West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day eve: Fab forecast, etc.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, May 9, 2009Forecast for tomorrow: Mostly sunny! So — got your map yet for the 5th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day tomorrow, sales 9 am-3 pm all over the peninsula? No worries, here’s how. If you have an early copy of the preprinted map (say, from picking it up at our table at last Sunday’s Sustainable West Seattle Festival), a couple notes – #179 has had to cancel at the last minute; on the first map page, north of SW Brandon, be sure to check out a few sales in the far west and a few in the far east whose number markers may have been cut off on some early versions of the printed copy (the “ad” listings are complete in all versions, however), including #56 in Pigeon Point, #36 and #37 along Beach Drive, #74 (Southwest Youth and Family Services!) and #75 in North Delridge. SWYFS just sent out an e-mail blast and it looks like they’re having a raffle too!

COME ONE, COME ALL — 4555 Delridge WAY SW

Or if you want to start fresh with your WSCGSD map, just print the updated copy here (8-page PDF here). If you want to browse around online and look more closely at your neighborhood and what’s happening, check out the clickable Google Map here. Reminder, besides the short “ad” listings on the map (and if you click a number on the Google Map version, it’ll bring up a “balloon” with that sale’s ad text), we’re also offering sellers the chance to post in the WSB Forums‘ Freebies, Deals, Sales section (where you are welcome to post a yard sale ANY time, free, as the season goes on) with as much info as they want to say about their sales – so far, here’s what we have:
Click! Design That Fits‘ (WSB sponsor) Forum post about the sale
Amigos de las Americas, Seattle Chapter, Forum post about fundraising WSCGSD sale
This sale in Arbor Heights has set up its own website – wsyardsale.com
Here’s another sale description in the Forums – including cribs!
This one detailed in the Forums has plus-size clothes and computer paraphernalia
Read the map closely, online or in print – some spots are having bake sales and free refreshments too!

Then there’s the big Hotwire/Ginomai group sale spot in The Junction (details here along with block-sale addresses); C&P Coffee has multiple participants in its courtyard too; and Alki Lodge #152 even took out a separate WSB ad to shine the spotlight on its 7 am-4 pm fundraiser sale.

Another shoutout coming up later for the schools and businesses that are participating too – and we’ll pitch again, send us a photo tomorrow – we’ll be running around taking pix but won’t make it to all 183 – and to enter the contests (most creative sign and most unusual item bought/sold), send us pix, info on which sale they’re from, your name/contact info – garagesale@westseattleblog.com – We’ll be posting “live” at westseattlegaragesale.com from morning till post-sale; and if you write about the sale afterward on your personal website and wouldn’t mind being linked here, send us that link too. During the event, we’ll also send little bulletins via Twitter – if you’re out and about shopping, you can subscribe to Twitter via your mobile phone (we’ll do this via @westseattleblog).

4 Replies to "West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day eve: Fab forecast, etc."

  • flowerpetal May 8, 2009 (4:22 pm)

    I don’t think I can fit into my house a 40 foot wide screen t.v.

  • Jason May 8, 2009 (5:13 pm)

    I’ll be out there…looking for new and old video games! Woo hoo!

  • Rob May 8, 2009 (5:52 pm)

    I need a small couch.

  • sam May 8, 2009 (10:14 pm)

    flowerpetal- thanks, I needed a good laugh….

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