Delridge playground designs unveiled: 3 to choose from

Betsy Hoffmeister from the North Delridge Neighborhood Council has just shared these three designs from which the new Delridge Community Center playground (recent WSB coverage here) will be chosen. She also says community fundraising that’s needed for the project only has $350 to go. Here’s the full specs for the design above; here are the full specs for the design below:

And here are the specs for this next one:

We’re checking on the proper pathway for public feedback; meantime, feel free to comment here for starters! And remember there’s a plant-sale fundraiser for the playground project at Delridge Day, Youngstown Arts Center this Saturday (WSB story here – by the way, we’ll be reporting live from Delridge Day throughout the event, so hope to see you there!). ADDED 9:09 PM: More info on what happens next, sent by Holli:

Cast your design vote – you can e-mail with your pick, or attend a public meeting at the Delridge Community Center on Monday, June 1 from 7:30pm-8:30pm. The designs will also be on display this Saturday, at Youngstown Arts Center as part of Delridge Day which runs from 11 am-5 pm.

We’re looking for all the help we can get to build the playground on July 17th. We’ll have the equipment, breakfast, lunch, water and free exercise! Registration starts at 7:45 am, building begins at 8:30 am and ends around 2:30 pm for some fun.

Anyone interested in being a Build Captain on Build Day needs to attend an orientation on Prep Day, July 15th. All are welcome to help on Prep Day.

Food Committee: We also need someone to lead the Food Committee! A few volunteers are doing double-duty on the Food Committee and have done some preparations, but we need a leader.

To volunteer contact Chris via email at or call (206) 499-3733.

Also, we’d love to put the spotlight on some local musical talent to entertain our volunteers at a closing ceremony that afternoon around 3pm, and at a grand opening the following week. Please contact Holli Margell via e-mail at if you would like to perform.

Design note: We can only chose from these three designs. Changing any element is no longer an option – it is too far along in the process.

6 Replies to "Delridge playground designs unveiled: 3 to choose from"

  • brittany May 27, 2009 (3:21 pm)

    so exciting for our neighborhood!! i’m so pleased that the kids who use the community center for before and after school care will also be able to appreciate the new playground. we’ll be at the plant sale this weekend!

  • Chris Southam May 27, 2009 (5:00 pm)

    If anybody’s interested in volunteering to help build the playground (and to help spruce up the area around it) in one day, you can email us at:

    Build day is July 17th (rain or shine).
    There will be a prep day on July 15th.

    We need volunteers of all ages and abilities. Building experience or skills are absolutely NOT required.

  • SpeakLoud May 27, 2009 (6:01 pm)

    PLayground #3 is my vote.

  • Kathy May 27, 2009 (8:22 pm)

    I vote for #3 as well. We will be there on build day and many other days in the future as it’s a short walk from our home. Very exciting for the neighborhood!

  • Holli May 27, 2009 (8:53 pm)

    We have a group set up on the website – Delridge Way Seattle – for those who’d like to join!

  • Ann June 1, 2009 (6:01 am)

    Thanks so much for organizing this. You guys have done a lot of work!

    Playground #3 is definitely my choice. It would serve more kids beyond the age of 2, since it has two climbing structures and multi-age swings. Also, it just looks like more fun!

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