Election countdown: Nightly updates through November 2nd

checkbox.jpgFour weeks till Election Night on November 2, but you’ll be able to vote much sooner, as King County plans to mail ballots for the general election on October 13. Though the election may not be top-of-mind for most people right now, there is much at stake, so we’re planning nightly updates/reminders – sometimes short, sometimes long. We start tonight with a quick overview: Go to the right sidebar here and put in your name and birthdate to bring up your online voter guide – you will see you have more than three dozen votes to cast: The U.S. Senate race, U.S. House, three State Legislative District 34 races (including the no-incumbent State House Position 2), 2 King County races including the no-incumbent County Council District 8, seven Seattle Municipal Court judgeships (two of them contested), 10 statewide judicial races (including one contested spot on the State Supreme Court), six statewide initiatives, one statewide referendum, two state constitutional amendments, three county charter amendments, one county proposition, and one Seattle Public Schools levy. In the “online voter guide,” there are links to information about every candidate and every ballot measure.

Tomorrow: The newest developments in our area’s two biggest races.

1 Reply to "Election countdown: Nightly updates through November 2nd"

  • Fiwa Jcbbb October 6, 2010 (12:33 am)

    Of the many reasons I would rather drive steel spikes into my own eyes than vote for Dino Rossi for dog catcher let alone the United States Senate, foremost is that I can no longer go to West Seattle High School to vote, mingle with my neighbors, chat with the delightful volunteers, and all because Dino Rossi lost a close election for a morally repugnant group that just a few years earlier through antiquated electoral proceedings and a slim majority of “activist judges” assumed the highest office in the land despite losing the popular vote by a large margin, and urged us all to “get over it”.

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