Followup: Pogo the missing Papillon — sighted?

17 days now have passed since we first brought you the story of Pogo, the Papillon who escaped from her North Delridge home. Betsy Hoffmeister and family have continued to search far and wide, and she e-mailed this update late Thursday night:

A woman called at 9:30 pm on Thursday, March 12, 2009 to report that she had seen a small white dog with long fur and dark markings hanging around S 124th St and 4th Ave S for most of the day. After seeing a sign up at Fred Meyer in Burien, the woman realized that the dog she saw might be Pogo. She called us and drove back. The dog was still there. She yelled “here Pogo” and the dog turned and looked at her. When she parked her car, she crunched the gravel which startled the dog. The dog ran from 124th in a southerly direction, through back yards. With this young woman, I spent 30 minutes tromping through people’s driveways yelling and whistling, shining my flashlight under cars, into carports, and into bushes. No sign of a dog. I would like to alert families living near Arbor Lake Park, or South of there, or thereabouts, that we are looking for our beloved Papillon and the reward is still waiting for the kind soul who finds her. If this dog was our Pogo, she is clearly running scared. If you see her – or any other stray pooch you are trying to coax – the advice I got from the canine specialist was to not run after a dog, but rather to sit down or crouch down, call the dog’s name, and let the dog come to you. Again, my number is 206 353 9334. I will be going back to the neighborhood (later today) to put hang tags on the doors of all the neighbors.

7 Replies to "Followup: Pogo the missing Papillon -- sighted?"

  • Bradley5 March 13, 2009 (7:40 am)

    Don’t give up hope! Here’s a link to another local dog named Cheyenne that was missing for about 5 months back in 2007 before finally being found: . I’m keeping my fingers crossed that your Pogo’s story turns out with this same happy ending! Good luck!!

  • Aim March 13, 2009 (8:39 am)

    I was just thinking about Cheyenne when I read this. Glad you posted that link. It was such an amazing story!

    I’ll see if we can get down there this weekend to help look. Dogs tend to come to me, even when they’re scared.

  • lina rose March 13, 2009 (11:41 am)

    I promise to keep my eyes open around Roxbury and 98th neighborhood, sounds like Pogo might have a big range! My thoughts are with her and her family for a safe return!

  • iml March 13, 2009 (1:23 pm)

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for Pogo’s safe return. I will walk my dog in that neighborhood this weekend and keep my eyes out. I was wondering why we hadn’t heard any updates.

  • Betsy March 13, 2009 (4:13 pm)

    Alas, it was not her. It actually belonged to a neighbor and was just running around in the street acting lost. Thanks for the help and well wishes. We’ll find her some day.

  • Betsy March 13, 2009 (4:51 pm)

    Alas, it was not Pogo. This was a great example of community in action, though. Late last night (Thursday) one woman spent an hour with me tromping around (in the snow, no less) calling the dog. Today, another totally random stranger spontaneously offered to come help look for her along with me and my friend. We did find the dog that the first woman had spotted. The dog we saw was the dog of a neighbor. It was super skittish and wouldn’t let us get near it, but we found a neighbor who identified it. I can’t believe how generous people are. Thanks, friends!!

  • Linda March 20, 2009 (11:23 am)

    Hi Betsy~

    i have a little Papillon who will be 3 in June and I understand how you feel in doing everything you can to find your little girl Pogo. Please place a post on the Seattle Craigslist at: with photos if possible. Also, try posting about Pogo at: which
    My prayers are with your sweet dog….


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