West Seattle barista on “Project Runway”: Blayne talks tanning


Today is Blayne‘s second day back on the job at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) since his return from taping “Project Runway 5” (don’t even ask him about the show, totally off-limits per all sorts of paperwork) so we had to go say hi and grab a photo, looking ahead to the viewing party his boss Lora Lewis is organizing again tonight at nearby Ginomai. Blayne says it’s a relief to be back – the taping schedule was hectic and intense – but he did get to see some of the New York sights. Direct quote: “I tanned in Central Park.” (His skin hue has been a major topic of media discussion.) He told us he’s got a conflict that’ll keep him from the viewing party tonight, but if he makes it to episode 3 (and of course he can’t even hint), he’ll be there. Ginomai is on the southwest corner of 42nd/Genesee, with a (free!) parking lot you can access from 42nd on the south side of the building; doors open at 8 pm, bring a nonalcoholic beverage to share, and a small dessert.

10 Replies to "West Seattle barista on "Project Runway": Blayne talks tanning"

  • Isabel July 23, 2008 (11:44 am)

    Wait….HE’S IN WEST SEATTLE? I must start drinking coffee.

    Too bad he won’t be at the party tonight.

  • OP July 23, 2008 (12:41 pm)

    Seeing as how he’s back on the job….But kudos on getting there in the first place, naturally…

  • WSB July 23, 2008 (12:47 pm)

    Our understanding (not from any official source so we could be wrong) is that everybody goes back to their normal lives for the course of the show’s airing so that nobody can draw any conclusions “hey, so and so must have won because they’re not back” or “so and so must not have won because they’re back.” Would have to research what other contestants are doing now to verify this.

  • Sarah July 23, 2008 (12:50 pm)

    OP, Project Runway contestants pretty much have to return to “normal life” while the show plays out on the air. Besides, if Blayne was successful on the show no one would know it yet, and he wouldn’t have had any job offers or otherwise yet. Also, taping started last month and the final three could have already been selected. Who knows?

  • Sarah July 23, 2008 (12:50 pm)

    Jinx on WSB :-)

  • k July 23, 2008 (2:28 pm)

    great to see blayne back behind the bar today! he looks fantastic! welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!

  • OP July 23, 2008 (11:07 pm)

    All the premises and explanations sound legit, so perhaps I stand corrected. (It’s the gambler in me that tells me otherwise…)

  • Kiwi July 24, 2008 (5:13 am)

    the next project runway viewing show will be matched up with Shadowland’s happy hour time adjustment – so if u get claustrophobic at the ginomai-plenty of space at Shadowland.

  • JumboJim July 24, 2008 (4:29 pm)

    What is a “tan”?? Just asking. Perhaps this is a word that has not made it to Washington yet??

  • Callie July 30, 2008 (3:37 pm)

    Even if they do have to return to “normal” life for the duration of the airing, it seems like people in Blayne’s life (like his boss and coworkers) would know if he had to take that six months they give the finalists to prepare a line.

Sorry, comment time is over.