Visions of Delridge’s future: Ideas for the ‘Brandon Node’

Many of West Seattle’s business districts are thoroughly developed. Not Delridge’s “Brandon Node,” the commercial (etc.) district centered around Delridge/Brandon (check out this photo tour). Wednesday night, community leaders issued an open invitation to come to one of that area’s newest businesses, Martin’s Way, and join an open house “visioning” the district’s future. It was a casual gathering, with four stations set up, each a place to offer answers to a key question.

While there for the first hour, here’s what we saw:

Question: How can the Brandon Node be better improved to support existing and future local businesses?

Answers included: sidewalk café, color-coordinating business buildings to show they are businesses, planter boxes, mailboxes, better lighting, starting a business organization.

Question: What do you love about living or working in Delridge? How could the Brandon Node become a destination for all West Seattle?

Answers included: Diversity, access to Longfellow Creek and Camp Long.

Question: What types of food options would you like to see in Delridge? Would you personally shop at a grocery or food co-op in the Brandon Node?

Answers included: Grocery, bakery, deli, healthy fast food.

Question: What types of products and services would you like to buy in the Brandon Node? What types of businesses would you support in the Brandon Node?

Answers included: Bakery, laundromat, produce stand, farmers’ market, grocery, & child care.

Parie Hines from the North Delridge Neighborhood Council – which co-sponsored the visioning session, along with the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council – told us she would gather up the evening’s suggestions and ideas and take them back to the existing businesses, while working further on helping the existing business owners get to know each other better. They’ll also be used in conversations with the city and others who are interested in helping the area grow.

ADDED FRIDAY MORNING: As noted, we were only able to stay for the first hour, but the event continued for another hour and a half beyond that, and you can see photos taken by Holli Margell here (including some of the butcher-paper notes with even more community suggestions).

12 Replies to "Visions of Delridge's future: Ideas for the 'Brandon Node'"

  • sam-c March 1, 2012 (8:39 am)

    is Martin’s Way open for business yet? drvien by a couple times and it is hard to tell. looking forward to the chai.

  • PBBaer March 1, 2012 (9:21 am)

    Yes, Vik, owner informed me last night they are open daily between 3 PM – 7 PM

  • AEL March 1, 2012 (9:23 am)

    Yes they are open. If the lights are on, then I would say drop in.

  • photon March 1, 2012 (9:25 am)

    sam-c — Nikhi said they are currently open 3-7 pm every day. I didn’t clarify if that meant they are open 7 days/week or if those are their hours each day they are open. I can say that the coffee with their fancy sugar was super yummy.

    Thanks to NDNC and DNDC for an excellent event! It was packed later in the evening, and I had many great conversations with fellow businesspeople and neighbors alike. The boards were full of hope and good ideas; so encouraging to see (yet again) the passion we all have for this neighborhood.

  • Delridgia March 1, 2012 (9:35 am)

    How many showed up for this open invitation event?

  • Jay March 1, 2012 (9:43 am)

    They are open, although with limited hours – typically 3-7pm. I had a great conversation with the owners last night. Please do drop by to meet them and see what they’re selling. There are some pretty amazing spices. I’m planning on buying some habanero sugar to make brownies this weekend!

  • Justin March 1, 2012 (10:07 am)

    We’re moving to West Seattle in a couple of weeks, and I’m pretty excited about participating in this and seeing how the community develops.

  • Look4wrd March 1, 2012 (12:31 pm)

    Bring back the Gutierrez taco truck that used to be next to the Super 24 convenience store. I loved their cheap pork tacos.

    * But seriously, good food is the magnet for revitalizing small neighborhood commercial areas. Look at Columbia City, White Center along 16th, or for a smaller example NW 65th St between 3rd and 8th Ave NW in Ballard.

    * Another potential neighborhood strengthener is the proposed bikeway along 26th Ave SW. It runs out of street a few blocks south of Brandon. Maybe a way can be found to have it turn and continue along Delridge through the Node. Or at least make clear the connection between the bikeway and the Node.

    * Lastly, find a way to strengthen the connection between SSCC and the Node.

  • Karrie March 1, 2012 (3:01 pm)

    Justin and Look4wrd, I hope you will both bring your energy and great ideas to NDNC meetings or find other ways to get involved. There are many avenues to plug in here. Please pursue!

    I am working on starting a business association in Delridge so anyone who freelances, works from home, owns a business on Del Way or in the community, please, contact me via the NDNC and ask to be put on the business association list so I can contact you. We hope to have a table at the Town Hall event with the Mayor on March 13th at Youngstown to gather more interest in a del biz assn.

    Great to see such a large turnout. The picture was taken before a lot more folks arrived. Delridgia, I’ll ask organizers for a count.

    Some great ideas were captured and there was a feeling of possibility in the room. If you want to get involved, now is the time!

  • DelridgeV March 2, 2012 (8:18 am)

    Many thanks to the organizers of this wonderful event, NDNC and Delridge Dist Council rock! The time, effort, and creativity spent putting this together resulted in an inspirational evening. Spirits are high and energy abounds and I hope as a neighborhood we can keep the momentum going forward!

  • Karrie March 2, 2012 (10:52 am)

    Delrigia, I asked for a count and it sounds like we had between 40-50. Some of our Del Way biz owners expressed interest but could not attend for various reasons.

    Look4wrd, so glad you connected with the NDNC! Looking forward to meeting you in person.

    Holli posted more pics on our “North Delridge Neighborhoods” Facebook page. Check out Parie’s awesome 3-D map of the Node.

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