In our daily/nightly election update, with three weeks till E-Day, and just days till voting starts, a grab bag of links: The county issued its official reminder of impending ballots … President Obama is coming back to Seattle Oct. 21 to campaign for Sen. Patty Murray (remember what happened last time) … The City Council endorses both ballot measures involving $ for schools (or projects in/at them) … “Social media” watch: Only 1 candidate of the 4 in our area’s Big Two races posted a social-media campaign-page/account update on Monday – King County Council District 8 candidate Diana Toledo posted a “ballot’s on the way” reminder on Facebook … Event watch: Next candidate forum in West Seattle is Wednesday, with 34th District State House Position 2 hopefuls Joe Fitzgibbon and Mike Heavey at the West Seattle Kiwanis luncheon (full details here).
West Seattle, Washington
04 Tuesday