month : 02/2012 311 results

West Seattle Tuesday: Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

(Via the WSB Flickr group pool, by “Chroni,” who says the trees are on Pigeon Point, near Pathfinder K-8)
The list of official events is a little shorter than usual today, as some organizations/businesses made calendar changes this month to facilitate Valentine’s Day celebrations. (For example, the Fauntleroy Community Association met last week (WSB coverage here), and the Admiral Neighborhood Association delayed its meeting a day, to 7 pm Wednesday.) Here’s what IS on the list for today/tonight:

BRIDGE CLOSURES AND OTHER ROAD WORK: An especially intense week continues. If you drive through the Morgan Junction/Lincoln Park area on Fauntleroy Way SW, it’s the second day of work on the “transit corridor” project to facilitate this fall’s launch of RapidRide bus service. Here’s our on-scene report from Monday, with more details. … Avalon Way again will have restrictions/detours today, 9 am-4 pm, explained here … Two West Seattle Bridge closures overnight again tonight: The eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct is closed east of the 1st Avenue South offramp, 9 pm-5 am (details here); the Fauntleroy Expressway (southwest end of the bridge) has an overnight closure those same hours, detailed here (and yet another reminder that this coming Sunday, THE FAUNTLEROY EXPRESSWAY WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY).

LIBRARY STORY TIMES: Two this morning – Toddler Story Time at 10:30 am at West Seattle (Admiral) Library and Baby Story Time at Southwest Library at 11:30 am; links and info reachable via the Seattle Public Library Calendar of Events.

‘HAVE A HEART DAY’ AT ILLUSIONS: As of last report, a few spots were left for Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor)’s “Have a Heart Day” – half the proceeds from all services today go to Pencil Me In for Kids, noon-8 pm. Call ASAP to see if any spots are left: (206) 938-3675

LOVE TREES AND OTHER GROWING THINGS? : Health and Harvest Tours at Community Orchard of West Seattle are 2-4 pm on Tuesdays, details here

VALENTINE’S NIGHT NATURE WALK: Naturalist Stewart Wechsler‘s “Salamander Love Night” nature tour at Camp Long, 6:30 pm (more info here)

NIGHTLIFE, WITH SOME VALENTINE CHANGES: Special Valentine’s dinner at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) – call to check if there’s still room … Skylark Café and Club also has a special dinner menu tonight … Rock music/pop culture trivia at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm … “Geeks Who Drink” pub quiz at The Wing Dome in The Junction, 8 pm … Trivia at The Bridge, $2 registration beginning at 8 pm and play starting at 8:30 pm. … Free pool at Beveridge Place Pub, plus discounts on bottled Belgian beer … Starlight songwriter showcase at Shadowland, 9 pm.

Be a literacy volunteer at local schools! Training tomorrow

To be able to read well is a gift so many of us take for granted. You can celebrate that gift by sharing it with local students — become a literacy volunteer. Jennie Morrison e-mailed us with news that she is facilitating volunteer training tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon/evening, 3:45-6:15 pm at Concord International School in South Park – part of Seattle Public Schools‘ greater West Seattle service area – along with district literacy coach Dan Coles and Washington Reading Corps member Laura Rodriguez. They’d love to see you too. Jennie explains, “The goal of the training is to support community volunteers at local schools with resources and best practices to use as they work with struggling readers. We are doing outreach to our existing volunteer pool, but would also like to connect with the West Seattle community about this opportunity.” If you have the time and inclination, here’s the flyer with more information, including how to RSVP.

