A request from Alki Homestead’s owner, to help thank firefighters

(January 16 photo taken at Homestead fire scene by David Hutchinson)
A new update this morning from Alki Homestead owner Tom Lin – who wants help in showing gratitude to the firefighters who responded the morning the historic restaurant caught fire:

Alki Homestead-Volunteers Wanted

I have been swamped with work since the fire and it would be great if someone with the connection can help with the following tasks.

The day of the fire, I remember there were about 10 fire trucks from 3 or 4 fire stations putting out the fire. It is very important to show how grateful we are for what they have done and how quickly they responded. I thought it would be nice to install a X Box or Wii in every station. It must be pretty boring to sit in the station at times and a good computer game could ease the boredom.

1. We need to find out if that is permitted to install the games in the stations.
2. We need to find out which stations these firemen came from.
3. We need volunteers to install these games.
4. If we can’t install the games, suggestions as to what can we do to show our appreciation.

I will provide the systems and games.

Tom’s e-mail is alkihomestead@yahoo.com.

20 Replies to "A request from Alki Homestead's owner, to help thank firefighters"

  • onceachef March 26, 2009 (11:07 am)

    Nice gesture but maybe they can just read some good books and you can donate the money spent on the gear to a charity of some sort? I think your heart is in the right place but the money can be better spent…when you find the fire stations that responded maybe they’ll have a suggestion for the money?? Just a thought.

  • Mike March 26, 2009 (1:18 pm)

    “I think your heart is in the right place but the money can be better spent”

    OR, just a thought, get these consoles and games in the fire stations so they can enjoy some down time between risking their lives to save others.

    Everyone can go donate money to those in need. Let’s start with those that don’t risk their lives to save others… like the millions of desk jockeys.

  • J March 26, 2009 (2:10 pm)

    Did you put the tarps on your building yet? Nice job saving face here, Tom, but please take care of the historical site until the fix is in place. Don’t just talk about acting, please ACT! Thank you!

  • onceachef March 26, 2009 (2:24 pm)

    Hey Mike…you took some liberties with what I said…I also said “ask the fire stations”…if they want Wiis and X-Boxs then they deserve to get them…and I never questioned their bravery, only how they can (and should) be rewarded…maybe (just another thought) they don’t want a Wii..maybe they want a ping pong table, maybe they want bikes, etc….ask them. I also didn’t ask the fire fighters to donate their money…I mentioned to Tom as an idea. I guess “Wii” don’t see eye to eye…

  • miws March 26, 2009 (3:43 pm)

    Just sent an E-M to Mr. Lin, with a link to the SFD 911 Response page from that date, plus the physical addresses to Stations 32, 36, & 37.



  • JanS March 26, 2009 (5:00 pm)

    J…did you read anything that Tom Lin posted on here yesterday? There will be a more permanent roof placed on the building TOMORROW…is that not good enough for you? Mr. Lin said…9am, and asked those who can to please go help…will you? Seems that, from how you post/what you post, you simply have a grudge against this guy, that’s he’s damned if he doesn’t and damned if he does. Step back and look in the mirror and ask yourself what positivity YOU can add to the situation. And get over the tarp thing, for goodness sake…

  • jm March 26, 2009 (7:12 pm)

    Mr. Lin, I think it is a wonderful gesture that you’re doing for these firefighters!! It is very unfortunate that some people feel the need to bring such negativity to your already extremely unfortunate situation.

    JanS.. very well said! :)

  • CB March 26, 2009 (7:58 pm)

    Mr. Lin has done everything right, and it’s still not good enough for some. What a sad city we live in.

  • j March 26, 2009 (8:00 pm)

    I think this is a fantastic idea! What a way to say thank you. I’m willing to bet these guys aren’t thanked enough and will be thrilled.

    j (not to be confused with the uppercased J) :)

  • WTF March 26, 2009 (8:32 pm)

    Hey onceachef,
    You’re a jerk. Too bad you just don’t “get it”.

    Tom, don’t let such @$$#0|$ ruin your idea and your heartfelt gesture to thanks these (guys). My brother is a firefighter, and least we forget, they run in when everyone is running out.

    Again, onceachef, piss off.

  • WTF March 26, 2009 (8:33 pm)

    CB, cyber high five. I totally agree. And, I grew up here.

  • homesweethome March 27, 2009 (7:28 am)

    how many of you complainers are going to be there to help out with the new tarps?

  • Ex-Westwood Resident March 27, 2009 (8:45 am)


    Let me know when and if you get the game consoles, I WOULD be more than happy to install them. I spent 22 years in the Navy as an Electronics Tech. The challenge when installing these consoles is making all the cables look neat and organized.


  • onceachef March 27, 2009 (9:30 am)

    WTF – you have such a nice, articulate way with words – try reading what I REALLY said in both of my posts – I didn’t question any firefighters bravery, and I said (in my second entry) if they (the firefighters) want Wiis and Xboxs they should get them (since they’re being offered by Tom). And I didn’t question Tom’s generosity (read the first post – hint: try reading it with the video game turned off) – only what he was spending money on. Whatever happens, happens…I don’t really care one way or the other….Tom’s very generous and firefighters are true heroes…that’s what matters.

  • eeebeekay March 27, 2009 (1:58 pm)

    Nice thought, but I believe it’s misplaced. Of course firefighters should be commended for their bravery. But don’t forget they have other work to do in the station when they’re not off risking their lives. There’s equipment maintenance, reporting/paperwork, training, public relations, etc, etc. While I’m paying their salaries, I expect them to be doing something work-related when they’re on the clock.

  • Sam March 27, 2009 (2:40 pm)

    I have not been by the Homestead today does anyone know if the temp repairs on the roof were done?
    And Tom nice diversion from the original conversation!
    Now that you put the WII topic out there when will our brave firefighters be receiving their new toys? Can they actually accept a gift like this?

    I would love to see them in on this thread, wasn’t that your intent, to stir things up so everyone would get off your back? If it was it worked!
    But it is still very nice of you to do that for the fire stations and I am sure they are very grateful for your offer.

  • Sam March 27, 2009 (2:44 pm)

    OK, I will answer my own post, I just saw the clean up pictures posted on another thread so yea, the clean up has started.

    Thanks Tom!

  • fluorescent carl March 27, 2009 (2:54 pm)

    CB, This City isn’t SAD the WSB just brings out the best in US!

  • alki_2008 March 27, 2009 (5:09 pm)

    Hey eeebeekay, the firefighters spend a lot of time in “stand-by” mode. There’s only so much ‘other’ work one can do around a firehouse. When the clock runs 24 hours, then do you also expect them not to Sleep when they’re ‘on the clock’? It’s not like they go in for 8 or 10 hour shifts.

  • fluorescent carl March 27, 2009 (7:33 pm)

    eeebeekay, as a fellow tax payer I say shut your pie hole! You pay there salaries and want them to stand at attention when on the clock… Give me a break!

Sorry, comment time is over.