month : 10/2008 370 results

West Seattle businesses: How will Viaduct possibilities affect you?

October 5, 2008 8:01 am
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 |   Alaskan Way Viaduct | West Seattle businesses

Tomorrow’s the deadline for an online survey the state is conducting, asking businesses for their thoughts on how various scenarios for replacing the Alaskan Way Viaduct‘s Central Waterfront section — with a final decision due by year’s end — might affect their operations. If you’re a business owner, the survey starts here – once you’ve given a bit of info about your business, you provide an e-mail address to which the actual questionnaire link is to be sent.

Happening today: Farmers’ Market, animal blessing #2, more …

October 5, 2008 6:03 am
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WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Sunday morning means the weekly link to the Ripe ‘n’ Ready fresh sheet listing some of what you can expect to find at WSFM, 10 am-2 pm at 44th/Alaska. Here’s the link.

ANIMAL BLESSING #2: First one happened Saturday at The Mount; today, a big outdoor event at the West Seattle High School parking lot, starting at noon, presented by neighboring St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, and featuring the Humane Society MaxMobile with adoptable pets.

MORE: Here’s the direct link to our West Seattle Weekend Lineup Sunday list – with info on today’s other highlights (including Holy Rosary’s annual Alumni Sunday, the Seattle CROP Walk, Ciderpress in Delridge, and a Music Northwest concert).

White Center Swap Meet, day 1

On partner site White Center Now, we peeked into the new White Center Swap Meet shortly after its doors opened (at the former Southgate Skate Center) this afternoon; later came this followup on a hot deal. Day 2 of the White Center Swap Meet is 10 am-4 pm tomorrow.

Another chance to check out West Seattle’s Art Lending Library

October 4, 2008 10:59 pm
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts


Back in May, we brought you first word of West Seattle’s first-ever Art Lending Library, which made its debut at Youngstown Arts Center during Delridge Day, explained here by Seth Damm, who just sent word of an upcoming opportunity to try it out:

For all those who didn’t get a chance to participate in the first Art Lending Library, good news, we will be open one night only coming up this Thursday, October 9th from 6 to 9 pm in conjunction with the West Seattle Art Walk. Come down to the Youngstown Cultural Center (4408 Delridge SW) , browse our collection of local artwork, sign up for a library card if you don’t already have one, and select a piece for free delivery later in the month.

Youngstown is one of the newest additions to the monthly Art Walk lineup and is now one of two venues on Delridge (joining Bubbles); here’s the full list of who’s participating Thursday night (as well as during the November and December Art Walks).

Denny/Sealth sites’ future: Your next 3 chances to get involved

October 4, 2008 7:40 pm
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 |   Denny-Sealth | West Seattle news | Westwood


(click for full-size version)
If you’re interested in the Denny/Sealth combined-campus project and/or what happens to the Denny Middle School site when its current buildings are demolished after the new school is built on the Sealth campus, you need to know about three major meetings in the coming week. FIRST: A community meeting Monday night to talk about what you would like to see happen at the Denny site post-move. The Westwood Neighborhood Council has developed a vision for the site (sketch above) but that may not dovetail with school-district decisionmaking unless there is strong community support for turning the site into something more than sports fields and tennis courts. The community meeting is at 7:30 pm Monday at Southwest Community Center. SECOND: The next night, the public is invited to the next meeting of the official city-convened committee that is reviewing whether the Denny/Sealth project will be permitted “departures” from city codes, for reduced parking and increased height. The Departure Advisory Committee meets at 7 pm Tuesday in the Denny cafeteria. THIRD: On Wednesday night, the Design Team looking at the future of the Denny site, which includes school district and community representatives, meets at 7 pm Wednesday in the Denny library; you’re also welcome at this meeting.

West Seattle Weather Watch: “Wind advisory” till 9 pm


We’ve seen bursts of heavy rain and some bouts of breeze already today … but it’s likely to get worse, says the National Weather Service, in issuing this “wind advisory” that’s in effect till 9 pm. 4:56 PM UPDATE: Here’s the link to check for the latest power outages listed by City Light. We’re just back from Burien and environs; power was out to some businesses near Burien City Hall, and we saw a big SCL presence at 1st/152nd. Some “wires down” calls show on the live 911 log, including one right now in the 2200 block of SW Orchard (map). 6:45 PM UPDATE: Photo added from “wire down” – it’s over by the taco truck/Vietnamese Cultural Center spot north of Home Depot.

