Traffic update: Bridge-backup crash now cleared

If you are headed toward the West Seattle Bridge any time soon – be forewarned, there’s a car on its side in the inner eastbound lanes on the highrise, and while fire units already have cleared, the wreck itself hasn’t been moved, so avoid the bridge for a while if you can. (Above, a screengrab we took from the traffic camera a few minutes ago; here’s the live version.)

10:38 AM UPDATE: Wreck is cleared, according to an update from Metro (and a check of the aforementioned live camera).

6 Replies to "Traffic update: Bridge-backup crash now cleared"

  • Dave March 3, 2011 (10:03 am)

    Saw the backup, and some guy waving his arms out of his car window telling everyone about to get on the eastbound bridge to turn around and go back. Glad I followed his advice. What a mess.

  • SJ2 March 3, 2011 (10:49 am)

    I saw it right after it happened. It looked scary but it looked like everyone was okay.

    • WSB March 3, 2011 (10:54 am)

      Thanks, SJ2, I haven’t reached the Fire Dept. yet to confirm it but the fire units were canceled fairly fast without a medic unit having been put into action – that means injuries, if any, were not life-threatening … TR

  • ad March 3, 2011 (11:00 am)

    I’m glad it seems like no one was seriously injured. What a terrible way to start your day, rolling over on the bridge.

    I don’t understand how cars roll over. Is it because the driver changes lanes or swerves quickly?

  • Rachael March 3, 2011 (12:35 pm)

    What would be really fantastic is if people would realize the posted speed limits are there for a reason. People fly over the bridge on a regular basis and its a wonder that more accidents aren’t happening. A bit of police presence and enforcement would be a wonderful idea.

  • Dan March 3, 2011 (4:08 pm)

    I saw it and pulled over. The driver was not cited by police, as witnesses told them traffic was moving slowly when the car kind of slid and then rolled. The fire department ended up spreading stuff on an oil slick on the road that may have caused this. No one was injured but a few guys had to help some gal get out of the car.

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