West Seattle development: Youngstown Flats crane to arrive

February 14, 2012 3:20 am
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 |   Delridge | Development | West Seattle news

The biggest construction project under way in West Seattle right now is scheduled to move to a new phase this week with the arrival of its crane, possibly as soon as today. We talked recently with Maria Barrientos and Steffenie Evans from the Youngstown Flats project at 26th/Dakota for some quick updates, including the crane status. The 193-apartment project’s general contractor, Absher Construction, created animation showing the order in which sections of the building are going up (the crane’s arrival is noted at 26 seconds in):

As discussed previously, art plays a big role in the project. The biggest pieces are about to be commissioned – sizable sculptures to be displayed in a prominent spot yet to be finalized. The project team also is still awaiting its date with the Seattle Design Commission to review its plan for improvements on the undeveloped street end immediately west of the site. Youngstown Flats is in its fourth month of construction and due for completion in spring of next year.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Alleged DUI crash; ‘alley escape’

Two more West Seattle Crime Watch items tonight:

First: Police say they arrested a driver for suspected DUI in The Junction early this evening. WSB contributor Katie Meyer talked with officers at the scene, and took the photo above. Katie reports that, according to police and witnesses, the driver was headed westbound on SW Edmunds from California and made a too-wide right turn onto Edmunds, hitting the front of an occupied vehicle waiting at the stop sign, then continuing up over the curb and grass into the parking lot on the south side of the TrueValue store. No serious injuries reported.

Tonight we also have an “alert neighbor calls 911” report. Though this one didn’t end like the one from Puget Ridge earlier today, the person who e-mailed us about it thought you might want to be on the lookout for the people, and MO, they saw:Read More

Greenways in West Seattle: Help lead the way, this Sunday

(October 2011 photo courtesy Mike Dady)
What started as a seed of an idea in North Delridge last fall – turning 26th SW into a “neighborhood greenway,” an idea that drew City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw to the bicycle tour in the photo above – is now sprouting into something bigger, involving more of West Seattle, and you’re invited to a gathering this Sunday to help the idea keep growing. The announcement comes from local bicycling activist Stu Hennessey:

The neighborhood greenway movement in Seattle has been gaining a lot of momentum lately. Neighborhood greenways are routes which provide safe connections for bicyclists and pedestrians between neighborhoods, and to schools, parks, shopping and other destinations. Often they are located on quiet streets parallel to busy arterials, and include traffic calming measures, protected crossings, pocket parks, and other elements that make the route safer and more pleasant for everybody.

The city of Seattle has committed to funding eleven miles of greenways in 2012, and twelve new miles per year thereafter. Because of the work of several local advocates, two West Seattle routes are under consideration for 2012: 21st ave SW between the West Seattle Bridge and White Center, and 26th Ave SW along the Longfellow Creek Trail through North Delridge. This is just a beginning: we hope to form a vision of bicycle and pedestrian connectivity through West Seattle as a whole, and prioritize greenway routes for future development.

Please join us at Pearl’s Coffee this Sunday, Feb 19 at 3 pm (Pearl’s is located at 4800 Delridge Way SW). We’ll meet with neighbors from around West Seattle to begin discussing our vision for bicycle and pedestrian routes throughout our part of the city. Hope to see you there!

Metro route restructuring: Meetings this week; SSCC petition

If you have something to say about Metro‘s latest revision of West Seattle route restructuring, as announced February 1st, your best opportunities are this week: Metro will be in West Seattle for one briefing and two open houses; the briefing is at the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting, 7 pm Wednesday, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center; the open houses are 6-8 pm Wednesday at Madison Middle School and 6-8 pm Thursday at Chief Sealth International High School. Metro had an info table today at South Seattle Community College, a hotbed of concern over the new plan (as voiced at this month’s Southwest District Council meeting) because it would leave SSCC with no direct weekend service to and from downtown. The college is circulating a petition – which you can sign here – and president Gary Oertli also has sent the school community a memo. Read it, ahead:Read More

Also from Olympia: Sen. Nelson’s ‘Safe Products Act’ advances

February 13, 2012 5:01 pm
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 |   Environment | Safety | West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

While the biggest spotlight in Olympia today on the marriage-equality signing, we just got word of a children’s-health bill, sponsored by this area’s State Sen. Sharon Nelson, that’s advancing despite what her announcement says is heavy industry opposition. Read on for the latest on the Children’s Safe Products Act:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police arrest burglary suspects after neighbor’s tip

(Photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
Thanks to everybody who e-mailed us about what turned out to be another case of a watchful neighbor tipping police to a burglary. It happened in the Puget Ridge area; police at the scene near 18th and Brandon told us they had five people in custody. Here’s how SPD says it unfolded: A neighbor called around quarter till noon to say two people who had arrived in a car were kicking in a door, then while police were on the way, the neighbor called back to say both suspects were in the house. Police got there and wound up taking five people into custody, all apparently headed to the precinct for questioning. Too soon to know if there’s any chance they are connected to other break-ins, but we’ll follow up.

