Two West Seattle coyote reports today. Kim e-mailed the longer one from North Admiral:
After a hiatus, North Admiral has a coyote in the neighborhood again. On Thursday in broad daylight, two neighbors walking west on Walker between 47th & 48th SW [map] saw a coyote walking tandem to them. Then the coyote sprinted ahead, turned and started walking towards them, turned again and ran away to the west. This might also account for the bite marks on our cat this week. Kitty will live, but small pet owners in the area need to be on alert.
Earlier, we got a quick Delridge coyote report via Twitter from Dartanyon:
Just saw a coyote sprint across Delridge from Chief Sealth [at boren] into Longfellow Creek!
Here’s the “coexisting with coyotes” link; here’s our archived coyote reports, reverse chronological order.