Steve Bushaw murder case: Victim’s sister speaks out

Tomorrow, the suspects charged with murder in the February 1st West Seattle shooting death of Steve Bushaw are expected in court. The case has been much-discussed since we first reported the 4 arrests last week, then details of the charges. According to court documents, the suspects believed the victim was responsible for a crime for which he was never charged; the documents include no evidence of his involvement in that crime. The Bushaw family has declined requests for comment as the 10-month investigation proceeded, but the victim’s sister, Tanya Bushaw, asked if we would publish something she wanted to say on her brother’s behalf – here is her statement in its entirety:

Over the past ten months my family has decided to keep our comments to ourselves regarding the killing of my brother, Stevie Bushaw. We didn’t know any details as the detectives could not tell us anything due to it being an active, on-going investigation. However, on Tuesday when we found out police had arrested 4 men who were involved in his murder we were so relieved, excited, and sad all at the same time. We finally had some sort of resolution to this situation and more insight as to what happened that night. Despite these arrests, it is still an on-going investigation and we only know what has been written in the charging documents.

You cannot imagine how hard it is to hear your son/brother say “Bye, I’ll be back. I’m going to have a beer with Bryce” and then 15 minutes later he is dead and you have no idea why or how it happened. You only know he will not be back…ever!

Before this I only saw my dad cry twice, maybe three times in my life and now he cries everyday. My mother, in addition to all her tears, was sure her heart shrunk because her chest felt sunken after this happened. My daughter, 4, has had to learn about death, guns, and “bad guys” that use guns to kill people. Too many nights I had to hold her and calm her down from crying so hard because she missed her Uncle Stevie. As a whole we are all very sensitive to each other’s well being in fear that we might lose another member of this family.

(Editor’s note: That is Tanya’s daughter, Ava, held by Steve Bushaw in the photo above, shared earlier this year by the family. Tanya’s statement continues after the jump.)

Emotionally, this has been the hardest thing my family has ever had to endure. On top of all the emotions I have felt, I now have to deal with another form of anger and frustration from all the comments that people are leaving in regards to my brother’s character. I have always tried to take a step back, put myself in the other person’s shoes and attempt to think rationally about situations that I have a difficult time understanding. I understand that most of these people who have left harsh comments did not know my brother and so to them he is merely a piece of the puzzle. This being the case, it is easy for people to make comments after reading through the charging documents which highlight Stevie as a “drug dealer” and detail claims from a man who was robbed stating my brother was the one who robbed him.

But let’s think about this. A man, who is friends with one of the men who killed my brother, was robbed January 19, 2009 and my brother was killed 14 days later. So in less than 2 weeks the man who was robbed came to his own conclusion that my brother was the one who robbed him. He made this decision because Stevie did not “place an order” for marijuana after the robbery leading him to believe Stevie must have been the one who did it.

The charging documents also state that this man said Stevie called him after the robbery asking questions about the event and if any one saw the getaway car. Is it not possible though that my brother didn’t need anything after the robbery? Wouldn’t you call someone you knew to see how they were if you heard they were robbed? Maybe my brother was curious about details of the situation because he could lend an idea to who might have done this.

One of the other details noted in the documents state that this robbery took place in front of the man’s girlfriend and child. I can in fact relay that if my brother was involved, he would NEVER let anything happen in front of a child. He had a very special place in his heart for children and the elderly. He would help an elderly person across the street at any time and play with children any day. Any person who knew him would also confirm this. It was such a strong part of his character that anyone who knew him also knew this about him.

I am sure the man who was robbed was upset and angry. It was also obvious he wanted someone to pay for his pain as the intentions were to kill the person responsible, even if it was based on speculation. All of this aside, I don’t have my brother here to sit down in front of me so I can look him in the eye and ask “Did you do this? Did you rob this man?” and I never will. I do have the detectives though and I have asked them about my brother’s possible connection with the robbery. They explained that they looked into it and there is NOTHING they could find that showed he was involved with this robbery. I understand this doesn’t mean that he without a doubt did not have anything to do with it but it certainly doesn’t make him guilty by any means either.