West Seattle weekend scenes: Animal blessings at The Mount

cescothedog.jpgToday is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals, and that’s why this weekend you had two invitations to get your pets (etc.) blessed. First one happened this morning at Providence Mount St. Vincent; that’s Father Lyle Konen in the video above, delivering the blessing (The Mount asks that residents not be photographed, so as far as the participants go, Cesco the dog at left is all we’ve got, but overall there was quite the crowd – listen for the collar-jingling in the video). Next blessing event is tomorrow, public also invited, at the West Seattle High School parking lot at noon tomorrow, presented by neighboring St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church. Full event info here – not only will blessings be offered, but handmade items will also be for sale, along with refreshments, and if you’re in the mood to add to your household, the Humane Society’s MaxMobile will be there (second half of this post shows its recent appearance at Thriftway).

West Seattle weekend scenes: Shopping for help, from you

October 4, 2008 10:58 am
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At Thriftway in Morgan Junction, that’s (from left) Jake Webley, Gini Johnson, and Greg Ross, collecting food and money for local food banks as part of a drive presented by local Prudential realtors. They have the north door covered; another team has the south door; and you’ll also find Prudential folks at West Seattle PCC. This is happening till 2 pm today – and not only can you help by giving food items and/or money, Gini told us that if you present them with your receipt, they’re doing a one percent match. If you don’t see this till after 2, you can also drop off food bank donations at Prudential’s West Seattle offices through the end of the year. Meantime, at another grocery store — QFC in Westwood Village — these folks are “shopping for help” too:


The smiling folks you see in that photo include local fire cadets, currently based at the Joint Training Facility on the southeast edge of West Seattle, and today they’re asking you to help “Give Burns the Boot” by collecting $ on behalf of the Northwest Burn Foundation. You’ll find them at QFC — and others at Metropolitan Market in Admiral — till 4 pm today. (If you miss this event, you can donate to NW Burn Foundation online by going here.)

Crime Watch: Car owner’s been down this road before

Out of the WSB inbox, from Karen:

I wanted to report that our car was broken into overnight near the corner of 46th and Genesee (map). They took the change, emergency road kit and tire chains. This is the 6th time that car has been broken into at that location over the past few years. Nothing of much value has every been stolen but it is a nuisance and, just like tagging, increases if left unchecked. I would remind everyone to report any crime no matter how small. It allows the police to track activity and will increase patrols in effected areas.

Today: Viaduct, food drive, burn fundraiser, voter signup, more

VIADUCT CLOSURE: Reminder, the Alaskan Way Viaduct is closed till 11 am this morning because of the Puget Sound Heart Walk. (Its next weekend inspection closure is in two weeks, 6 am-6 pm Saturday 10/18 and the same hours Sunday 10/19.)

FOOD DRIVE: Heard late last night from local Prudential realtors Debbie Rutledge (via Facebook) and Alice Kuder that they and others are collecting food and money for the West Seattle and White Center Food Banks at two locations 10 am-2 pm today: Thriftway and PCC.

BURN FUNDRAISER: Around the region, it’s “Give Burns the Boot” day with local firefighters teaming up to help the Northwest Burn Foundation. Look for them at Metropolitan Market and Westwood Village QFC.

VOTER SIGNUP: Last reminder – today’s your last chance to register. Look for registration drives almost everywhere, or register online RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS: First of two this weekend – today, it’s indoors, 10:45 am, front lobby of Providence Mount St. Vincent (map), everyone’s welcome to bring their animals; Father Lyle Konen will perform the blessing.

MUCH MORE: Check the West Seattle Weekend Lineup; here’s the direct link to today’s list.

Cheer for the Westside Wildcats – the new JUNIOR Wildcats!


Lots going on today (all in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup) but if you can get over to West Seattle Stadium, go give three cheers – or more – to the Westside Wildcats junior football teams, who are playing their counterparts from the Rainier White Ravens organization in a series of games starting at 9 o’clock this morning. We took the photo above at one of their practices earlier this week at the Madison Middle School field; the Wildcats have more than 160 kids ages 6 to 14, counting the cheerleaders, according to the “bantam” group’s head coach, Bill Kemp, who took a moment to talk to WSB on video:

This is the first year for the Westside Wildcats, who play in the South King County Junior Football League. Some Saturdays they play here in West Seattle (like today), some Saturdays they’re in other neighborhoods as the visiting teams – here’s their schedule; they’re playing at home next Saturday too, same times as today, five matchups starting with the seniors at 9 am and running through the bantams’ 4 pm start.

West Seattle scenes: Hooping it up

That video is from tonight’s Family Fun Night Sock Hop (check the golden-oldies music!) at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, presented by the Seattle Civic Concert Dancers. SCCD is based at Seattle Civic Dance Theater school, one of the tenants at the schoolhouse, the purchase of which (as we reported earlier today) is not yet a done deal. Seattle Civic Concert Dancers’ performance schedule — you can see them at Fauntleroy Fall Festival on October 19th! — can be found here.

