both tastings to enjoy some of his tasty hand-made food that night. Formerly at Mashiko, and later one of our wine reps, Chris has taken his fantastic food skills on the road with his “A Lunch in Hand” food truck: featuring tantalizing, gourmet meals, all wrapped up in easy-to-eat puff pastry. Beginning this week, he will be parked just down the road, at the Short Stop, on Thursday evenings, from 5:30 to 8:30. Check out his menu and then check out his truck!

FIXERS’ COLLECTIVE ON WHEELS: Bicycle-fixing is the focus tonight for the Fixers’ Collective at the West Seattle Tool Library, 6-9 pm.

‘CATCHING BABIES’: Movie presentation at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 6:30 pm. Full details on this Facebook event page. Hosted by PALS Doulas; filmmaker Barni Qaasim is scheduled to be in attendance.

CRIME PREVENTION: Rescheduled Arbor Heights Block Watch meeting, 6:30 pm, Arbor Heights Community Church.

K-5 STEM : Second informational meeting for K-5 STEM at Boren school, 7 pm, Denny Int’l Middle School (details here)

WINTER CONCERT: The Chief Sealth IHS/Denny IMS Winter Concert: Denny and Sealth concert bands perform at 7 pm in the Sealth auditorium (2600 SW Thistle). Light refreshments in the Commons before the concert, starting around 6:15.

Visions of Delridge’s future: Ideas for the ‘Brandon Node’

Many of West Seattle’s business districts are thoroughly developed. Not Delridge’s “Brandon Node,” the commercial (etc.) district centered around Delridge/Brandon (check out this photo tour). Wednesday night, community leaders issued an open invitation to come to one of that area’s newest businesses, Martin’s Way, and join an open house “visioning” the district’s future. It was a casual gathering, with four stations set up, each a place to offer answers to a key question.

While there for the first hour, here’s what we saw:

Question: How can the Brandon Node be better improved to support existing and future local businesses?

Answers included: sidewalk café, color-coordinating business buildings to show they are businesses, planter boxes, mailboxes, better lighting, starting a business organization.

Question: What do you love about living or working in Delridge? How could the Brandon Node become a destination for all West Seattle?

Answers included: Diversity, access to Longfellow Creek and Camp Long.

Question: What types of food options would you like to see in Delridge? Would you personally shop at a grocery or food co-op in the Brandon Node?

Answers included: Grocery, bakery, deli, healthy fast food.

Question: What types of products and services would you like to buy in the Brandon Node? What types of businesses would you support in the Brandon Node?

Answers included: Bakery, laundromat, produce stand, farmers’ market, grocery, & child care.

Parie Hines from the North Delridge Neighborhood Council – which co-sponsored the visioning session, along with the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council – told us she would gather up the evening’s suggestions and ideas and take them back to the existing businesses, while working further on helping the existing business owners get to know each other better. They’ll also be used in conversations with the city and others who are interested in helping the area grow.

ADDED FRIDAY MORNING: As noted, we were only able to stay for the first hour, but the event continued for another hour and a half beyond that, and you can see photos taken by Holli Margell here (including some of the butcher-paper notes with even more community suggestions).

West Seattle school auctions ahead: Lafayette on March 17th

March 1, 2012 1:03 am
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As mentioned earlier, we’re sharing the news of three more school auction/dinner events for which we received announcements in the past day or so. Here’s the second one – Lafayette Elementary‘s “Raisin’ the Green” (on St. Patrick’s Day):

The Lafayette Elementary School PTA will host an auction to help support its ongoing fundraising efforts. The event, “Raisin’ the Green”, will take place at The Hall at Fauntleroy on March 17, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. It will feature dinner, cocktails, silent and live auctions, dessert dash, live music, and prize drawings.

Lafayette Elementary families and local community members are invited to attend this exciting event! Tickets are available now for $60 per person. Ticket price includes dinner, bid number, and a complimentary beverage. Purchase tickets online (here), or by following the link on the school web site at

For more information about the “Raisin’ the Green” auction, visit the auction website.