West Seattle Crime Watch: Fence-hopping burglar(s)

Out of the WSB inbox:

I wanted to let folks know that our neighbor’s house was broken into today somewhere between 10 and 11 AM. We live on the 8700 block of 16th between Trenton and Donovan (map). It appears they came over the backyard fence and entered through a window — (writing to ask) if anyone happened to see anything, and to be aware if they see any suspicious persons around. They stole specific items such as a laptop, video camera, etc.

19 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Fence-hopping burglar(s)"

  • Mary February 4, 2009 (6:07 pm)

    This same thing happened at my house about 8 months ago. From what I heard from neighbors this guy had hit other house in the neighborhood, even entering and stealing laptops while people were home in the shower or otherwise engaged. Sadly to keep him out it seems you have to keep your windows locked even when you’re home. Ugh thinking about it makes me want to puke.

  • HighlandParkster February 4, 2009 (7:15 pm)

    I live very near there and someone rang my back doorbell in that time frame on Monday. I was still in bed but heard the bell. I assumed it was a delivery, but when no package could be found (or was expected) I suspected my home was being cased. I’m now more concerned that I was being cased. I saw a man in the alley between 16th and 17th Monday afternoon who looked like he was up to no good (looking around behind peoples’ houses). When he saw me, he left the alley and walked west on Trenton. I wasn’t close enough to see more than that he was a man and his height compared to a fence post was shorter than average.

  • sam February 4, 2009 (8:05 pm)

    HP-that sounds like it could have been very suspicious situation- did you call the police?

  • HighlandParkster February 4, 2009 (10:11 pm)

    There’s a 50/50 chance it was a solicitor. I checked for signs of any evidence of break-in and didn’t see any. The cops will likely treat me like I’m crazy. It’s happened before (even when there were shell casings in my yard)! I work from home and am home (pretty-much) all day every day. I will definitely keep an extra eye out. I do email photos to the police of people in my neighborhood who appear to be up to no good. I rarely hear anything back at all. I hope one day, one of the photos will put the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time and become evidence. Until then, I’m saving up all my money for a 24/7 multi-cam video surveillance system. Unfortunately, it’s the only answer to home burglaries these days. I have a 24/7 cam inside the house, but none outside yet. At least if someone gets in, I’ll have their image uploaded to a remote server even if they steal the computer with the cam hooked up to it. I’m one of those folks who don’t have faith in the Seattle Police Department. I live 1/4 mile from the SW Precinct and I ***rarely*** see a car patrolling my neighborhood (and as I mentioned, I’m home all day). Weird stuff goes down all day in South Delridge and White-Center-adjacent West Seattle, but where are the cops? What DO they d all day? They occasionally show up when you call them, but otherwise, I don’t know what they’re up to. Speeding tickets, red light cams, handing out parking tickets (a day after the snowstorm that stranded peoples’ cars for almost 2 weeks?!) that’s where all the SPD resources are going. Bringin’ in the revenue to fatten up the city coffers with citizen’s money. The SPD can’t get their hands on the crack dealer’s money who used to live on my block, so they “stick up” – ahem, I mean pull over people who are late for work or can’t find anywhere to park anymore. We don’t all have $3.00 to pay to park 2-3 times a day. I’m saving up for a video surveillance system to help keep my home safe.

  • stojemax February 4, 2009 (11:04 pm)

    Monday night (11pm) I let my dog out to go potty before heading off to bed, he went over to the fence then became “helldog”. I have never seen him so wild. And after reading all the crime threads I am very happy to have my very own helldog. Whatever was on the other side of the fence was far too large to be a cat, dog, possum or raccoon, now I am nearly convinced it was a person. I will be installing a few more security items, thank you to all that post what is going on in WS.

    By the way I am in the area of 40th and Alaska/Oregon.

  • Brian February 5, 2009 (6:44 am)

    Did you just use the word, “Potty”?


