West Seattle Crime Watch: Alerts about house, car prowlers

First, from Karen in Admiral:

We had a prowler visit early this AM. I want people to know, because I live on a quiet dead-end alley. … Last night at 12:30 AM. My dog started to bark. It was raining hard. I thought it was lightning outside because I saw a white light in my bedroom. I stood up and looked out my second story bedroom window. Below I saw a blonde, clean-cut man in my garage with a flashlight. We made eye contact and he said something to someone else and split. They may have been caught in the act and didn’t have time to take anything. It appears that everything is still there. This took place (in the 3200 block of) 46th Ave SW [map].

Second, from Cheri in Sunrise Heights:

I just wanted to throw a warning out for anyone living in the 29th and Webster area [map]. Last night or early this morning my mothers car was broken into, they tore everything about as if to be looking for something specific. They only took a few dollars in change, only cause there was nothing else of value. They sure maid a mess though!! So remember to lock your cars!!

8 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Alerts about house, car prowlers"

  • JM May 8, 2009 (6:31 pm)

    Sounds like it is getting out of hand recently.
    Fact is that the threshold (if there ever was one) of all those burglars, thefts and gun slingers seems to be lower and lower.
    Although I agree that we should all be aware and public awareness is more valid than ever.
    But why should we change how we live, because people who do not care and violate our society are in control? It should be the other way around.
    Support the police, pay them adequate salaries and overtime etc., just like we expect for ourselves.
    Lucky you that those lowlifes split, or didn’t intent to enter the house in the first place.
    If nothing, then this equipment from the old inner-German border is still in stock somewhere and available for cheap…
    Exterior Security Tools…
    (just kidding… really)

  • James Mahler May 8, 2009 (7:37 pm)

    We also had our car gone through and so did our next-door neighbor. Only thing taken was small change. I had other things of value but they were not taken.

  • Jo..Joe May 8, 2009 (10:18 pm)

    Yes, I totally support the police and would gladly vote in more taxes if I could be assured that every cent of new taxes that I payed went directly to an increase in salaries for the cops on the street in West Seattle.
    I say, protect your own. The police can’t be everywhere. In the state of Washington, at this time at least, all you have to do is ask for a concealed weapons permit.

  • Scott B. May 8, 2009 (10:28 pm)

    JM wrote: “…why should we change how we live, because people who do not care and violate our society are in control?”

    JM, civilizations always have some individuals who rob, murder, burglarize, etc.

    “It should be the other way around.”

    I agree with your sentiment, but that is wishful thinking. The reality is that there will always be some lowlife.

    “Support the police, pay them adequate salaries and overtime etc.”

    The police do what they can. They mostly react to reported crimes. The police are not a magic shield that can protect all individuals all the time.

    I wish all of us would consider how we can lessen risks to ourselves in our daily lives while still contributing to the protection of others in our community.

  • great to hear May 8, 2009 (10:49 pm)

    There are LOTS of police officers living in West Seattle raising families etc. It’s great to hear that they are supported. Although this story has nothing to do with them. Thanks for the tips on WSB. It’s great to know if not a little big unnerving. I highly recommend a dog before a gun!

  • thermo May 9, 2009 (12:39 am)

    I’ve been living in West Seattle for 16 years, I lived next to Lincoln Park and had a car stolen, lived in Seaview area and had my car broken into, truck broken into, and truck stolen on a different night. I can’t tell if crime is getting worse, or if we are just more aware because of blogs like this. I live by the park again now, and have had mailbox prowlings. Luckily, we have a loose neighborhood watch…. i.e. everyone works different hours and people are around pretty much all day. We keep in contact via phone and email and watch each others’ property. I highly recommend making friends with your neighbors and keeping watch.

  • Mustafa May 9, 2009 (1:20 pm)

    That must have been spooky. How did they get in the garage? I would like to leave my garage door slightly ajar and put bear traps in it. Nothing like a necessary amputation of a mangled leg to stop crime in its tracks. They’d probably say I was committing a crime, but you know, it’s my property and I was just setting them just to see if I could. Had no idea a burglar would step on one.

  • Lucky Lou May 11, 2009 (12:45 am)

    @Jo..Joe You don’t need a concealed weapons permit to have guns in your home. You only need one if you want to carry one around town hidden from view.

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