Signed up to help make history yet? First-ever West Seattle 5K

Reminder: Discount early registration is still under way for the first-ever West Seattle 5K – benefiting local schools. It’s happening along Alki on May 31st, same day that Alki Ave will close (roughly from Seacrest to Cactus) for Car-Free Day-Turned-Celebrate-Seattle-Summer-Streets. Not only can you sign up online, you can also designate donations for the participating schools – start here.

12 Replies to "Signed up to help make history yet? First-ever West Seattle 5K"

  • :-D April 10, 2009 (12:33 pm)

    …but there’s already a race that day…


  • nuni April 10, 2009 (2:00 pm)

    too bad this doesn’t benefit breast cancer research or ms or something like that.

  • GenHillOne April 10, 2009 (2:23 pm)

    Just to be clear, all registration fees/proceeds go to WSHS even if the participant attends a different school, yes? The other schools only benefit if an ADDITIONAL donation is made and designated to a particular school. The materials are a little misleading…IMHO.

  • WSB April 10, 2009 (2:44 pm)

    That, I will find out. WSHS is doing all the organizing.
    Nuni, just about every cause has its own walk, so that people can choose what they want to support, or support them all, or none of them, for that matter. For breast-cancer research, there are Race for the Cure and the 3Day.
    For helping breast-cancer patients, Northwest Hope and Healing – based in West Seattle – has events including the Style ’09 fashion show coming up in Sodo April 30th and an Alki 5K on Sept. 27
    For MS, there was a walk at Husky Stadium just last Sunday.
    Public schools’ funding has been slashed and PTSAs and other groups wind up raising money for items that used to be basics automatically provided to kids – TR

  • GenHillOne April 10, 2009 (2:55 pm)

    Thanks! And I probably should have used the word confusing – “misleading” implies something more devious than intended!

  • bird87 April 10, 2009 (6:06 pm)

    Before I register I also want to be clear that the money is going to public schools, even if I don’t donate extra and specify?? I do love the idea of supporting schools. They are in dire need especially with an 800 million dollar budget cut :(

  • Mater April 10, 2009 (10:17 pm)

    I’ll do it but not going to pay. $30/pp is too much. See you there!

  • nuni April 11, 2009 (8:30 am)

    ooh thanks for the info WSB! I may just join the Sept 27th one.

  • GenHillOne April 11, 2009 (9:12 am)

    Mater, that’s a pretty typical registration fee, especially for an event with a fund-raising component – and t-shirt.

  • WSB April 11, 2009 (9:17 am)

    There are usually at least a few other run/walks here over the course of a year. I would be remiss not to mention Relay for Life at West Seattle Stadium, which raises money for cancer research in general –
    June 19 is this year’s date

  • Jo Bader April 11, 2009 (12:07 pm)

    The WSHS PTSA is doing all of the organizing and paying the costs associated with the run. This is our primary fundraiser of the year, taking the place of our annual auction. We wanted to include other schools and make this a larger community event so we invited the PTA/PTSA’s at all West Seattle schools to participate by promoting the event and enabling them to collect donations in their school’s name. The three schools that wanted to participate include Sealth, Madison and Roxhill and we’re very excited to have their support! Hopefully more schools will want to get involved next year. You can find more information at Hope this helps!

  • add April 11, 2009 (12:58 pm)

    I think this is a terrific addition to all the other 5Ks out there. I’ll be there and at the NW Hope & Healing’s event in September, too! And yes, $30 is a very typical registration fee. It’s a fundraiser. So please don’t show up to “do it and not pay” – you can go for a run at Alki any time you want for free.

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