The WSBeat: Break-ins interrupted; parking rage…

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

From reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers:

*After ringing a doorbell several times in the 3000 block of 63rd on Saturday afternoon, a would-be burglar apparently decided no one was home. He broke in, not realizing that an infirm resident was napping. She woke up, and her screams brought her husband into the room and sent the suspect running. Nothing seems to have been stolen. The suspect was described as a black man, aged 18-21, with curly black hair in a pony tail. He wore all black clothing.

*In the 9200 block of Fauntleroy, a man was asleep early Saturday when he heard someone open his bedroom window from outside. He yelled, “Hey!” which scared off the suspect: A white man, aged 22-29, about 5’11” and of medium build with brown curly or permed hair.

*On 57th SW, a citizen got out some frustrations by puncturing a neighbor’s car tire. He also left a note suggesting that after she got the tire fixed she should learn how to park.

More ahead, including a death discovered on a local sidewalk:

*On Monday morning near Jefferson Square, a citizen called 911 when he saw a man lying face down on the sidewalk. Medics spent ten minutes trying to revive him but had no luck. The victim was a 47-year-old transient, and the death appeared to be of natural causes.

*Just after midnight Thursday, officers ran a random license plate check near 35th and Morgan
and discovered that the registered owner had a suspended license. When they pulled the car over, the driver immediately lit a cigarette (possibly in a failed effort to quell the strong smell of alcohol) and lied about his identity. When threatened with arrest for false reporting, the 47-year-old Monroe resident came clean. In addition to the suspended license, the driver was under Department of Corrections supervision and was violating his parole. He was booked into King County Jail.

*Thursday, in the 3900 block of California SW, a citizen found a blue duffel bag filled with sports-related memorabilia. It was turned over to the evidence room.

*After being punched and choked by her boyfriend, a woman (who was visiting from California and was unfamiliar with the area) ended up walking nearly 40 blocks — from the Lowman Beach area to North Admiral—where she sought help at a 7-Eleven. Officers arrested the boyfriend and booked him into King County Jail for investigation of domestic violence assault. After the woman collected her belongings, she was provided with a ride to the airport.

*A citizen reported a suspicious vehicle in the 4000 block of 35th late Friday. A man standing next to the car started to walk away from it when he noticed the officers. He claimed he was in the area to buy a TV from a friend who he could neither name nor provide an address for. The 30-year-old Kent resident — who was carrying $300 worth of cocaine, $642 in cash, and two cell phones — was booked into King County Jail for investigation of drug charges.

On Friday, a man called a Junction store four times to ask about baked goods and to inquire what type of underwear the employee was wearing.

On Saturday afternoon, Driver 1 was incensed when he saw his car get scraped by Driver 2 (who left the scene). Driver 1 followed Driver 2 and pulled in front of him near California and Graham. Jumping from the car, he yelled profanities, ripped the antenna and a hubcap from Driver 2’s car and then shattered its windshield. D1 grabbed D2’s keys from the ignition (and kept them), shouting, “The next time you hit and run, you’d better run!” Driver 1’s vehicle is registered to a Kent address.

*A 42-year-old was arrested at an Alaska Junction supermarket after shoplifting a box of Raisin Bran, a box of Coke, and a pack of frozen shrimp. While at the precinct, he admitted stealing the items because he was hungry.

*At Alki, after an acquaintance objected to some of his derogatory comments, a Burien resident began arguing with her and ended up punching her five or six times in the head and chest with a closed fist. Bystanders separated the two and the suspect drove off. He was caught, tried to run away, gave a false name repeatedly, and was eventually booked into King County Jail for investigation of assault, false reporting, and resisting arrest (not to mention the two outstanding Bothell warrants — exceeding $20,000 — for domestic violence-related incidents and a Department of Corrections no-bail warrant). The suspect is 25 years old.

*Sunday afternoon at California and Brandon, two cyclists were deemed the aggressors when they banged on the side of a passing car and yelled about “sharing the road with bikes.” According to witnesses, one of the cyclists grabbed onto the car, and its momentum caused her to fall to the pavement. Seeing this, the car pulled over and stopped, just in time for the second cyclist to run up to the window and spit in the passenger’s face, according to the report, which says the one who had fallen then came up and began punching the passenger. (He had to be taken to Harborview for treatment.) Witnesses say that the driver did not hit the cyclists (as they had first claimed), nor did he retaliate for the conflict. The Junction-area women were arrested for investigation of aggravated assault and the use of bodily force, and released.

*One year to the day after reportedly suffering similar delusions, a Westwood-area man called 911 last week to report that people were in his home stealing his things. He is described as a known meth user and was sweaty, hyperventilating and verbally excited. When told to sit, he became aggressive and had to be forcibly restrained. He was transported to Harborview.

*A 34-year-old woman was taken to Harborview Sunday afternoon after walking down the middle of Admiral Way trying to flag down cars. Earlier in the day she had been harassing customers at two restaurants. During transport, the extremely intoxicated woman rambled on at length about “taking a bullet for someone.”

*Lost: A flock of chickens from a fenced back yard in the 7300 block of 31st SW.

*Found: A barefoot three-year-old boy, wandering alone at 7:30 Saturday night, in the 9000 block of 16th SW. Residents of the neighborhood didn’t recognize the boy, and he was unable to provide any useful information to officers. Child Protective Services was called in to take custody of the child.

WSB Editor’s Note: The WSBeat has an archive category of its own. We also continue to publish crime reports the rest of the week, when we get tips or hear noteworthy incidents via the scanner, so don’t be shy about letting us know when you see/hear something happening.

4 Replies to "The WSBeat: Break-ins interrupted; parking rage..."

  • SBRE July 9, 2011 (5:22 pm)

    Maybe the chickens crossed the road looking for the 3 year old?!

  • bridge to somewhere July 9, 2011 (5:26 pm)

    This comment, “A citizen reported a suspicious vehicle in the 4000 block of 35th late Friday. A man standing next to the car started to walk away from it when he noticed the officers” is so familiar to me. The thug life who hang around Roxhill Park scatter like cockroaches whenever a patrol car pulls into the parking lot. Often calling on criminal activity in the park is an entirely fruitless exercise, because the moment the criminals see a patrol car they casually walk away into the woodsy area, as if on a leisurely stroll–and the police usually don’t even see them. Frustrating at a very profound level.

  • Catherine R. July 9, 2011 (7:41 pm)

    I hope someone finds the little boy’s parents!

  • ellenater July 10, 2011 (12:47 am)

    lots of aggression… anger management, people.

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