This Monday, just like every previous Monday after the Super Bowl, the West Seattle produce stand Tony’s Market will reopen after its post-Christmas break. But unlike previous years, its original namesake won’t be there – it’s been two months now since Tony Genzale lost his fight with cancer, at just 61. This afternoon we talked with his son, Joey, as he worked to set up the 35th/Barton market for a new year. He told WSB there was never a question that the market would stay open – his dad said, “Take care of your mother. Take care of the business.” That means not just the produce, but also Christmas trees – like the ones he was back selling right after his dad died. Yes, things will be different – for not-so-obvious reasons, too – in the photo, that’s Joey with a new center-aisle case that will keep produce cooler, and fresher, during summer months. But some things will be the same – Joey promised his dad that you’ll still hear Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra when you stop by – which you’re welcome to do once they’ve reopened at 8 am Monday.