Two years post-demolition, California/Graham work starts

Thanks to the WSB’ers who tipped us this morning that work has begun on the north half of the long-empty NW corner of California/Graham (map) – earth is being moved (see equipment and new dirt pile in photo’s background). It’s been so long since we reported on the new plan for the site, one person who e-mailed thought this had begun without notice. Our last report was in July (see it here); according to the city’s online records, the permits were granted two weeks ago, and still total 4 townhouses and 3 “work units” (fronting California) for the site, as described last summer. As we also noted then, two lots a few doors north went through a similar process, and construction is under way on the second (northernmost) one right now.

Regarding the southern lot at the California/Graham corner – a “for sale” shingle is still up, as our photo shows. But city records indicate a very preliminary proposal went through “land-use coaching” last November for a “3-story, 44-unit Alzheimer’s community.” We’ll be checking to see if we can find out whether or not that is still an active proposal.

The entire site, now split into two lots, held a commercial building that was demolished more than two years ago, when a different development was under review.

3 Replies to "Two years post-demolition, California/Graham work starts"

  • marty February 1, 2011 (2:30 pm)

    I simply can’t remember if the 44-unit Alzheimer’s community project is still a go…

  • Chuck and Sally's Van Man February 1, 2011 (8:44 pm)

    I am disappointed this lot was split in two; the original plans (before the downturn) were a nice tribute to the heritage of this corner. I have an aging parent so I understand the need for the this type of facility (and will be pleased to have them as neighbors!), but I hate the “habitrail” buildings being thrown up along California. Splitting this site in two decreases (at least) the aesthetic value of the buildings being shoe-horned onto this site.

    Still, after all that I cannot WAIT until the eye-sore that is Chuck and Sally’s (opposite corner) is someday torn down. Tracy, any news on that lot and/or what the arrogant owner EVER intends to do with his crappy old tavern? The plywood “windows” facing California are a nice touch. This guy is single-handedly trying to turn our part of the world into its own White Center. With apologies to WC.



    • WSB February 1, 2011 (8:49 pm)

      C&S … we know of a couple local businesspeople who have inquired recently. But since we still haven’t found time to do the story ourselves, let us point you to Seattle Weekly’s story a month ago (they originally were working on it for the special “West Seattle Weekly” edition but moved it up) in which owner Jim Jacobsen tells the Weekly he’s not opposed to possibly leasing it:

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