West Seattle Crime Watch: “Burglary spree,” biz break-in, more

3 break-in cases in the latest update — a house (in an area where neighbors have just gotten word of a “48-hour burglary spree”), a car, and a store:

A short time ago, Aili e-mailed this:

We just found out our neighbors on the corner of 38th and Graham (map) were burglarized sometime this morning, Oct 28th. Our other neighbors also saw two unknown men in our backyard (across the alley on 37th) and a Chevy Suburban was parked in the alley.

In a second note, Aili added, after a conversation with police:

FYI: police said there’s been a 48-hour burglary spree in our area! They have put a month-long watch on our house as of immediately.

From Kurt in North Delridge:

Just wanted to let you know my car was ‘broken’ into. Driver’s side window smashed, nothing taken. More of an inconvenience than anything, talked to 2 women in a car that saw 2 black men running from the scene and jump into a white truck…seems like I’ve read a few of those on the site recently … We’re about 4 houses south of the golf course on 26th SW.

Further south on Delridge, the police department’s SPD Blotter site (reminder, its latest West Seattle entries come up immediately on the WSB Crime Watch page) has word of a convenience-store break-in early this morning in the 5400 block of Delridge – with loot including 80 cartons of cigarettes. Read the full story here.

16 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: "Burglary spree," biz break-in, more"

  • carrot October 28, 2008 (11:05 pm)

    My husband & I called 911 around 7:30 tonight after we saw two weird guys hanging out near 37th & Raymond. They were lurking around the dark parts of the sidewalk and seemed to be looking up at the houses. They definitely weren’t just passing through. We were on our way out, so we don’t know if or how quickly the police got out here… but it’s interesting to find out that there’s other stuff going on in the neighborhood. I hope it stops soon.

  • cruiser October 29, 2008 (7:44 am)


    What color was that suburban?

  • Al October 29, 2008 (8:15 am)

    Don’t know the color – I’ll find out more info from those who saw it.

  • charles October 29, 2008 (8:21 am)

    darn they are getting closer to us. have to double the watch. glad my cars are not out side.

  • Al October 29, 2008 (9:50 am)

    Correction: SEDAN, not Suburban. My error.
    Blue, older model Chevy Sedan.

  • Ron October 29, 2008 (11:49 am)

    To many years of soft on crime liberal policy in this city. They have created a underclass that that does nothing but steal from the productive sector of society. Get use to it,take a gun training class and buy a handgun and protect yourself while you still can, also vote in some conservitive politicians, sanctuary city…bullsh##, Cheers

  • Brentut5 October 29, 2008 (12:03 pm)

    Well, Ron, it also may be that since we’ve had so many conservative politicians running this country we’ve destroyed our schools, good middle class production jobs and outsourced all our government jobs, so there’s nothing else for kids to do. The safety net in this country doesn’t exist for city kids and locking them up in jail isn’t going to help. Education and opportunity will.

    Just my humble opinion, but, believe me, we aren’t going to vote in any more conservitive[sic} politicians on Tuesday.

  • meg October 29, 2008 (1:06 pm)

    Well said Brentut5!!!

  • DK October 29, 2008 (1:58 pm)

    Brentut5 & Meg….you people are unbelievable!!! People like Ron have a point and are right on the money!!! We live in a state / county that puts more emphasis on abused dogs and animal shelters that it does children and CPS!!! All under the liberal watch! And what kind of garbage do you mean by “safety net”??? It’s not the govt’s job to provide a safety net for kids…it’s the parents…but oh, I forgot…in this city/county…parents aren’t held accountable for their kids actions!!! This is the same city that bought million dollar porta-pottys, then realized they are just a magnet for dregs of society and turn around and sell them on e-bay at a huge tax payer loss…so go ahead…keep voting in those socialist/liberals…you’ll get what you deserve!

  • miles October 29, 2008 (2:45 pm)

    A note to DK and Ron:

    Guess you think a democrat must have robbed all these people…

    I’m one of the ones whose house was broken into over the last several days. My wife and I are going to have to figure out how to deal with it long term emotionally.

    One big way is I voted for Obama today with glee, pure glee! My small part of voting out idiots who think increasing the distance between “haves and have nots” is good for our neighborhoods, for our country, for our world.

    Yes we can!

  • SP26 October 29, 2008 (3:54 pm)

    Meanwhile, our house (37th and Elmgrove) was broken into Tuesday daytime. Please keep as good as eye open as you have your mouths open about the greater issues at hand.

    They stole various power cords, so I guess we are powerless over them … how ironic.

  • Chris G October 29, 2008 (5:39 pm)

    Just got word from a neighbor that there was one attempted break-in during noon in our area. Unfortunately, there was a successful burglary also. Both occured within the last 7 days. A BB Gun was used to gain entry (sound familiar)? Area is SW Othello and 16th (by Riverview playfield). Look out for each other people. :)

  • DK October 29, 2008 (6:43 pm)

    Miles…as a matter a fact, I think that people like the kind that broke into your home actually do not vote! You really think that common criminals actually designate themselves democrats or republicans?? That kind of scum couldn’t spell “vote” to save their own lives!!

    I’m sorry you were broken into…my point was, we as a citizenry have gotten very soft, misguided and have forgotten our values and principles. Oh and by the way…last year, my home was burglarized and I was wiped out! They fled when they heard my wife pulling into our attached garage. My family and I were spooked for a bit, but we didn’t make it sound like the world had gone to hell in hand basket. The cops arrived, took a report and I was realistic enough to understand that the cops can only do so much…the rest is up to us.

    Oh, and we work our behinds off like most people…I’m all for making sure the haves and have nots keep their distance…I’m not about to “share the wealth” that we’ve worked so hard to get…(and believe me…it sure as hell ain’t wealth) with the have nots who can just as easily work to get it.

  • arbor heights mom October 29, 2008 (8:08 pm)

    We had two break ins (at least) in the 100,000 block of Marine View Dr SW last night: one an attempt to get into a house (unsuccessful, using an air compressor gun) and one, successful, getting into my other neighbor’s truck and getting away with his GPS. Grrrr.

  • Stacey October 30, 2008 (8:43 am)

    There was also a break in on S.W. College & 45th and the 3400 block on 48th. Both break-ins were during the day/morning. Just kicked in the FRONT door. In all the years I have lived in West Seattle, I have never been afraid. I am now. I hate this feeling.

  • rjb October 31, 2008 (10:44 am)

    How sad that someone has bought into the “Share the Wealth” crap. I think I can discount anything DK ever posts again.

Sorry, comment time is over.