  • Kristina February 5, 2009 (7:59 am)

    My dog is the sweetest, most gentle, loving creature; I absolutely trust him with children, cats, and the elderly. However, he has a sense for some things, and a few times he’s gone wild with barking (very unusual) and he has NOT liked a couple of solicitors. I think he “knows” – mostly he just comes to the door wagging his tail when I open the door, but on two occassions he has growled, had his hair up, etc. for solicitors. I just held him by the collar and told them we weren’t interested….and hoped that they were no longer interested in visiting us again, too. Maybe our dog is earning his keep, after all. I can only hope!
    And “helldog” is funny, btw. :)

  • Baba Nulu February 5, 2009 (9:34 am)

    Baba Nulu sez,
    “With such smart dogs, who needs police?”

  • onceachef February 5, 2009 (10:18 am)

    Dogs know…they can sense the bad guys!

  • tj February 5, 2009 (10:54 am)

    HighlandParkster….. did you not know the neighborhood you were moving into prior to moving there?

    You should get involved with community policing/block watch and be apart of deterring criminal activity… instead of blaming the police.

    You must have spent a good 10-15 minutes typing that rant… with that much energy towards complaining about the police, taking photos of people in your neighborhood (say what?) and installing a 24/7 camera system…. you just might be a good leader in some sort of neighborhood block watch…

    Hey…. good ol’ people of WSB….hook this person up with some links to neighborhood block watches….


  • tj February 5, 2009 (9:20 pm)

    HighlandParkster…. good luck getting into the Police Academy or marrying a police officer….? ahhhhh… so funny how you never know who is on the other side of the computer…. ;) Guess whoooooo

  • HighlandParkster February 6, 2009 (3:56 pm)

    Why does WSB keep removing my posts? It’s be nice to know what possible term of service I’m violating.

  • WSB February 6, 2009 (4:01 pm)

    Insulting another person in the thread (called them a smart ***). Went through, we were flagged to it, we removed it. Lots of other sites let people call each other names. Not ours. Thanks.

  • HighlandParkster February 6, 2009 (4:28 pm)

    Ah, I see. So it’s HOW I am insulting. Got it.

  • HighlandParkster February 6, 2009 (4:40 pm)

    Ok, in response to TJ’s openly hostile and condescending post (which is apparently OK to do), let me carefully and plainly state that our block watch meetings are pointless and have NOT resulted in a drop in neighborhood crime which is UP since I moved here years ago and got involved with my block watch. The police who have come to our meetings recently just shrug their shoulders and insinuate that we’re “on our own.” Obviously, you are a big Police supporter. I wish I could share your trust and enthusiasm for their “work.” The question does remain, where ARE the police? What ARE they doing? They are NOT patrolling the areas within 1/4 mile of the SW Precinct. They drive through (fast!) on their way to other places, but they do not have a presence in my neighborhood where my block watch has repeatedly asked them for help. Also, it’s a shame that the all-powerful WSB erases ENTIRE posts rather than blocking out one word. I thought what I called TJ was kind compared to his attitude toward me. But, I’m guessing that WSB knows TJ so it’s ok for them to be a jerk to me, but I’m not allowed to respond. You can say “smart___” on tv during daytime.

  • HighlandParkster February 6, 2009 (4:45 pm)

    From New Oxford American Dictionary: “smart-***” noun informal
    another term for smart aleck. “smart aleck” informal noun – a person considered irritating because they know a great deal or always have a clever answer to a question.

  • tj February 6, 2009 (10:02 pm)

    For one… I’m not a “him”… for two, I simply responded to your post. You obviously did not like it and lacked the emotional maturity to engage in dialogue. I simply encouraged you to take a more active role in your community and channel your energy of hatred towards police towards something more positive.

    I really doubt that the police are reacting the way you see it, they may not be telling you what you want to hear… but if they just shrugged their shoulders I’m sure there would be outrage, and not just yours. It is what it is….

    Hmm.. another suggestion, if I may (avoid being called names)…

    Go to the precinct and ask for a ride along… and while you are on that ride along you will have that cop whom does not patrol the neighborhood close to your house and drives too fast… ALL TO YOURSELF…

    Go get um’ Tiger…

  • tj February 6, 2009 (10:05 pm)

    I’m about done typing in this post anyways…. we should go have coffee, HighlandParkster… ;)

  • HighlandParkster February 6, 2009 (10:37 pm)

    If I wanted to go to coffee with a preachy, condescending smart ALECK, I would ask WSB out to lunch. However, I have zero interest in meeting either of you for a sermon on the holy Seattle Police Department.

Sorry, comment time is over.