West Seattle Summer Fest, Saturday night scenes

From Flickr, where ToFuGuns shared photos with the West Seattle Blog group, that’s Mark Pickerel and His Praying Hands onstage Saturday night at West Seattle Summer Fest. One of the first acts of the evening was Kristen Ward, who we got on video as our spot at the Information Booth by the Alaska stage folded up for the night:

We didn’t make it to the street dance, but we hear it was a smash – @shermanscorner tweeted about the Cherry Cherry (Neil Diamond tribute band) singalong! Music along the sidewalks last night, too – WSB’er “D” shared iPhone video of two members of the Junk Queens:

The music continues today – starting with Capping Day on the California stage on the north end of the festival zone at 11:30 am; here’s the schedule.

3 Replies to "West Seattle Summer Fest, Saturday night scenes"

  • Carol Wagener July 11, 2010 (10:22 am)

    I live on 35th Ave. SW, near Camp Long and could hear the music from the festival going on well after 11:00 PM Saturday night….which was a bummer since I had to get up at 6:00 AM this morning. WHY does the music have to be played so LOUD!? Isn’t it just as much fun played at a reasonable volume? I like the festival and I attend every year, but I don’t like hearing it when I am at home….especially when trying to SLEEP! I feel sorry for the folks who live even closer to the Junction and hope someone will look into turning down the volume a bit.

  • WTF July 11, 2010 (11:28 am)

    I love the festival too, but I agree. I just drove by on Friday night heading to Admiral….wholly cow. Loud was a understatement. I couldn’t imagine try to enjoy walking the festival with the music so loud. Please tone it down…. We are headed there now. Shush.

  • Krystal July 11, 2010 (5:37 pm)

    I lived 3 blocks away, and I heard the noise as well. It only happens 3 days a year, and is definitely not worth complaining about. 3 days out of 365. Really.

    Someone on an earlier post was complaining that their infant couldn’t sleep because of the noise. Perhaps they forgot that living in a city and having a baby was their choice, and not everyone around them would be willing to change their activities to accommodate them. We often forget that we live in a diverse community and everyone has their niche of what is fun and acceptable. There are plenty of things I find annoying that others enjoy. That’s life.

    If you want peace and quiet 24/7, move to Duvall.

    (for the record, I am not ripping on Duvall, It think it is quite lovely and peaceful)

Sorry, comment time is over.