The only thing my brother is guilty of is selling marijuana. He did not sell anything other then marijuana and he only sold small amounts to friends and co-workers. When he was young he was more involved in selling marijuana and he also made poor choices with whom he associated with. However, over the past few years he no longer had anything to do with these types of people because he was excited to have an opportunity to become a member of the Longshoremen Union and begin a career as a Longshoreman. Every day he went down to the union hall when it opened so he could put his name in to get called, just hoping to get more hours and gain in the ranks. This is not easy though and you hardly ever get called out when you are first starting out like he was. When you are not called, you don’t get paid.

He lived at home and therefore he was able to afford not working a second job so that he could spend every moment sitting at the hall waiting to get called in order to make more money. He sold marijuana to his friends and co-workers to make enough money to keep up on his bills and have gas money. He wasn’t trying to be a “drug dealer” in the stereotypical way. He just wanted to get by so he could work more at the docks, gain in the ranks, and eventually make good money so he could leave selling marijuana behind altogether.

I am not condoning the fact that my brother sold marijuana. In fact I hated it and asked him to stop doing it; reminding him that it was illegal and he was getting on the right track so don’t ruin it. He tried to assure us that it was fine because he was selling to friends and his “brothers” at the docks. He loved the docks and his “brothers”, as they called each other. He took that “brotherly love” and trusted in his “brothers”. Unfortunately, he was wrong.

I know I am his sister and many people will say that I am trying to see the best in him but I will be the first to say that he was not innocent. He was guilty of associating with people who were on a different level than he was and he simply had no idea. This is the risk you run though when you make the choice to associate with these people in the first place, which is what I reminded him of so many times.

The only thing I can see so far is that my brother unfortunately trusted his “brothers” and was guilty of selling marijuana, which of course is illegal. Other than that he was THOUGHT to have done something that he most likely had nothing to do with therefore these men acted as the judge, the jury and the executioner. Because of this Stevie was murdered and my family will never be able to ask him another question nor will he ever be able to defend himself or tell his side of the story.

Therefore my only intent in writing this is to try and tell Stevie’s side of story since he isn’t alive to tell it himself. My brother was killed based on an assumption only as these men THOUGHT he committed the robbery. How can anyone say a man deserves to die because someone THOUGHT he was guilty?

The four suspects — 27-year-old Bryce Huber, 30-year-old Brandon Chaney, 28-year-old Danny O’Neal Jr., 32-year-old John Sylve — remain in jail. Police have said the investigation is not over and asked last week for any additional information that members of the public might have.

45 Replies to "Steve Bushaw murder case: Victim's sister speaks out"

  • Lachlan December 7, 2009 (1:54 pm)

    My heartfelt condolences to Steve’s family. I cannot imagine the wound that a loss like this leaves.

  • Erin December 7, 2009 (2:10 pm)

    You are your family are in our thoughts and prayers, always.
    Thanks for taking the time to represent Stevie since he is no longer able to do so himself!

    – Erin

  • luckymom30 December 7, 2009 (2:28 pm)

    This is heartbreaking! Our prayers are with you and your brother Steve. We did not know him but wish we had as he sounded like an amazing person.

  • selfish December 7, 2009 (2:40 pm)

    I wish peace to you and your family. You’re wonderful people and let the memory of your bellowed brother give you strength and courage.

  • Kathy December 7, 2009 (2:42 pm)

    I certainly hope that publishing Tanya’s comments does not jeopardize the trial should there be one. I can understand Tanya wanting to give her side of the story but isn’t it too soon? Have the four men admitted guilt? I doubt it. Please be cautious about what you publish, any potential juror who reads this will have to be excused from the pool. My heart breaks for the Bushaw family, let’s make sure justice is done.

  • T-Rex December 7, 2009 (2:45 pm)

    Well said Tanya, your brother would be proud.

    I am been associated with several members of your family in the Sheet Metal industry and I know you are all hard working people with a strong sense of family values. I was SHOCKED when I heard this news.

    Granted your brother was making a poor decision in trying to make extra money, but there are worst things he could have been doing. We all make mistakes in our early years as we all try to find our place in this world.

    I hope these arrests put you and your family on the road to healing. As much as anyone can heal from this type of tragedy.

  • Kate December 7, 2009 (2:50 pm)

    I’m so sorry for your loss.

  • Jen December 7, 2009 (3:18 pm)

    Tanya, thank you for taking the time to tell your story. You’ve given an honest and thoughtful portrayal of Steve and his life. I’m sure that I”m not the only one reading your account and thinking how easily this could have happened to someone I love. Plenty of us have a family member that would never physically harm another person but makes poor decisions or hangs out with the wrong people. We all make mistakes and fortunately have the opportunity to make changes and grow and learn. I’m sorry that Steve didn’t get that opportunity but most of all I’m sorry for you and your family. Peace be with you.