ADDED 3:10 PM: A little more info from Lt. Pierre Davis at the Southwest Precinct, who declares this, “Our West Seattle community and police partnership at work again” – He says, “Our officers, upon getting the info via 911, was able to locate and make the stop of the suspect vehicle. Upon the stop of the vehicle, two of the suspects fled on foot but were later apprehended by investigating officers. The witness was able to ID the subjects and their vehicle.”

West Seattleites watch as governor signs marriage-equality bill

(Photo by KING 5’s Drew Mikkelsen, via Twitter)
Minutes ago in Olympia, Governor Gregoire signed the marriage-equality bill. West Seattleites there to witness history included King County Executive Dow Constantine and Anne Levinson, who shared this photo:

Constantine’s official statement:

This is an historic day for our state, as we finally recognize the equality and protect the rights of all the people of Washington.

We can all take pride in our status as the seventh state in the U.S. to recognize that marriage is a basic civil right.

This legislation has been fully and fairly debated. I congratulate Governor Gregoire for signing it into law.

No doubt this law will be challenged. I will work in whatever capacity I can to ensure its approval by Washington voters, just as I fought against the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act” more than a decade ago.

I look forward to the day when I can sign King County’s first marriage license for a same-sex couple.

A referendum petition drive is expected, which would mean no weddings until and unless voters upheld the law in November. Meantime, other reaction includes this from West Seattle-residing City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen: “”This achievement is the result of decades of tenacious and courageous work by people throughout Washington. I especially want to thank Sen. Ed Murray, who has worked tirelessly for fairness and equality for the passage of this landmark law.”

ADDED 2:11 PM: We’ve also heard from West Seattle’s King County Councilmember Joe McDermott, who shared the photo above:

“Arriving at today’s bill signing was a long road. It took almost three decades to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered individuals had the same basic civil rights and protections as every other Washingtonian.

“But that hard work and years of debate brought us to today.

“Business, faith, civic and labor organizations, straight allies, and gay and lesbian advocates worked together and demanded equality. This morning their applause echoed through the Capitol.

“I commend Governor Gregoire for sharing her own personal journey and championing this historic legislation. She, like many people, realized marriage equality is about fairness and justice.

“Washington now joins only six other states granting lesbian and gay couples the same legal right to a marriage license as straight couples. And I look forward to marrying my partner, Michael, in the great state of Washington.”

He and Michael are in this photo with Executive Constantine and Anne Levinson (who were also shown above):

More details on today’s signing, and what’s next, in this Seattle Times (WSB partner) story.

West Seattle Trader Joe’s: April 13th reportedly set for opening

We got a note over the weekend saying that Trader Joe’s has set April 13th – two months from today – as opening date for its long-awaited, long-under-construction West Seattle location (4545 Fauntleroy Way SW). The sender did not want to be identified, but we did some checking and have multiple reasons to believe they’re reliable. Before mentioning this, we wanted to give the company a chance to confirm/deny, but as with other inquiries in recent months, no reply. (They tend to go into quiet mode at this phase of the game, we’ve heard from others covering under-construction stores, as they assemble the staff and go into the final work phase.) We reported back in December that another source gave us a guesstimate of early spring, and this is in line with that. Plus – most other regional openings have been on Fridays – and April 13th is, yes, Friday the 13th – so we’re sharing this info with you with the caveat that, as with many things on projects like this, it may well change. (You’ll recall that when work began at the site last year, the store was expected to open in late 2011; the last time we got a company reply to an inquiry was in September, when they confirmed it would not be open till 2012.) As for when a formal announcement of the opening date might come – hard to say – when TJ’s opened in Ballard, for example, it simply appeared as a sign on the window one day.

