West Seattle barista Blayne on “Project Runway”: Tonight’s results

No same-night spoilers on the WSB home page for DVR denizens; the most Blayne-centric wrapup we’ve found so far is from a paper in his hometown (Yakima) so if you already know what happened or want to know, follow the link. (We caught up with Blayne here in West Seattle earlier today; here’s that link.)

4 Replies to "West Seattle barista Blayne on "Project Runway": Tonight's results"

  • k July 24, 2008 (8:16 am)

    my cat…leather. my television…leather.

  • HP July 24, 2008 (9:24 am)

    Blayne was great last night you could tell the first week pressure was behind everyone, we loved the ” I love your leather face ” comment that was too funny… go blayne!!!

  • Diane July 24, 2008 (11:44 am)

    omg; that “leatha, leatha, leatha” everything was hilarious; I was laughing so hard, crying, and imagining the PR crowd falling down laughing

    and I loved that they hugged afterward; that woman is a trip

    makes me wonder if some designers make it on the show based more on their wild tv personalities than on their designs; though she certainly did pull it off, with the not leatha

  • Wendy July 24, 2008 (3:37 pm)

    Blayne cracked me up last night! His dress was tons better than the week before and now he seems like a real contender. We’re rooting for the local boy!

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