  • Another Mom December 7, 2009 (3:26 pm)

    I have known Stevie since he was 7. He was full of life and love for everyone. That never changed even in his 20’s. Everyone who knew Stevie knows what a kind, fun, and loving person he was. We all miss him, his smile, and his way of showing love to everyone, making you laugh. Not a day goes by without me remembering his Big Beautiful Smile. So to all you “kids” out there, please remember what happened to Stevie. Drugs are just a bad thing to be involved with. Stevie’s “dealings” were nothing in the grand scheme of things. Stevie had a conscience that would never let him “rob, or steal”. He would have been overwhelmed with guilt. We truly lost a wonderful person.

  • sorry December 7, 2009 (4:04 pm)

    Regardless of what he did before there is NO excuse for murder. We are not to take another life. I am sorry for your loss.

  • OP December 7, 2009 (4:19 pm)

    Regardless of whether or not Mr. Bushaw made the ill-advised decision to sell dope on the side, and despite the often dangerous associations that one can make in having such a side profession no matter how temporary, nothing—I repeat, nothing—justifies the taking of his life and the pain it has brought. I believe all of us send our heartfelt condolences to you and your family. May justice be swift and severe if the accused are found guilty of their sick and heinous crime.

  • Scar December 7, 2009 (4:27 pm)

    Sad story.

  • Inspector Erskine December 7, 2009 (4:37 pm)

    Steve’s death is sad and tragic, and should serve as a cautionary tale to anyone who gets involved with the drug ‘scene’. Even small time players can inadvertently find themselves in way over their head; it’s a rough business governed strictly by the Law of the Jungle. You are playing with fire. And the users aren’t innocent here either. The ‘innocent’ pot smoker must accept a share of the blame as being the paymasters of the drug mayhem.

    I honestly don’t know if pot is worse than alcohol or not. But unless we choose to legalize pot, anyone who chooses to use and/or deal must understand they are skating on thin ice. Steve didn’t deserve to die, but it found him. Some thugs thought he had ‘jacked’ another dealer, and dealt with him as thugs do. One has to wonder how things might’ve been different if he had chosen to steer clear of the drug ‘scene’.

  • Ryan December 7, 2009 (4:51 pm)

    Thanks for coming out and letting us know what exactly happened, my sister. I will always be thinking and praying about you and your family as I went through a similar situation.

  • thelmasue December 7, 2009 (5:20 pm)

    let’s not miss the message that the blog provides a lot of great services to all of us, but many in this community post unkind, judgemental, and even vicious comments here without knowing anything at all about the situation at hand. shame on us for that, and it’s because of such comments that Tanya felt obliged to make this statement – which must have been yet another difficult thing for her to do. kudos to you, Tanya, for honoring the memory of your brother, and may there be an awakening among all who use the blog to THINK BEFORE YOU POST.

  • JoB December 7, 2009 (5:36 pm)

    I am glad you can remember your brother as something other than the victim in a drug dispute…
    and sorry that marijauna was not decriminalized long ago.. that would have prevented at least this one death.

  • onceachef December 7, 2009 (5:50 pm)

    A very tragic and sad depiction of Steve’s life…you are his sister…you know him and I believe every word you say. I’m very sorry for your family’s loss. As a number of people have pointed out, bad decisions should not lead to someone’s murder. I hope the case is proven without a shadow of a doubt as to who did this and they do their time for committing a heinous crime.

  • EmmyJane December 7, 2009 (7:07 pm)

    Well said thelmasue. I hope your family finds the strength to get through this- it broke my heart to hear about your father crying daily… I can’t imagine.

  • Westwoodie December 7, 2009 (7:25 pm)

    Right, because he was dealing pot, that’s why he got shot? Come on people. I sincerely hope you judgmental types don’t also think that a rape victim is to blame if she wears a short shirt.

  • AnotherSister December 7, 2009 (7:56 pm)

    I hate knowing that another family has lost someone dear to them in such a tragic way. Speaking as a sister, who also lost a brother in a tragic and sad way, I am truly sorry for your loss. My parents had already passed away when my brother was killed. To go through the loss and than to watch ones parents experience it as well would be just way to painful for words…Take care of each other…

  • KB December 7, 2009 (8:10 pm)

    I know how hard it is to lose a brother, but I can’t imagine how much harder it would be to have the “internet trolls” chiming in. I hope your family will take care of one another. Wishing you peace at a very difficult time.