Video: 1st phase of West Seattle RapidRide stops/stations work

Along Fauntleroy Way just across from the central Lincoln Park parking lot, a contractor working for SDOT is tearing up the sidewalk concrete as the first phase of work to put in RapidRide-ready stops and stations begins. We just talked with SDOT’s Mike Ward at the site for more details beyond the traffic-alert advisory issued last week.

The first phase of work will move from Fauntleroy/Rose (map) moving north to California/Findlay (map) over the next two weeks or so – but NOT simultaneously; this crew will do concrete-demolition work one zone at a time in all six zones along that stretch, and once the demolition work is done over the next few days, another crew will follow to put in the foundation for the RapidRide stops/stations. (So if you see a torn-up spot, with no one there working to fix it, don’t despair, that’s a separate crew and they’ll be following up in a matter of days, Ward says.)

Along the Lincoln Park-vicinity stretch – Fauntleroy/Rose, Fauntleroy/Webster, Fauntleroy/Myrtle – on the outbound (northbound) side, the work will result in new shelters, benches, and signage; it’s all being done in the sidewalk/planting-strip zone, not in the road. On the inbound (southbound) side, they’re generally paving over a section of planting strip for placement of a bench and signage. There’s no real-time bus-status info planned on this stretch (that requires a separate type of signage as well as wiring).

Effects in the work zones, which again, are generally about a block at a time (Fauntleroy/Rose demolition work may be done as soon as noon today, and the crew will move north): Traffic is reduced to one lane each way. The sidewalk is closed where the demolition work is being/has been done, so if you’re walking in the area, you may have to cross to the other side, and then cross back again outside the work zone. There may be short-term temporary bus-stop and no-parking signage. No night work, no weekend work in this phase, Ward says. He also says the work schedule is not yet set for the next phases further north, which will go beyond stations/stops and bulbs when it gets to SW Alaska, where rechannelization (to create a transit lane) and signal-timing work also are part of the plan. He also says King County is handling the station/stop work on the southernmost part of the lane, south of where SDOT’s contractor started today; we’ll be checking on their timetable. RapidRide, replacing Route 54, is scheduled to launch in September.

Happening now: Rally north of West Seattle ‘low bridge’

(Photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand, added 10:30 am)
As of about 9:30 am, our crew estimated the crowd at the rally by the fishing bridge north of the West Seattle “low bridge” at about 100 people. Police are there to monitor in case of traffic road effects, but none are reported so far. The rally is a show of support for independent port truckers who are off the job in protest of safety and other concerns. More to come. (Added) Turnout was up to about 200 by 10 am.

EARLY TUESDAY: Here’s a closer look at the rally and the ongoing dispute, from our partners at the Seattle Times.

West Seattle flower shop (and more) Fleurt: New WSB sponsor

“We have a standing joke at Fleurt that we would be wealthy if we collected a penny for every ‘ooh and aahh’ we hear when customers walk through the store. The saying ‘stop and smell the roses’ is alive and flourishing at Fleurt,” says Sam (left), proprietor of the Junction store we’re welcoming as a new WSB sponsor on this Valentine’s Day eve.

Sam explains, “Fleurt is a full-service flower shop. We specialize in weddings, events, funerals and deliveries. We do business a little different to most other flower shops out there. I have built strong relationships with local flower growers. Most of our flowers come from washington farms, direct to Fleurt. We don’t belong to any network which means we create flowers that are not so generic and cookie-cutter. We also have the flexibility to buy from who and what we want to best serve our customers. In turn, our customers value and appreciate our style, ethics and philosophy. Every customer that walks through the door or calls to place an order inspires me to grow and be persistent in spite of a very difficult and competitive marketplace where flower shops struggle everyday.

