From the WSB Forums: What that helicopter was up to

helicopterwatch.pngGot a few notes very early Sunday about the area’s law-enforcement helicopter, Guardian One, spending some time over the Delridge Triangle area. WSB Forum members launched a discussion and we have added a little more information this morning – the call started with King County Sheriff’s Deputies who say it involved a report of a “fight in progress” – here’s the entire WSBF thread, in case you haven’t already read it there.

3 Replies to "From the WSB Forums: What that helicopter was up to"

  • seattlegirl March 23, 2009 (3:28 pm)

    You should publish this on whitecenternow too…us WS peeps were wondering what the helicopter was up to as well! :)

  • seattlegirl March 23, 2009 (3:29 pm)

    Oops, that should say WC peeps.

  • WSB March 23, 2009 (4:44 pm)

    Sorry, hadn’t crossposted yet but will now – TR

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