  • Case sensitive December 7, 2009 (10:42 pm)

    Thanks Tanya for a great post. You and your brother’s defenders have convinced me that he deserves the affection that you have for him.

  • Case sensitive December 7, 2009 (11:04 pm)

    Inspector Erskine covered the danger of illegal drugs. It is tragic that Steve was killed, but some of us will die because we take chances with drugs. I’ve taken LOTS of drugs provided by “dealers”, doctors, and bartenders and I don’t consider marijauna a particularly dangerous drug. The danger is with the people you have to associate with. I no longer associate with “dealers” or phychiatrists and I’m pretty much finished with bartenders. They have helped me in the past, but there is no future with them.

  • CUZofsteve December 7, 2009 (11:20 pm)

    I miss stevie more then anything.. he was my cousin and its hard to set and watch as our whole family shreds tears day in and day out.. we miss our family member, my cousin.. one of my best friends.. i always knew i could call stevie if i ever needed anything.. he was a great man!!!! justice will be served stevie.. we love you and miss you.. you will never be forgotten!!!

  • lizz December 7, 2009 (11:28 pm)

    Tanya~ Well said!!! We all miss Stevie and will never forget who he truly was! He had such a contagious smile and great sense of humor! Growing up Stevie was like a brother to me and the thought of people responding with such ignorance makes me sick to my stomach. He may have been caught up with the wrong group of “friends” but that should not have decided his fate. Who gives anyone the right to decide when someones life is over? The one thing you DO know is that Stevie loved God and is in heaven! God will make his judgement over these “scum” and they will suffer eternity for what they did. We love you guys and pray for peace and comfort!! May the Lord bless you and keep you in his loving grace!!

  • Kayleigh December 8, 2009 (8:31 am)

    Very sorry for your loss, Tanya. People have said some things here on the ‘net that they wouldn’t say to you if they were standing next to you. Your family doesn’t deserve the pain and tears, no matter what. I’m a sister, too, and I can’t even imagine that kind of loss.

  • nulu December 8, 2009 (10:30 am)

    Sorry for your un-imaginable loss.
    And great respect to you for being forthright in acknowledging your brother.
    Some accuse others on WSB of being judgmental and just plain nasty.
    They may be correct.
    But WSB is not an edited news source in the classic sense. Within the context of their own rules, WSB rightly allows posts that some will find offensive.
    The grieving Bushaw family and friends are not being confronted with this on a constant basis like West Seattle’s most famous convict.
    WSB can only be accessed intentionally. If you don’t like what you read, you can either comment or just not go there.

  • observer December 8, 2009 (10:32 am)

    First let me say that I am truly sorry for your loss.The actions taken against your brother were wrong in every sense of the word.Nevertheless,it makes me very sad that you speak of the homeowner who was robbed like he’s a mastermind drug dealer.Your brother to you was a wonderful uncle in your eyes,well this homeowner was a wonderful father to his daughter,he is also a very kind person who has made some ill choices.but you don’t care about that do you?No one cares that he deliberately put himself between the atackers and his daughter.He was friends with these people,unfortunately so was yer brother.Again,I am truly sad to hear that your going through so much pain and I am sorry for that.There will be justice i’m sure of that,but the homeowner is not a monster as he’s being percieved,he has a family too,and he is well loved.

  • observer December 8, 2009 (2:19 pm)

    Let me ask this to Tanya in regards paragraph 8 of yer letter specificaly:”It was also obvious he wanted someone to pay for his pain as the intentions were to kill the person responsible”(Tanya8).So my question is,do you know this man then?Have you sat in front of a 4 year old little girl and been asked”is my daddy going to die?” or sat there and listen to the words of a mangled voice say”if I die make sure my daughter is safe”….well I have,and then to hear that person painted a monster.
    I’m sorry your family is hurting,and they will be in our prayers,but until the facts are known,please keep in mind the other families involved aswell.

  • observer December 8, 2009 (3:55 pm)

    And just a side note,after reviewing the blog from the original home invasion,(sarcasticly speaking)it was nice to see that NO ONE gave a rip about the man beatin in front of his daughter,or how the daughter was doing,everyone just ASSUMED the guy must have been a bad person and probly had it comen.
    Thanks for that W.Seattle,thx for the support.