But, she says, Fleurt is more than a full-service flower shop. “Customers love the Fleurt chalkboard out the front where we announce new product arrivals and special events and Fleurt happenings. Customers are always surprised to find that Fleurt not only sells gorgeous flowers, but I carry many unusual gifts and home decor items that are not found elsewhere. Seattle Magazine named Fleurt one of the ‘best new shopping finds’ in Seattle 2011. People are always amazed by our visual presentation and merchandising within the store. We are a great source for creative decorating and gift ideas and I strive to change up the store every few weeks with new product arrivals. We are always adding and switching things around to keep things exciting and fresh. Many of our products are created by local designers and artisans, as well as vintage finds that have been re-purposed.”

Fleurt is at 4461 California SW. Fleurt will be open special extended hours for Valentine’s Day, 8:30 am-6:30 pm Tuesday, and is still accepting Valentine orders – which you can place online 24 hours a day.

We thank Fleurt for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here. (Photo by Donna Ryan Photography)

West Seattle Monday: New road work; neighborhood meetings…

(Click for larger view)
Gatewood photographer/pilot Long B. Nguyen shares that view of the Lowman Beach area – in the news tonight with another design meeting for the sewer-overflow-control project that will be built where you see a block of residences across from the beach park now. Here’s the full list of what’s on the schedule today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

BRIDGE CLOSURES AND OTHER ROAD WORK: There’s LOTS going on. If you drive through the Morgan Junction/Lincoln Park area on Fauntleroy Way SW, crews are starting work on the “transit corridor” project to facilitate this fall’s launch of RapidRide bus service. They’re scheduled to work in the daytime, with some lane restrictions expected; details here. … Avalon Way is scheduled for restrictions/detours today, 9 am-4 pm, explained here … Two West Seattle Bridge closures overnight tonight: The eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct is closed east of the 1st Avenue South offramp, 9 pm-5 am (details here); the Fauntleroy Expressway (southwest end of the bridge) has an overnight closure those same hours, detailed here (and remember – NEXT SUNDAY, IT’S CLOSED ALL DAY).

PORT TRUCKERS RALLY: Just east of the east end of the “low bridge,” port truckers and supporters are scheduled to rally at 9 am by the Spokane Street Fishing Bridge (here’s our Sunday preview).

ADMIRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT MEETING: 4 pm, the Benbow Room @ Heartland Café, with the agenda including officer elections. Details on the Admiral District Facebook page.

ZUMBA FUNDRAISER AT WSHS and other dates: West Seattle High School ASB fundraiser for the Class of 2012 – Zumba classes open to all, 5-6 pm today, Thursday, Feb. 28, and March 1 in the WSHS gym, $7/class or 2 for $10.

NDNC MEETING: North Delridge Neighborhood Council meeting, 6:30 pm, Delridge Library, agenda (see it here) includes update on Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association.

DESIGN MEETING FOR OVERFLOW-CONTROL PROJECT: Fourth meeting of the Design Advisory Group for the Murray combined-sewer-overflow control facility project across from Lowman Beach. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fauntleroy Church, 9140 California SW.

PPNC MEETING: Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council meets at Pathfinder K-8 School cafeteria, 7 pm

WEST SEATTLE TEEN IN NATIONAL COMPETITION: Andrew Borracchini represents Admiral Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) – and the entire state! – in the grocery-bagging national championships in Las Vegas (see most recent WSB story here).

NIGHTLIFE: Trivia with Brian Calvert at Christo’s on Alki, 7 pm … Karaoke with Kelli at Skylark Café and Club, 9 pm … Also at 9 pm, the “Flat Earth Society” weekly vinyl DJ’ing at West 5 features Eric EagleTalarico’s has karaoke @ 9:30 pm.

West Seattle weekend scene: Ruffled feathers in South Alki

No, this great blue heron isn’t all riled up into a grumpy blue heron. Alki photographer David Hutchinson explains the bird was just “shak(ing) the water off after a morning fishing expedition in Constellation Park.”

Video: WestSide Baby Tea cup runneth over – to $175,000

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

WestSide Baby‘s experiment in moving the annual Benefit Tea outside West Seattle/White Center, to enable more to attend (and theoretically, to donate), paid off in a big way:

WS Baby executive director Nancy Woodland made that announcement onstage at the Hilton Seattle Airport Conference Center with emcee Ian Lindsay at the end of this afternoon’s event. The preliminary tally of almost $175,000 was 40 percent higher than their goal.

