Photo by WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli; also on the scene, WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand, who says fire crews have now traced the smoke (earlier report here) to an area around the electrical panel by the back door of Poggie Tavern (on the alley, as you can see in Christopher’s photo). They’re using a chainsaw to get close enough to put it out. As mentioned earlier, the fire units are taking up a lane on California between Alaska and Edmunds, meaning one lane remains, so avoid that block for now if you can. Also, City Light has turned off the Poggie’s power, so it’s closed for now; Patrick checked on neighboring businesses and they are NOT affected. ADDED 5:01 PM: Patrick reports that firefighters had to cut a hole in the roof too. He’ll be adding video of the chainsaw work that was required to try to reach the source of the smoke trouble. ADDED 6:14 PM: Fire investigators say preliminary indication is that an improperly discarded cigarette is to blame for what happened. The damage was confined largely to the rear facade; the tavern may be closed a few days, it’s estimated (we will check again tomorrow with any ownership/management reps we can find). Here’s our video from the scene:
ADDED 10:14 PM: Went by Poggie on the way back from school-district HQ … already reopened for business.