  • Tanya December 8, 2009 (7:08 pm)

    I do not know the man robbed and beaten. I don’t know who robbed him, I assume you do not know who robbed him. I know that I know a 4 year old (my daughter) just as you seem to know a 4 year old…and I know they both are hurting. For the record, anyone who was related, or knew the accused…as much as my heart is hurting and angry for what happened to my brother…my heart is sorry for these families. I pray for any children involved, because if they are crying at night the way my daughter does, and if as a mom, some other mom has to hold her daughter and assure her everything will be alright, my heart goes out to them. If the roles were reversed and my brother was being charged and someone else was dead…I would be so heartbroken, disappointed in him, humiliated….too many emotions. But, at least I could talk to him again….

  • ac December 8, 2009 (8:07 pm)

    the man beaten and robbed obviously didnt worry too much about his girlfriend and young daughter if he was dumb enough to sell drugs out of the place he lived with them at. I do not feel bad for the idiot that got robbed. Thank god nothing happened to his daughter or girlfriend but if he had any sense at all he wouldn’t be selling drugs anywhere near his girl or his child. If you knew steve at all you would know how big of a heart he had and that he would never ever be in a situation that would put a young child at risk of being hurt. Maybe he didnt make the best decisions but he didnt have a mean bone in his body and if the man robbed had any connection at all with steves death I hope he rots in hell with those 4 other pieces of sh!t that took steve from us. God bless the Bushaw family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Thanks for all the great times bubu. You will always be in our hearts.

  • AnotherSister December 8, 2009 (8:17 pm)

    You are right on Tanya! Peace…

  • West Seattle December 8, 2009 (9:05 pm)

    To the “observer”…It is not that West Seattle doesn’t care. It is only that we are more concerned about those that have been left dead in this tragedy. As Tanya wrote you are lucky you still get to see his face daily and talk to him. The home invasion itself is also a heinous crime but it is more heinous to commit murder, especially off specultion. I pray for the children involved who do not understand the complexity of all of this. I pray that you as a mother are able to help your child but I more than anything pray for the child that lost her only uncle and for the parents who lost their only son. There are MANY people who are hurting in all of these events and this is a tragedy for the families involved and the community at large. I pray that everyone heals from this and that all can move forward. Much love and respect…West Seattle.

  • observer December 8, 2009 (9:23 pm)

    I cant sit and pretend not to be sensitive about this situation,it angers me to no end whats happened to the Bushaw family and the idiots involved.Yes homeowner made bad decisions,but he,believe it or not, too is a loving caring person and I know from the bottom of my heart that he wouldn’t hurt anyone or conspire to do so.It hurts me that our words fall on deaf ears,yet,the quick response is hurtful words.though,I see where the hurt comes from,I cant pretend I wouldn’t feel the same way.
    throughout the comments i’ve seen that the facts are incorrect in places,for instance,it was not his girlfriend there,in relation to him it was only his daughter.
    I’m happy that the individuals were caught and will be brought to justice,but the homeowner WAS NOT involved I assure you.I can’t expect anyone to believe that,but we know,and God knows and fortunatly it will be him and not any of us making that judgment.
    Again,our hearts go out to the Bushaw family and those suffering throughout this ordeal.
    To the “Burn in hell” comment,I know thats coming from hurt and i’m sorry,but please try not to wish more suffering on anyone,but rather rely on God to take care of all things.

  • observer December 8, 2009 (9:39 pm)

    To West Seattle: I apreciate and respect your comment.Our children ARE the most important thing and it’s so sad that we have to worry whether or not they’r going to be safe even in our own homes.There must be so much frustration with these events happening.
    My support is to the innocent victims and the families involved.
    To ac: true,the 4 men are just that,and i’m by NO means defending them.Please don’t judge the homeowner because you know him as much as I know any of you.And keep in mind that homeowner has a family too,and a good family,and they get to see those comments about him.Put yourself in the opposite shoes.Nevertheless,I respect your passion

  • Death is the enemy December 9, 2009 (8:18 am)

    They’re not the coldblooded killers that you want to believe them to be…

  • observer December 9, 2009 (9:59 am)

    To Death is the enemy,I know they felt that what they did was looking after their own,that justifies nothing.You may say”well I judge without knowing them” well in fact 3 of them i’ve known for over 10 years and one since he was in jr.high.Never thought they would be capable of such a thing in a million years,sorry to say that thought was proven wrong.It’s very sad to see,but more sad that they didn’t think of what effect this would hav on so many people.Hughber and Cheney i’ve known since they were kids and in their hearts they’r good guys,but if in fact they did these things,unfortunatly it does make them killers,it’s sad but true.
    Our love continues to go out to all of the families hurting by this loss.

