Sharing the bounty: Free Thanksgiving dinners this afternoon

You probably don’t have to cook for a crowd the size of the one that Don is preparing for. We caught him with huge pots of gravy (etc.) in the kitchen at The Hall at Fauntleroy, where Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering is again serving up the annual free Thanksgiving dinner, noon-3 pm (map). The tables are waiting, as sun dapples through the huge south-facing windows:

Those who come also will be able to take something home – donated clothing and other items are laid out:

Also offering a free Thanksgiving dinner in West Seattle today: Freedom Church (35th/Roxbury), 3-6 pm. Many people are spending part of their holiday volunteering to make these events possible – we are thankful to live in a community with so many who give so much.

2 Replies to "Sharing the bounty: Free Thanksgiving dinners this afternoon"

  • Ricky J & Family November 27, 2008 (10:35 pm)

    Wow & what a feast it was! A big thank you to everyone involved for making it such a wonderful event. The food was fabulous and the hospitality was absolutely wonderful. If we’re in town next year, we’re there.

  • Sue November 28, 2008 (9:55 am)

    I agree – I’m very grateful to the people who worked so hard to provide a meal to those of us who had nowhere else to go. I don’t think I could’ve paid for a better meal.

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