Friday night miscellany: Mystery helicopter, “pushy” solicitors …

MYSTERY HELICOPTER: Received more than a few notes about this earlier this evening (thank you!) but couldn’t find anything obvious via scanner or in person. Anybody who can solve the mystery of what a chopper was doing over eastern West Seattle – Triangle, Fairmount, possibly Pigeon Point – in the 7 pm hour, please share. (10:16 pm: Nancy e-mails to say that from past experience, it might have been a chopper covering sports at WS Stadium; not WSHS football since they were at Ingraham — 33 to 6 win for the Wildcats, by the way, congrats, and they’re in Game of the Week running for next week! – but schedules reveal Seattle Prep played O’Dea tonight at WS Stadium.)

DOOR-TO-DOOR ALERT: This quick note from Todd in the California/Charlestown (map) area:

Just a note to alert the area that those pushy magazine salespeople (who ignore or can’t read ‘no soliciting’ signs) are at work on the Admiral / Gen. Hill line.

ONE MORE NOTE: Just got word from Carol Viger that the West Seattle High School Grad Night fundraiser car wash planned for tomorrow is off. We’ll let you know when it’s rescheduled.

Three West Seattle winners – and one needs your vote now

“COMMUNITY BUILDER” HONORED: He’s another one of West Seattle’s semi-unsung heroes — North Delridge Neighborhood Council co-chair Mike Dady, who works tirelessly on behalf of an area that’s been fighting its way to a better future. Now, we’ve got word the Seattle Neighborhood Group is honoring him with a “Community Builder Award” at an upcoming event; here’s the flyer. Congratulations, Mike!

CHIEF SEALTH HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER HONORED: The Seattle Public Schools “School Beat” e-mail newsletter brings word that CSHS teacher Gary Thomsen is the first Seattle teacher to win the “Service to Community Award” from the University of Puget Sound, given for his “tireless work in the local community” (read more here).

CONSERVATION “HERO” FINALIST – AND YOU CAN VOTE: Also today, we just got word that Fauntleroy’s Judy Pickens is one of the five finalists in the “Cox Conserves Heroes” program – you can watch her story (and that of the other four finalists) here. Among many other projects with which she is involved, Judy has worked long and hard to help restore and protect Fauntleroy Creek as a rare, urban salmon stream. Whoever wins gets $5,000 to donate to a charity – and Judy has chosen EarthCorps. Vote for Judy by going to this page and using the form in the left sidebar.

Friday afternoon links

October 3, 2008 4:44 pm
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 |   Crime | Development | West Seattle news

FROM THE “YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST” FILE: It’s been a few days since we reported this, in response to this, so we’re mentioning it again today in case you read this. BlueStar told WSB back on Tuesday that the West Seattle Whole Foods store is “all systems go” despite the Interbay Whole Foods woes. WF itself hadn’t responded to inquiries all week till this e-mail received by Slog, which says the same thing.

SEX OFFENDER JAILED AGAIN: After seeing this story, we looked for the suspect’s West Seattle link. Finally turned one up in the sex-offender search engine which is linked from the “resources” list at the end of our Crime Watch page – he’s in jail now, but his last-reported address was on 16th SW.

New WSB sponsor: Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation


West Seattle is home to a wide variety of spiritual communities from a diverse array of faith traditions – and many are growing fast. Today, we welcome one of them as our newest WSB sponsor: Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation, an active, spiritually liberal West Seattle Church for more than four decades, led by the Rev. Peg Morgan. The tagline summing up WSUU: “Feeding your spirit, expanding your mind, working for justice.” Here are some of the ways its current, growing congregation of 150 adults and 80 children/youth say they’re doing that: “Examples of our current work in social justice include direct participation in Habitat for Humanity; caring for homeless families through the Family Promise Program; joining with the West Seattle Neighbors for Peace in opposing the tragic war in Iraq; and continuing to press for full equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people.” Toward the latter end, WSUU is a certified Welcoming Congregation. If you haven’t attended a Unitarian Universalist service before and are wondering what UUs believe, here’s a little bit about that: “We believe there are many sources of wisdom from which to draw in order for one to develop a strong spiritual core and live a meaningful, ethical life. Those sources include the world’s religions, our natural environment, as well as science and reason.” And it’s for all ages; WSUU has a well-regarded, comprehensive religious-education program for youth, under the leadership of Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth, Kari Kopnick. Also offered is a stimulating and diverse program of adult education classes. The church meets at 10:30 Sunday mornings at the Alki Masonic Temple, with an after-service coffee hour “where newcomers are warmly welcomed” – and there’s an enthusiastic, growing Choir and Music program too:


Plus, there are other socializing/spiritual support opportunities such as Women’s Retreats and Circle Suppers. To find out more, explore the WSUU website at Thanks to Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation for joining the WSB sponsor team; our full list of sponsors — thanks to everyone for supporting them! — and info on how to join them, is on this page.

