Quick toplines from tonight’s other events

The whole WSB team is back from the rest of tonight’s events – most of which ran longer than expected — we are processing photos, video, info, all that. But here are the toplines, or bottom lines if you will:

Fauntleroy Place groundbreaking: Seafair Pirates were there. So were the Hulings. And the various dignitaries mentioned earlier.

Design Review Board meeting on 3811 Charlestown: New design with preservation element pronounced “99% successful.” Co-publisher Patrick, who covered Design Review this time, insists KING 5’s Jim Forman was there. Having worked 20-plus years in TV and never known a TV reporter to turn up for something as neighborhood-level as a Design Review meeting, I won’t believe it till I see it, on TV or online (no time to check yet). UPDATE: Here’s the clip.

–Design Review Board meeting on 4532 42nd: Not so glowing, needs more work.

More details on all of the above as soon as we can put it all together (along with more details from the Parks Board). Plus pix of tonight’s second graduation (Seattle Lutheran) are coming up momentarily.

8 Replies to "Quick toplines from tonight's other events"

  • cc June 12, 2008 (10:55 pm)

    TR, Just saw it on the 10 o’clock news

  • WSB June 12, 2008 (10:59 pm)

    Thanks, I watched it online and added the link a few minutes ago. Just funny because I was at KOMO in Forman’s early days at KING and he was always famous for disaster coverage … Lake Chelan fires, snowstorms, etc. … and in fact, the last time we ran into him at a breaking-news scene here in West Seattle, it was the night the police shot the pit bulls in Westwood. Anyway, always glad to see important issues like this get covered elsewhere too, although 2 minutes of TV glosses over a lot of the details (the story didn’t really explain what was happening with the project tonight, and didn’t mention that Charlestown Court had been rejected as a landmark, which made the decision to partly save it all the more surprising).

  • JanS June 12, 2008 (11:18 pm)

    nice that they (King 5) did this…think they’ve been reading the blog? lol…

    and now…maybe some other developers will take a hint….one can hope :)

  • Pelicans June 12, 2008 (11:19 pm)

    WSB’ers- Re: Your 10:59 p.m. post-Just the reasons why we come to you first for our news. BTW we’ve always referred to him as “Danger Jim Forman.” But it’s great that he was there and it made the mainstream media news. Man bites dog story in other words.

  • WSB June 12, 2008 (11:25 pm)

    Pel, thanks for that – in my bleary attempt to remember which one was 10:59, I discovered I hadn’t resized the photos and they were eating up the whole page. Might not have noticed that otherwise because on the other computer, we’re struggling with a Fauntleroy Place video upload. Who knows, meantime, maybe since Robert Mak (who always did the serious thoughtful stuff) has left to go run Hizzoner’s communications team, Danger Jim will step in. We all evolve with age, heaven knows.

  • WSB June 12, 2008 (11:29 pm)

    Jan, yes, they and the other citywide media do. Not only do we know that from our logs, but also some things are obvious, such as, there is NOWHERE ELSE they would have heard about this story, as NO ONE ELSE has covered it and no one else was at the Tuesday night ANA meeting where we learned about the new design, “preservation element,” etc. Otherwise, tonight would have looked like any old Design Review Board meeting agenda and I can tell you most newsrooms never even look that deep into city business.

  • Pelicans June 12, 2008 (11:50 pm)

    WSB’ers-Yes, I’m simultaneously disappointed in and hopeful for Robert Mak. IMHO he was honest, intrepid and dependable, never coming off as a”personality” or “spin doctor.” Hopefully he’ll be able to lend a fresh air of forthrightness to the volume of mostly political posturing and u-know-what that comes out of the mayor’s office. Pothole Rangers aside, of course. Maybe DJF will evolve also. You guys rock.

  • miws June 15, 2008 (7:07 am)

    Maybe Danger Jim showed up in case the Design Review meeting just in case it turned contentious (sp?). :P


    Not that I can imagine that happening regarding this proposed development, since it’s received such a positive response here on the Blog, but many others have received alot of very negative reaction.



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