day : 15/07/2008 10 results

Update: Police Appreciation Day “exceeded expectations”


That’s what organizers told us when we returned to the Southwest Precinct tonight during the final half-hour of the first-ever Police Appreciation Day organized by the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council — by then, the board you see above was covered with dozens and dozens of handmade thank-you notes and cards (we photographed it in the early going, for our first report). Organizers’ running count tallied up more than 170 people participating in the daylong event — some of course were the appreciation recipients themselves:


Community appreciation is also well-deserved by the organizers – including leaders of the WSCPC, whose president Dot Beard (below left) took a moment to pose for us with Seattle Neighborhood Group staff liaison, Jennifer Duong:


WSCPC vice president Kay Newton worked hard to line up sponsors/donors to make this a festive event with everything from food and beverages to fun kid stuff, enjoyed by young visitors including these (thanks to Kacy for these next two photos):



Those with a few more years in the rear-view mirror made cards and shared sentiments – from serious to whimsical:



This event was in lieu of the Crime Prevention Council’s regular meeting for July – they’ll be back in session August 19th. Two other related events in the meantime: Night Out August 5 (register your block party here, so you can close off your street!) and Picnic at the Precinct August 16.

Hi-Yu Concert in the Park proves kids love big-band tunes too

Just so happens the song was “The Children of Sanchez” when we got that video of The Children of West Seattle (some of ’em, anyway) romping during the West Seattle Big Band‘s hour-and-a-half Hi-Yu Festival Concert in the Park tonight @ Hiawatha. Good-sized crowd – band manager Jim Edwards told us afterward that concertgoers started showing up as early as an hour before showtime (great night for a picnic dinner!). Ahead, more video (including an extremely young “assistant bandleader”), and your next chance to enjoy free outdoor summer concerts in West Seattle (one of which will also star the WSBB):Read More

Work’s about to start at West Seattle (Westcrest) Reservoir

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Seattle Public Utilitiesreservoir-construction open house tonight at Highland Park Elementary is one of the four events we’re just back from (other reports to come: Police Appreciation Day wrap-up, Hi-Yu Concert in the Park, and the latest info on how the project to replace the south end of The Viaduct will start changing your life next year). The work to put West Seattle Reservoir (north of Westcrest Park) underground really is imminent — SPU reservoir-program manager Stephanie Murphy told us the “notice to proceed” is expected Thursday; then site-preparation work will begin. The existing 68-million-gallon open reservoir will be demolished over the next few months, and an underground 30-million-gallon reservoir will be built in what SPU calls “the northern portion of the existing basin.” It’ll take about 2 years (completion is scheduled for June 2010), with construction crews planning to work between 6 am and 7 pm, Mondays-Fridays. Once they’re almost done – before the water’s piped in – it’ll look something like the Beacon Hill Reservoir where we shot this video a few weeks ago:

Beacon is 50 million gallons, West Seattle Reservoir is 30 million, but Murphy says “the footprint is almost the same” — it’s just going to be shallower. (It’s still a lot bigger than just-covered Myrtle Reservoir, “only” 5 million gallons.) As with the Myrtle work, undergrounding this reservoir will create new park space; a whole different process will be initiated, involving the city Parks Department, to determine what that will include. P.S. You can read the history of the soon-to-BE-history reservoir on this city webpage.

Grand Parade countdown: 2 more chances to be part of the fun

July 15, 2008 5:51 pm
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FIRST CHANCE: If you’re not in the parade already, and you do any amount of volunteer work – you (and any family members who want to join you!) are invited to be in the first-ever “Volunteers of West Seattle Grand Parade Marching Unit” (more like walking the 2-mile route) WSB is helping organize for Saturday’s West Seattle Grand Parade. Here’s all you have to do: Show up at California/Lander (here’s a map) around 10 am. Look for the “Volunteers of West Seattle Grand Parade Marching Unit” sign (if you can’t find us, call the WSB business number, which your editor here will be carrying, 206/293-6302; program it into your phone, might come in handy someday for something else!). Bonus reward if you wear some costume element related to your volunteer work (T-shirt for a school where you volunteer? sprig of ivy if you pull weeds at parks? or? as for me, maybe I’ll make a hat out of an old keyboard): You get a FREE BEER OR SODA at West 5 afterward. We’re not planning fancy maneuvers – just celebrating the volunteers who keep West Seattle’s engines running (speaking of which, we have a Mini-Cooper to lead the unit!). We’ll have signs, but you’re also welcome to carry a handheld sign for the group you volunteer with, if you’d like.

SECOND CHANCE: Furry Faces Foundation just put out an urgent bulletin – they need a flatbed for their parade entry – the one they usually use is suddenly out of commission. Last year, you may recall, this was their festive parade entry:


This year, the theme is “Cat-sino,” and if you can not only lend ’em a flatbed but bring it to Beveridge Place Pub in Morgan Junction this Thursday around 5:30 pm (or afterward), you can help decorate, and you can join F-Cubed in The Parade. Got a question about exactly what Furry Faces needs? E-mail Teri Ensley: — meantime, watch for more parade-countdown updates as Saturday gets closer!