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: CROP Walk, pet blessings, more


Faith-based activities abound this weekend – Seattle CROP Walk in the Alki area on Sunday (WSB 2007 photo above); two chances to have your pet(s) blessed; Holy Rosary‘s annual Alumni Sunday … Meantime, tonight and tomorrow are the final performances of “The Vertical Hour” at ArtsWest, and the weekend even offers a chance to press cider with neighbors. 41 events on our handy list ahead:Read More

Crime Watch: Any idea who this guy is?

suspect_sketch.jpgSeattle Police just put out a citywide call for public help in identifying the man shown in the sketch at left. The news release says: “On September 25th 2008, at approximately 11:00 p.m., the below-described suspect sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl in the yard of her home in the 2200 block of Northeast 143rd Street. The suspect is described as a white male, 55-60 years old, 5’07-5’10 very skinny build. Hair/beard possibly blondish/gray. Last seen wearing, a navy blue knit cap (recovered at scene). Gray hooded sweatshirt. Dark jeans. Alcohol on breath, dirty. Knife or sharp object in pocket of sweatshirt. ‘Holes’ on forehead/cheeks. (Possibly pock marks, large pores or bumps) Light scar below right eye. Anyone with information about this suspect is asked to call the Seattle Police Sexual Assault Unit at 206-684-5573.”

Saving money and energy: “Sustainability journal”

October 3, 2008 12:06 pm
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 |   Environment | Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway

Not West Seattle-specific, but, especially on a slow news day, worth passing along. We found out about EcoMetro from Twitter,. They linked a tweet pointed to this post kicking off a “sustainability journal,” with tips for saving money and energy. (EcoMetro is apparently related to the Chinook Book; just so happens we mentioned in the Freebies, Deals, Sales forum last night that the West Seattle chapter of is raising money through Chinook Book sales – find out more here.)

Fauntleroy Schoolhouse: Event tonight; purchase-talks update

October 3, 2008 10:53 am
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Two items this morning related to the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse: First – from the WSB Events page – a free Family Fun Night tonight, sponsored by, a nonprofit part of, one of the schoolhouse’s key tenants. Kim Dinsmoor says it’s free, 6-9 pm, on the north side of the schoolhouse’s lower floor: “There is a silent auction of items donated by more than 30 families and West Seattle merchants. You can buy tickets for food, drinks, face painting, cake walk with up to 100 cakes, and more. All profit from this goes to Seattle Civic Concert Dancers, a non profit group. This is a chance for West Seattleites to see one of the reasons why the old Fauntleroy school is so important to our community.” Speaking of which, we just checked on the status of the plan to purchase the schoolhouse, which Seattle Public Schools has designated “surplus” property, and there are a few new developments – read on:Read More

Running out of time to register – and another vote note

checkbox.jpgTomorrow’s the last day you can register to vote in the general election (E-Day is November 4th but the state starts sending out mail-in ballots within a couple weeks). Various groups plan registration drives around West Seattle on Saturday, but you can also do the deed online right now by going here. If you vote by mail, by the way, you will have an in-person dropoff option in West Seattle starting October 17th (and continuing round-the-clock through 8 pm on Election Day, 11/4) at the Delridge Neighborhood Services Center (one of only two such dropoffs in the entire city!). And when it comes time to make your voting decisions – you can find lots of info links (voters’ guides, official websites for candidates and ballot measure supporter/opponents, debate schedules, more) on the WSB Election page.

Update: Statue of Liberty Plaza brick woes


We told you last night about the problem that’s materialized on some of the inscribed bricks at the new Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza. Click ahead to read the update from David Hutchinson (who also provided the closeup photo above) on behalf of the Plaza Project Committee:Read More

North Delridge Council: New signs; a juicy invitation; more

October 2, 2008 10:38 pm
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 |   Delridge | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news


That’s one of the signs you can expect to see around North Delridge before the next meeting of the North Delridge Neighborhood Council – purchased with money from an outreach grant, and unveiled at last night’s NDNC meeting. Also discussed last night: They’re still working on next steps for the Cottage Grove “tot lot” playground upgrade, for which they have received a $15,000 matching-funds grant from the city. Expect an official update soon. Meantime, next year’s Neighborhood Street Fund plans for the area were outlined – projects that have been requested for years, as NDNC co-chair Mike Dady pointed out – including a sidewalk along Brandon from Delridge to the park and traffic calming on 26th SW north of Brandon, between Cottage Grove and Greg Davis parks; still some work to be done on projects approved for this year, as well, including calming on the 21st/Dawson hill that’s “supposed to start any day now” (that’s the hill heading down to Oregon, scene of this guardrail crash we covered recently). For the “juicy invitation” and a few more items, read on:Read More