Lafayette ‘Play It Forward’ playground project now in Pepsi Refresh

With less than one month left to reach its latest fundraising goal – required for a city matching grant – the playground-improvement project at West Seattle’s most populous elementary school is in a new phase: Lafayette Elementary has made it into the latest monthly Pepsi Refresh grant competition. In order to have a chance at one of this month’s $50,000 grants, they need a lot of votes between now and January 31st, and you can vote daily. There are two ways to vote: Online, by going here (which requires registration), or texting, which doesn’t: Text 105273 to Pepsi (73774).

For background on the project – here’s our story from November about the push to match the $100,000 city grant by the end of this month, or lose it. We checked in this morning with Deborah Hazlegrove, one of the project co-chairs, who says the fundraising total is getting close to the goal, but it’s still coming down to the January 31st wire. The project’s “Play It Forward” website has more information about other ways they’re raising money, including a current anonymous offer to match all cash up to $5,000 donated between now and January 15th.

2 Replies to "Lafayette 'Play It Forward' playground project now in Pepsi Refresh"

  • Lorelee January 4, 2011 (8:06 pm)

    Oh please tell me that this Pepsi money doesn’t come with requirements like posting their logo all over the playground.

  • Slider January 5, 2011 (7:33 am)

    The district prohibits advertising on playgrounds. During the 1st phase of Lafayette’s playgound we tried to get a grant from the Sonic’s but we didn’t meet the criteria because they required that the basketball backboards have the Logo on it and the district wouldn’t budge.

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