West Seattle Garden Tour: 1 day, 9 gardens, infinite inspiration

July 15, 2008 5:03 pm
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(photo courtesy
That’s one of the nine gardens you’ll be able to tour this Sunday for the price of a $15 ticket to the West Seattle Garden Tour — with some of the proceeds benefiting nonprofits including ArtsWest and the Seattle Chinese Garden (full beneficiary list here). Tickets are on sale right now at several local businesses as well as online (this page has the list and the online-sales link) – and it’s economical to bring the family because kids 12 and under are free. Get a preview of the gardens here; info on guest speaker Cass Turnbull of PlantAmnesty is here.

First update: Precinct pix from Police Appreciation Day


In the community room at the Southwest Precinct, that’s the big sign you can attach a card or note to (or just sign another one nearby) during Police Appreciation Day today — organized by the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council — continuing till 8 pm tonight. Free food, too:


A long list of West Seattle businesses and other community members donated food and beverages for the occasion, from Bakery Nouveau to Casa Feliz and beyond (we’ll publish the whole list a bit later) – it’s being rotated in and out throughout the day; we just had lunch before visiting an hour or so ago, or else we could have dined quite royally. Activities for the family, too:


That’s Kathleen Voss from Highland Park helping her three-and-a-half-year-old daughter Gretchen with the kids’ art supplies that are set up on a table at the event – here’s one creation Gretchen produced already:


Kathleen says Gretchen described that as “a police car with the woo-woo lights.” It’s a relaxed atmosphere at Police Appreciation Day – you can go into the community room from either door facing the parking lot on the southwest side of the building (Delridge/Webster; here’s a map) — still not sure where you’re going? Here’s the precinct sign at that corner (look for that little handmade sign shown at the right side of the photo, with a balloon attached; there’s one at the parking lot entrance too):


Till 8 pm tonight – drop by. You never know who you’ll meet; the precinct’s Crime Prevention community liaison Benjamin Kinlow (who helps set up Block Watch groups and is currently working on Night Out – coming up 8/5; go here to register your block party!) was mingling when we were there, along with community members and the Crime Prevention Council’s staff liaison from Seattle Neighborhood Group, Jennifer Duong, plus her predecessor in that role, Lois Grammon-Simpson. We’ll be checking back later for another report.

Also happening tonight: Westcrest reservoir meeting

July 15, 2008 1:10 pm
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Thanks to Dina Johnson from Highland Park Action Committee for that photo of West Seattle Reservoir at Westcrest Park and a reminder about a meeting tonight that you might not have heard about if you don’t live in the immediate area — Seattle Public Utilities plans a community meeting at Highland Park Elementary (10th/Trenton), 6:30 pm-7:30 pm. We just checked with Stephanie Murphy, SPU’s reservoir-program manager, and she explained it’s an informal meeting to answer questions about “construction impacts” once the project to underground that reservoir (as has just been done at Myrtle Reservoir in West Seattle, as well as Beacon Hill Reservoir, where we joined the media tour and brought back fascinating underground video) gets under way.

Fruitful fundraiser: Rotary Club berry bulletin

The Rotary Club of West Seattle sends word of an updated deadline for ordering raspberries and blueberries as part of its annual berry sale – July 22nd (one week from today). Pickup will be July 25-26 in the south parking lot at Admiral Safeway, and they’re expecting to offer “walk-up” sales those days too. Full details at the Rotary website.

Reader report: Another mystery smell

From time to time, someone will e-mail or call about a disturbing/unexplained smell of some type, somewhere. Someone who talked with us at Summer Fest even asked about something he’d noticed repeatedly. We don’t always publish these reports – we’ve referred people directly to the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency – but now we’re thinking “crowdsourcing” just might help solve the mystery, so here’s one that just came in from Heather:

I’m not sure whether this is the sort of thing that justifies a request for information from the readers, but this morning there’s a terrible, noxious, plasticky smell over our neighborhood (west side of 35th and Holden) [map], and I wonder if anyone else notices it, and whether anyone knows what it is. This is maybe the third time I’ve noticed this, and it worries me. It reminds me of the smell of pesticides sprayed by crop dusters.

Our first line of advice was to complain to PSCAA so they at least have a record of it. Here’s how to do that.

Today/tonight: Police appreciation; Viaduct; free concert

POLICE APPRECIATION DAY: 10 am-8 pm @ Southwest Precinct, drop by and tell West Seattle’s police force “thanks.” VIADUCT PUBLIC MEETING: 5-8 pm, Madison Middle School, focusing on the South End Replacement Project‘s environmental assessment (see it here). FREE CONCERT: The West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival Concert in the Park is tonight, 7 pm, east lawn at Hiawatha – starring the West Seattle Big Band – take a blanket, lawn chairs, picnic dinner, have a blast. See you there.