Spokane Street fire followup: Fund set up for The Dutchman

As discussed in comments following yesterday’s coverage of the Spokane Street fire (here and here), though it apparently started in Pacific Sheet Metal, it also burned The Dutchman next door – a site rich in Seattle music history. WSB’er RealLowVibe just tweeted word of this website set up to help the Dutchman recover. Today’s update from the fire department is that investigators still can’t go in because of all the water flooding the site (see photo above, taken yesterday by C. Simmons), and it may take several days for the scene to be safe enough for them to enter.

1 Reply to "Spokane Street fire followup: Fund set up for The Dutchman"

  • rlv January 10, 2009 (12:33 am)

    Thanks for adding this to WSB, and for continuing to find out what you can!

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