Two more video clips with sights and sounds from Saturday’s Delridge Day at Youngstown Arts Center (our as-it-happened coverage was here and here): First, one of the afternoon’s biggest ovations went to the Vicious Puppies Crew breakdancers. We wouldn’t usually put up 7 minutes of video of anything, but those guys were mesmerizing. Next, just one sample of the wide-ranging musical slate, which ranged from intense rock during the Youth Showcase in the morning, to acoustical folk later in the afternoon – in this case, it’s the Seattle Fandango Project, featuring members of Quetzal:
Last but not least, an update from the Delridge Playground fundraising booth:
Left to right, Holli, Betsy, and (mostly hidden) Lisa, who reported via our WS Blog page on Facebook:
Good news: between the raffle, the plant sale and donations we made over $300 for the new playground, and over 20 more folks signed up as interested in volunteering. Thanks, Delridge! Design #3 seems to be generating the most interest, but we’re still looking for feedback.
That’s a reference to the three playground designs from which the community needs to choose. You can see all three designs in this WSB report; there’s a feedback address there, plus word of a public meeting this Monday, 7:30 pm, where you can offer your thoughts on the designs.