Genesee Schmitz Neighborhood Council gets zoo gift, just in time!

September 17, 2010 5:01 am
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 |   Gardening | Genesee Hill | West Seattle news

From Woodland Park Zoo, to Genesee Hill! The zoo donated a truckload of “Zoo Doo” compost to the Genesee Schmitz Neighborhood Council – at left in the top photo is Dan Corum, the zoo’s “Dr. Doo,” with GSNC’s master composter/gardening committee co-chair Peter Church, after the truck was filled. From there, on to its destination – the community garden at Genesee Hill School – where you can help too, with another neighborhood work party coming up tomorrow (Saturday, September 18, 9 am-1 pm).

Volunteers started spreading the compost after it arrived, but there’s still lots of work to go around to prepare the garden plots (garden spaces are available) – join GSNC at Genesee Hill if you can; lots more info on their website.

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