It was facilitated in no small part by a round of raise-the-paddle donations:

They ranged from one teagoer’s pledge of $10,000, to many promising $311 – a number suggested by an anonymous donor who promised to match up to $10,000 worth of individual $311 donations – to smaller sums.

Each one of those is important, declared guest speaker Kathy LeMay, a “philanthropic expert” who said she had come from an upbringing more in a position to need donations than to give them.

Read More

The WSBeat: Restroom rage; bizarre bike theft; more

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

As always, the WSBeat summaries are from reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers, beyond ongoing WSB breaking-news (etc.) coverage:

*Faced with a locked restroom door at a Westwood Village store, an anxious customer knocked and asked the person inside to hurry. After some time, the door opened. The occupant grabbed the knocker’s sunglasses and punched him in the face with a closed fist. The victim punched back, and the suspect exited the building. He was described as white, aged 50-64, about 6’2”, slim, with brown hair. He wore a brown baseball cap, brown shirt, and brown pants.

*Friday afternoon, a cyclist was riding his custom bicycle through the Alaska Junction and was hailed by a man who got off a bus. When the rider stopped, the man punched him in the face, knocked him off the bike, hopped aboard, and rode north in the alley toward SW Oregon St. The suspect is described as white, aged 30-49, 6’5” with fair complexion and blonde or strawberry short hair. He wore a red sweater and blue pants. The bike is worth about $1,600.

Six more summaries, ahead:Read More

Video: Fans go ape at Pink Gorilla Games’ grand-opening party

EDITOR’S NOTE: We work with student reporters from the UW News Lab from time to time, as do many publications around Western Washington. One student journalist suggested a closer look at West Seattle’s only vintage-video-games (and more) store, and here’s the result.

Story and video by John Jinneman
University of Washington News Lab
Special to West Seattle Blog

The store’s actual opening in mid-January came in wintry weather. But on the bright and sunny first weekend of February, Pink Gorilla Games held its West Seattle grand opening event, full of excitement.

On both days visitors were treated to snacks while they made purchases or hung out and played games. Customers could also get raffle tickets by joining Pink Gorilla’s Facebook page or buying merchandise.

After closing on Sunday, Feb. 5, they contacted winners – with the grand prize, a $100 gift card.

“The community really appreciates us, and that’s what really helps,” said Paublo Smith, co-owner and operator of Pink Gorilla Games West Seattle branch.

Read More

West Seattle man performs with Pacific NW Ballet – without dancing

Story and photo by Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

The baristas at Bird On A Wire Espresso probably know Allen Galli better than the average Seattleite, but this actor and West Seattle resident is getting national attention for his role as “Sancho Panza” in Pacific Northwest Ballet’s current production of “Don Quixote,” which wraps with a 7 pm performance tonight.

The attention is due to this production’s unique concept and staging by international dance superstar Alexei Ratmansky. What’s unique about this ballet is that two of the main characters: Don Quixote, played by Tom Skerritt, and Galli’s Sancho Panza, don’t dance. Or speak. Allen Galli does however, get thrown into the air.

Read More

Rally tomorrow morning north of West Seattle ‘low bridge’

This has the potential to affect traffic, so we’re publishing an advance alert: Multiple announcements, including an advisory e-mailed directly to us and other media, say a rally is planned at 9 am tomorrow in the Spokane Street Bridge Fishing Area just north of the “low bridge.” Organizers say the rally will involve and show support for hundreds of independent Port of Seattle truck drivers who are reported to be off the job because of safety and financial concerns. (Here’s recent coverage from the Seattle Times [WSB partner] and from KING 5.) More information about the rally and the ongoing situation can also be found via the website for Puget Sound Sage, which sent the latest media advisory (here’s the full text).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen SUV to watch for

Maybe, like Ryan‘s car, this vehicle also will be found by a WSB’er. Just received from Tim:

Wanted to report that our 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport was stolen sometime last night, at SW Kenyon and 7th Ave SW. It’s maroon-colored, license plate 095-WMK; my wife has some work papers in the back that we’d like back asap. If you have any information or if you’ve seen the Jeep, please alert the SPD at 206-625-5011.

