Snow aftermath: Seattle Public Schools announces makeup days

Seattle Public Schools has announced how it’ll make up for the days lost to last week’s snow: Since elementary and K-8 students weren’t having classes (because of parent-teacher conferences), no change to the calendar; middle- and high-school students did miss two days of class, so that means two days tacked onto the end of the year, June 21 and 22 – so June 23rd will now be the last day of school. Here’s the district’s news release.

2 Replies to "Snow aftermath: Seattle Public Schools announces makeup days"

  • Ex-Westwood Resident December 2, 2010 (12:20 pm)

    So what happens if we end up with A LOT more snow than just last week?
    What happens, if by the end of the snowy season there were a total of 14 days lost to snow, does that means that end of school will be July 7th
    That’s some GOOD planning there by the school board to NOT have a few days stocked away for snow days as a buffer.

  • Lola December 2, 2010 (12:49 pm)

    They need to take some of teacher in service days and use those for the snow days.

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