day : 11/07/2008 11 results

West Seattle coyote caught on cam, night-vision style

(video no longer available due to shutdown)

Just before the site’s semi-surprise outage, we happened to be out checking out another fire call that didn’t turn out to be news. On the way back, headed up the hill from Lincoln Park – didn’t catch whether this was Thistle or Rose St. – we spotted a coyote poking around a house, pulled over, and whipped out the camera to capture the above-viewable video — low quality but kind of interesting just to watch the way the critter moves. (And the frames where it passes by the fake duck.)

Sorry for the without-warning downtime

Looks like we’re back up – after an hour of downtime – we discovered AFTER it started that our hosting company had a “planned outage” to do some repair work, but had only posted a warning on a website that customers wouldn’t have occasion to visit until and unless there was trouble. So we didn’t see the warning, and therefore didn’t/couldn’t warn you, or else we would have. Thanks for your patience. Couple posts in queue so they’re coming right up …

Happening now: Fire callout at West Marginal/SW Chelan

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WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli sends first word from the scene: “Some kind of electrical fire” on the industrial waterfront. Huge callout, per the live 911 log, which describes it as “pier fire”; nobody hurt, according to what Christopher’s been told at the scene. ADDED 9:53 PM: Photos from Christopher. No further details on exactly what happened, except for re-confirmation everybody’s OK:



What else happened today: Beach Drive cleanup

July 11, 2008 8:48 pm
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 |   Environment | How to help | West Seattle beaches

Home now from Day 1 of West Seattle Summer Fest – our running updates/photos/video from earlier are here; we’re going to post another wrapup/look-ahead report with more pix a little later – but we’re checking around to be double-sure we didn’t miss anything too big this afternoon, and just found this: Beach Drive Blog reports that volunteers from REI were out cleaning up the Beach Drive shoreline at Emma Schmitz Viewpoint. (You’ve got a couple chances to join volunteer cleanups tomorrow, by the way – two Saturday midday work parties in West Seattle are listed, along with dozens of other happenings, in our WS Weekend Lineup.)

Starbucks closures: First 50 announced, 550 to go

July 11, 2008 6:11 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS beverages

Hours after we noted that West Seattle’s Jefferson Square Starbucks is reported to be on the list of 600 company-owned stores to be closed in coming months, the company has announced the first 50 – the ones that will be closed by the end of this month. Here’s the list; no Seattle stores are on this one, but the other 550 are yet to be announced.

Live from West Seattle Summer Fest: Afternoon updates

(adding new info and photos frequently; keep checking the end of this post)

(video added 2 pm, WSHS cheerleaders rooting for the football players’ food both; updated clip shortly)
Junior Member of the Team and your editor here just arrived to join The Sales Guy — and the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce — in the Information Booth at the heart of Summer Fest. There’s a great crossbreeze along Alaska, and we’re facing north, so if you need a place to cool off, this is it — stop by and chat a moment, and if you can spare a couple of moments, we’re informally collecting answers on some important community questions including the Water Taxi’s future and whether West Seattle needs a hotel — plus we want to know “where are you originally from?” just for fun — Summer Fest T-shirts are for sale here at the booth too, “I LOVE WEST SEATTLE” BUMPER STICKERS!!! too … 1:43 PM UPDATE: Lots of great people have come by already. West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival is selling buttons – you can get a Hi-Yu program (listing activities including Concert in the Park on Tuesday and the Grand Parade a week from tomorrow) for free here at the Info Booth – Carol Winston from Hi-Yu stopped by to say hi and leave a stack of programs. WestSide Baby is nearby drumming up support for its upcoming “Stuff the Bus” diaper drive – here’s WestSide Baby’s leader Nancy Woodland:


We’ve also talked with Suzanne Kellar from the Seattle Opera Guild, which brings opera previews to West Seattle and elsewhere – she says the guild makes money off the sale of the Entertainment books that’ll be out soon – if you’re interested, e-mail her: … More to come as the afternoon goes on! Good crowd here but not too insanely busy yet. 2:25 PM UPDATE: Free Jones Soda! On the east side of the street between Alaska and Edmunds. Also, police are here to help keep an eye on things – we got Sgt. Strand and Lt. Smith on camera:


2:46 PM UPDATE: Carol Johnston from West Seattle Senior Center just stopped by. She’s handing out flyers for “Rainbow Bingo: Hot Summer Nights” coming up August 22nd at the Senior Center — adding it to the Events page now! We’ve also chatted with Nancy Driver, who’s organizing the big September 13th cleanup along the Fauntleroy end of The Bridge, from Walking on Logs to 35th/Fauntleroy. As we wrote the other night – e-mail her ASAP if you think you’ll be able to volunteer for one of the biggest and most important West Seattle cleanup operations in a longtime: – she needs to have some semblance of a head count sooner rather than later, and she’s got some big organizational milestones coming up. 3:01 PM UPDATE: The Jones Soda freebies are so popular, Deni Tyler (shown below) told us they handed out 2,400 cans in the first 3 hours of the festival. We recommend “Fufu Berry.”