Don’t hesitate to call 911 about a stolen car if that number doesn’t work – it’s part of the standard boilerplate on the SPD stolen-vehicle Twitter feed (which has not tweeted this vehicle yet which *just* tweeted this, concurrent with an announcement over the police-radio airwaves, five minutes after we first published this).

ADDED: Per comments – found, in Burien.

West Seattle Sunday: Jim Sweeney’s memorial; 11 other events

February 12, 2012 6:34 am
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The sign at Luna Park Café pays tribute to Jim Sweeney, as do those posting to the guestbook following his obituary in the Times and comments following our report here. Today, a final farewell to the longtime West Seattle businessman and community supporter, with a 2 pm Funeral Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe followed by a reception at The Hall at Fauntleroy. Also from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

KICKIN’ IT: West Seattle Sunday Soccer, 7:30 am at Delridge Playfield (more info on Facebook)

SUNDAY MORNING TAI-CHI: Lao-Shi Caylen Storm teaches a class at 9 am, $1, at Seattle Wushu Center, 5659 California SW.

A FARMERS’ MARKET YOU’LL LOVE: Look for Valentine treats at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market in The Junction, 44th/Alaska, 10 am-2 pm. Market managers suggest: “Sparkling wine, rose otto caramels, rose petal jelly, sweet sockeye jerky, spot prawns, chocolate sauce, chocolate cookies, butter, tulips, bittersweet ladysmith cheese, frozen raspberries and cherries & NY steaks!”

LITTLE PILGRIM OPEN HOUSE: Little Pilgrim School Open House, 11 am-1 pm, 9140 California Ave. SW. From the announcement: “Tour the classrooms, meet the teachers, ask questions and pick up enrollment information and registration forms.”

TEA TIME: If you don’t have tickets, it’s too late, as they’re not available at the door, but a reminder for those who do: WestSide Baby‘s annual Benefit Tea is at 2 pm, new location this year (the Hilton by Sea-Tac).

DUBSEA BIKES: Free minor bike repairs at this pop-up clinic, 2-4 pm at White Center Food Bank, details here.

BRAZILIAN MUSIC AT C & P: Choro Tocando performs, 3-5 pm, at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor; 5612 California SW).

FINAL PERFORMANCE: 3 pm today is the last performance of “All Through the Night” at ArtsWest in The Junction.

EXPLORE FAUNTLEROY PARK: Dusk to Dark Fauntleroy Park exploration, 5 pm with naturalist Stewart Wechsler, details here.

AUTHOR AT WSUU: “Compassion Alive in You”, Rev. Robert Taylor, author of new book “A New Way to Be Human,” is guest lecturer at Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 7141 California SW, 10:30 am.

SOUP’S ON: This week, instead of meeting on Monday as usual, the West Seattle Cooking Club is getting together today at 4 pm at Big Al Brewing in White Center, for a “soup-off.”

West Seattle weekend scenes: Denny/Sealth’s ‘Soul Jambalaya’

February 12, 2012 4:51 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools | WS culture/arts

(Photos courtesy Jeff Clark)
It was the most star-studded slate of music in West Seattle this weekend – and it was a hit, reports Denny International Middle School principal Jeff Clark:

The Denny International Middle School and Chief Sealth International High School Soul Jambalaya Concert was a big success! The students and special guests provided an amazing evening filled with the rich sounds of Jazz, Gospel, Blues, and Reggae. Another fantastic event made possible thanks to the dedication of Mr. Marcus Pimpleton!

Above, jazz musicians from Denny; next, their counterparts from Sealth:

Next, reggae veteran Clinton Fearon (whose upcoming gigs are listed here):

And here’s Septimus:

The Total Experience Gospel Choir performed as well. While the show was free, donations were accepted for the student music programs, which have some high-profile events ahead, as you can see on their online calendar.