Alki Beach update: Rough sand screened, finer sand on the way

Update this afternoon from Joelle Hammerstad at Seattle Parks, regarding the Alki Beach rough-sand trouble discussed here last week:

Our crews have screened the sand material three times at the Alki volleyball courts with some improvement to the overall quality. In addition to the 150 yards of sand already purchased, we have ordered an additional 80 yards of finer-grade sand materials which is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow, and will be spread on Friday. The volleyball courts will be ready for use this weekend.

11 Replies to "Alki Beach update: Rough sand screened, finer sand on the way"

  • onceachef May 19, 2010 (7:06 pm)

    Life impacting stuff!

  • AnotherIdiotInWS May 19, 2010 (7:21 pm)

    How much did this cost and who is paying for it? Please tell me it isn’t the taxpayers… please.

  • tr May 19, 2010 (7:55 pm)

    Wow that is service. Although wonderful of the Parks Dept. it seems a little odd with the potential cuts going on.

  • johnnyblegs May 19, 2010 (7:56 pm)

    Was the “new” chunky sand just under the volleyball courts? Will they be screening more of the beach for freaky additions to the sand?

  • kr May 19, 2010 (9:02 pm)

    Walked the beach this weekend and the volleyball courts were some of the CLEANER parts. The screening needs to happen on the whole beach.

    It’s a safety thing. I won’t let my kid play on the beach until it gets cleaned up. Nasty clothes, trash all over and a lot of things that no one really knows what it is.

  • Mr. Toesinsand May 19, 2010 (9:31 pm)

    Thanks to the city for working to improve the sand conditions on Alki! I know the volleyball community appreciates not stepping on sharp objects.

  • johnnyblegs May 19, 2010 (9:34 pm)

    I agree totally kr. There should be clean sand throughout the beach. It’s bad enough with people leaving their trash there let alone companies trucking in chunky non safe beach. Bad form.

  • Aa May 19, 2010 (9:40 pm)

    The volleyball courts are cleaner than the rest of the beach because the players spend time and energy removing garbage and sharp objects. They’ve even had screens out there to sift through each area when games aren’t going on.

  • Lou May 19, 2010 (10:40 pm)

    The biggest thing about the sand and the one thing that nobody has brought up is that this rough large grain sand really hurts to walk on. I thought it was just that I hadn’t played beach since last season but after multiple days this season it still hurts a lot. And it’s not whining, it’s just not people-grade sand. Forget the volleyball part and the dusty part. It’s pain for the feet!

  • terry May 20, 2010 (5:12 am)

    More government waste.

  • Hello! May 21, 2010 (6:53 pm)

    Terry – – – AGREED! If you want something clean! Go GET A SHOVEL and shut your mouth, have your kid clean with you, might teach ’em a work ethic that is not so common in this country anymore. Cheers!

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