West Seattle Crime Watch: Another car vandalized

A report of Junction car vandalism, from Courtney – including the shattered-in-place window photo: “My car was parked (Monday night) on Alaska St, between 42nd & California (next to the unfinished park, right outside my apartment) and someone put what appears to be a BB through my back driver’s side window. Lots of random crime going on in West Seattle lately; sadly now I’ve joined the victims’ club. I’m pretty sure this was just random kids; the car was not entered and nothing was taken.” In the crime-trend report at Tuesday night’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, there wasn’t a breakout about vandalism, but both car prowls and car thefts were reported to be on the decline in the past month.

8 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Another car vandalized"

  • Mike May 20, 2009 (8:34 am)

    arggghhh… this stuff is really starting to make me mad. This crap is expensive to fix, all because somebody thinks it’s funny. They don’t pay for it. If I found who it was, they’d pay for it, in hospital bills.

  • Julie May 20, 2009 (11:25 am)

    Not in the Junction, but one of our cars got hit last night on 37th/Juneau. Looks like they busted the driver’s side window just for the heck of it. Nothing in there, nothing taken. Really, really irritating. If only these punks had to pay the actual expense for every window they broke, might change their idea of fun. But at least I was able to have a great conversation with the neighbors who discovered it this morning.

  • Mustafa May 20, 2009 (11:34 am)

    Curses! We were all stupid kids at some point. The vast majority grew up. Some of us stupid kids probably destroyed some property at one point. But BB blasts endanger people, too, and the damage is not like painting over a sign. It’s rather expensive. I’m sorry to hear of the wanton damage.

  • KateMcA May 20, 2009 (2:03 pm)

    Agreed, Mike. This kind of senseless crap makes my blood boil. Don’t these people have anything better to do?

  • The oldest codger May 20, 2009 (6:39 pm)

    Ya know Mike, I see your post all the time on these sorts of stories.
    Don’t see them too much on the positive ones…
    Where as I too think it’s senseless and aggravating and ect…
    Do you Ever make a post where you don’t threaten physical violence?
    Just a question.

  • JeffH May 21, 2009 (11:16 pm)

    Our truck got its passenger side window broken this afternoon, up near the HS. Nothing taken, just broken glass. Ours happened during the lunch hour…don’t know if it’s the same folks, but it sure is frustrating. Not to mention an extra hundred bucks we did not need to spend.

  • jhon May 31, 2009 (12:16 am)

    ive seen kids doing this before in west seattle and just to let you know its a nail setter there using not a b b gun

  • jhon May 31, 2009 (12:18 am)

    so let that be known if any cop finds a nail setter on someone to arrest imeadiately

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