Why it always pays to read the fine print: “Try It for $2”

August 8, 2008 3:17 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

Just got a note about the citywide “Healthy Parks, Healthy You” launch, which is happening 8/23 at Green Lake — and until we read it through twice, we almost missed this very cool related program briefly mentioned in the same announcement: “Try It for $2” is a city initiative to offer various classes and activities at community centers citywide in September/October, for only two bucks. This city webpage lists specific activities and times offered for the $2 sampler fee (scroll all the way down to $2 Trial Activities and look for “South Locations” to see what’s on tap at the community centers in West Seattle), from yoga to cooking to art to martial arts, and more.

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