  • Kayo December 9, 2009 (4:31 pm)

    Let Steve rest in peace, He cant defend himself against these statements that are coming from monsters that are facing life in prison. Of course they are going to say things that in some way make them feel like what they did was justified. Not once in any document does it say anything about Steve BEING involved. It was 2 guys that THOUGHT he did it. And one last thing. Steve was the best brother anybody could ask for so I feel I can say this. He wasnt the smartest guy I ever met but, seriouisly he is going to call the guy he ” robbed” and ask if he saw his (Steve) car? Come on. He needs to be caught and finish the rest of his story because he is obviosly not telling the police everything. Thank you Tanya for the post that started this back and fourth that solidifies why some people should just keep their head in the sand.

  • observer December 9, 2009 (5:43 pm)

    I can apreciate what you say,but he doesn’t hav to be caught,he has consistently gone to the police as often as he can even as recently as last week.he’s trying to help but people want to believe he’s evil.well he’s not.I conclude by saying this: I want the Bushaw family to be at peace aswell.You defend yer brother,as you rightly should because you know him and love him….well I do the same,because homeowner too is not the smartest,but he’s a loving father to his daughter and loving son and brother.Please don’t think ill,and please,no more hurtful comments until all facts are shown and everything concluded.

  • ac December 9, 2009 (6:19 pm)

    to death is the enemy you must be out of your f***!ng mind to say they are not the cold blooded killers we want them to be. They conspired to and then carried out an execution of a great person. On top of that, they commited this execution in front of a crowded establishment with 70 to 80 people with bullets going into this establishment. The fact that no one else got hurt or killed is a miracle and I seriously cannot believe you would have the nerve to come on here and defend people who commit heinous crimes such as this. I dont care if these guys are friends of yours or not, but please dont come on here and try to defend them in any way. To observer, I do not know the guy that was robbed so I am not gonna assume that he was involved in Steves death. That is for the detectives to figure out and not for me to speculate on so I apologize if I made it seem like I was accusing him of having any involvement. I do have one beef with you though. I am irrate that you can say huber and chaney have good hearts. I do not know either of them but to me, and I know Im not the only one thinking this, they have no hearts. They are animals and they belong in a cage so that they can never hurt anyone else. Killers dont have a heart as far as Im concerned. Its sad but true

  • observer December 10, 2009 (8:03 am)

    To ac:I apologize and let me clarify.what I was getting at or what I meant is that growing up they always seemed to hav good hearts.what they did though nulifies any of that.I wont defend them because life is valuable to all of us as its valuable to God.I so agree about yer comment as to where this happened,west seattle is such a family oriented community.I didn’t mean to imply that they were justified.Thanks for your comment ac

  • c.jones December 10, 2009 (8:10 am)

    As a citizen I find it very upsetting that the families of both parties feel their loved ones are innocent, when infact both parties admitted to selling drugs. Are you a loving father when you sell drugs infront of your children? Are you a loving uncle when you are a drug dealer? The families knew what their loved ones were doing. Very sad example to their children and their community.

  • Death is the enemy December 10, 2009 (10:17 am)

    To Ac.. My comment prior to that one was erased evidently, the one you read was a correction that I made, and was only part of a sentence. So yes, it sounds like i’m stupid. But they keep erasing my comments, but I’m done because who can keep up with “observer”? Wow u you are saying waaay too much. I know u, and homeowner personally, and pleading your case this way is silly.

  • observer December 10, 2009 (10:56 am)

    To Death is the enemy….yer right,I have said far too much i’m everyone will agree.Pleading this way IS silly…and pointless.But you know homeowner,and aparently you know me….so then you must know why I couldn’t just sit and let the community turn homeowner into something he’s not.Not the finest example granted,but no murderer…..and thats that for me.Thank you for helping me slow down a bit

Sorry, comment time is over.