More freebies – Leslie Thomson (left in the photo below) from Dream Dinners (WSB sponsor) has been handing out lemon-bar samples:


3:42 PM UPDATE: A sample of music – 30 seconds of Verona, playing earlier at the South Stage:

4:01 PM UPDATE: Lots of nice folks we only previously “knew” via e-mail have stopped by to say hi. So glad to meet you all in person. We’ll be here at least another hour tonight, and we’ll also cover evening events even once the Info Booth shuts down – then we’re here starting at 10 am tomorrow. Also here tomorrow, among many others — the Hi-Yu folks tell us their Luna Park float will be on display tomorrow toward the north end of Summer Fest (around California/Oregon) — also we’ve heard from Furry Faces Foundation, which will be set up near Petco tomorrow and Sunday. That’s the same area where you’ll find the free Jones Soda; a rep from the promotional firm came by to tell us this is the first major event where they’re doing this – their goal is to give out a quarter million cans by summer’s end; they’re also proud to be the exclusive soda provider for the upcoming Seafair hydro races, and the Capitol Hill Block Party among other things. WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli stopped by to say hi and has since sent some photos — first one is the midday crowd via long lens (really, it’s not a total zoo, but there are lots of people here having fun), second one is what Christopher describes as “Tow trucks being kept busy by people defying No Parking signs along Oregon”:



4:34 PM UPDATE: Two more pix. First, Tamar getting her face painted (Alvis left a comment wondering if we’d be getting the classic festival kids-with-face-paint pix, this is the best we could do for starters); second, one of the many artist vendors here – Christy Varonfakis Johnson of On Focus Photo, who has contributed photos to WSB before, posing with her husband, Jeremy, in their booth here at Summer Fest, where they’re selling her work:



5:14 PM UPDATE: Quarter past five and the info booth hasn’t shut down yet, so we’re still here. As we just mentioned in a response to a comment from “d,” the pet area that will be set up by Next to Nature tomorrow and Sunday sounds great – water, a wading pool for pets, a cool place for them to get their paws off the asphalt, and more – Louis from Next to Nature stopped by and was telling us all about it. Lora Lewis from Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) also stopped by the booth a few minutes ago and gave us the scoop that barista Blayne will be back in town next week sometime (he’s on the new season of “Project Runway,” which debuts Wednesday; here’s the scoop on the viewing party at Ginomai). Still a nice breeze blowing east-west on Alaska, where we are, and a great crowd but not too insanely busy – of course, the evening has just begun; live music will continue till about 9:15 tonight, but it’s not overwhelming if you’re not near the stages at the north and south ends – we really can’t even hear it from here in the central part of the setup. 5:47 PM UPDATE: Info Booth “officially” shutting down in a few minutes, we will likely stay here till about 6:30 posting updates. “Busy today for a Friday!” pronounced the Chamber’s Patti Mullen, with whom we’ve been sharing the booth today along with Chamber volunteers, as well as a volunteer selling Summer Fest T-shirts on behalf of the Junction Association. (Check back here tomorrow after 10 am for the “I Love West Seattle” bumper stickers that the Chamber’s selling, as seen in the photo below from earlier this year.)


7:02 PM UPDATE: Finally ready to fold it up, though events here are going to continue another hour plus. In addition to the official vendors with booths, there are folks working the crowd getting the word out about various endeavors, from political petitions to personal projects – among them, local musician Philip Mariconda (you may have seen him perform at C and P Coffee), who’s got a new album (Corporate Dysfunction; read about it here) – we asked him to pause and pose for WSB Cam:


Speaking of music … Coffin Break must be pretty popular … several people have just stopped by to ask which stage they’re playing on (answer: south stage, right now), and that’s the first band-specific question we’ve fielded all day. P.S. There are at least half a dozen Seattle Police officers here, and they have just reunited another lost child with his/her parent(s) – to quote one of the officers, “So far today we’re 8 for 8.”

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Summer Fest, Cultural Festival …


West Seattle Summer Fest in The Junction is the “star attraction” this weekend, but by no means the only one. A little further south, White Center Music Nights resume tonight at Cafe Rozella and Full Tilt Ice Cream; tomorrow morning, a Vietnamese Cultural Festival brings an invitation for you to find out more about what some had considered “the mystery statue of Orchard Avenue” (photo above; recent WSB feature story here) … there’s also Shakespeare in the park, a track meet, a high-school reunion … in all, 52 listings ahead (including a double traffic alert):Read More

New principals announced for Roxhill and Schmitz Park

July 11, 2008 11:31 am
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As reported in recent weeks, both Roxhill Elementary and Schmitz Park Elementary lost their principals. The district has just announced who’s replacing them:Read More

2 reports put Jefferson Square Starbucks on closure list

First one comes directly to WSB from a reliable source that’s contributed important news here before, reporting that the closure was announced to the staff at a meeting within the past several days – this is the Starbucks store that replaced Infinity Espresso less than a year ago on the north side of Jefferson Square, sbuxjefferson.jpgNOT the “licensee” stand inside Safeway. Second report of this (hat tip to TPN from Blogging Georgetown) comes from a map the Times has been keeping of reported closures. This Starbucks is so relatively new, it’s only been 11 months since we first reported it was coming – it opened in late fall. The company itself has drawn criticism for the time gap between its announcement that 600 stores would close and its upcoming public announcement of which stores are closing. Its spokespeople are not currently confirming or denying closure reports for any specific locations; we requested comment on this one and received an official (albeit generic) statement – read on for the full text:Read More

West Seattle Summer Fest begins; perfect forecast

July 11, 2008 8:58 am
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Possibly into the 80s all three days. Official opening time, 10 am today (music starts @ 1:45). Much more coverage as things get going later; activities, vendors, more, listed here. We’re in the official Information Booth in the center of the Walk All Ways (California/Alaska) intersection, daily till at least 5 pm (photo above, taken this morning – that’s Dawn Leverett and Patti Mullen at left, from the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, which is running the booth, with WSB helping out).

Saving Fauntleroy Schoolhouse: New possibility for “back lot”

July 11, 2008 6:07 am
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With next month’s deadline approaching for the Fauntleroy Community Services Agency to make a deal with Seattle Public Schools to buy the historic schoolhouse – now that the district’s selling it as “surplus” — here’s the latest update from FCSA, including word of a new possible use for the “back lot,” which previously has been mentioned as a possible development site:Read More