West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
We’ve been telling you (here and here) about this retro/nostalgia gifts/toys/etc. store moving into the ex-Hart’s space on Admiral west of California. Tonight, official word from owner Kent Sadow that his shop opens for business tomorrow (plus some info for those who wanted to know more about the treats he’ll sell): “We are opening the doors Friday the 8th. Finally!!! 10 am-6 pm. And yes, we have Beemans, Chick-O-Stick, Bit-O-Honey, Pop Rocks and alot more. Necco Wafers coming soon, sorry, no ‘Lik-m-ade’.”
So Team WSB set out a couple hours ago with the following intention: Drop by the Magnolia open house on “coexisting with coyotes and other wildlife” just long enough to get info to bring back to report here, then move on to the Sen. Clinton rally at the Pier 30 Event Center. No, not that we are officially endorsing anyone here, but it seemed like history to us, and we would check out the Sen. Obama KeyArena rally tomorrow morning too if not for a conflict with a meeting we have to cover. Anyway, we’ve got the coyote scoop – it wasn’t just an open house after all, there was a rather engaging/informative presentation and we will write that up for tomorrow morning – but no candidate. For all the fuss about Hillary lukewarmness (as compared to Obama-mania) — it was a ZOO down there for MILES around. People were walking all the way from the ferry dock to the north, and from the WS Bridge to the south. (Tow trucks were starting to target those who dared to park in no-parking zones.) And the people we saw from our vantage point in the Alaskan Way traffic jam weren’t just the “old Democrats” ridiculed by The Stranger and others as the alleged Hillary base, but plenty of young adults, and young families with kids in tow. We shot some vid from the car:
Meantime as expected, she’s running late; we’re watching for the promised webcast of the speech, hasn’t started last we heard. (And as we typed that, we heard scanner traffic indicating she hasn’t landed yet and is expected to start speaking around 9:30. Oh, plus the PD is launching a major parking-enforcement effort because “parking is so bad that some people have parked on the railroad tracks.”) 9:05 PM ADDENDUM: Scanner now says the Hillary venue is full and “they’re turning people away.” 9:30 PM UPDATE: If you’re interested, looks like the rally’s under way. Live on KING5.com.
-The latest WS’er featured on KUOW Radio‘s “Sound Focus” show is Katy Shaw of The RollerBlog (one of the highlighted sites on this WSB page). Have a listen: Audio links are on this page. (Two weeks ago, the same show featured Jim Edwards of West Seattle Big Band; audio links here.)
–Our Other Blogs in West Seattle page, however, will be one blog shorter soon … public-radio guy and funny, funny writer John Moe is leaving West Seattle, moving someplace far to the east (and we don’t mean Issaquah), according to various mysterious posts on his blog Monkey Disaster.
-West Seattle-based Pirate Radio is about to make another fleeting appearance. We got word recently: “We will probably be on the air February 16th starting very late in the evening and run through the 24th or so. The reason for being on this week is that we are planning to carry the 11th annual Homelessness Marathon (www.homelessnessmarathon.org) in its entirety.” Our source says they’ll be at 87.7 FM, a frequency that might not be receivable by all radios.
–Lora Lewis at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) was excited this morning about Hotwire’s star turn earlier this week on Evening Magazine, talking about the Valentine’s matchmaking contest. No video clip online at this point but the proof is on the links page. You can see photos of some of the “sweeties” who are participating at this page on the Hotwire site; find out more at the cafe, where it will all culminate with a gathering at 5 pm 2/16.
-Last but not least – tomorrow morning around 10 am, West Seattle’s state Sen. Joe McDermott will introduce a resolution in the Senate honoring J.P. Patches, aka Chris Wedes, who will be on hand for the occasion. This marks the 50th anniversary of the start of the J.P. Patches kids’ TV show, which ran for 23 years.
We reported here on Jan. 20 that it appeared wi-fi service had finally begun – albeit without fanfare – on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry run. Today, 2-plus weeks later, the vendor, Parsons, just issued this announcement confirming it had indeed launched in mid-January. (A Feb. 7 news release announcing that something started Jan. 17 still seems a little odd. Give it a few days to be sure it’s working before you announce it, but three weeks?)
Besides the Clinton rally tonight at the Pier 30 Event Center (the time is now listed as 8-10 pm in some spots, 8:30 pm in others; we’ve got a message out to the port to find out if parking will be free), here are other events of note on this busy night:
MORGAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION QUARTERLY MEETING: As mentioned in the post below, 7 pm, The Kenney. Agenda items include RapidRide.
HIGH POINT PEDESTRIAN SAFETY: Concerned residents meet 6 pm tonight @ High Point Library. Ongoing issues include school-crossing safety (including the intersection featured in our video-enhanced report here).
DUWAMISH VISIONING: Tonight at Youngstown Arts Center, 6-8 pm. One of several events inviting area residents to imagine the future of the Duwamish Valley. (Flyer here.)
CO-EXISTING WITH WILDLIFE: The open house organized after the Discovery Park coyote controversy is happening tonight in Magnolia, Blaine K-8, 6:30-8:30 pm. Suddenly relevant to WSB HQ, as a neighbor stopped us this afternoon to say two coyote pups ran through his yard this morning!
STRESSED OUT? Starting tonight, Tibbetts United Methodist Church will be holding a Taize Service Thursdays at 7 pm in the sanctuary. Tibbetts’ pastor, Rev. Joanne Brown, says, “This is a time to slow down from our usual frantic pace through the use of music, readings, prayers and times of silence and reflection.” (Tibbetts UMC, 3940 41st Ave SW, 932-7777)
ALSO RELAXING: Art reception at the Alki Bathhouse (as mentioned yesterday), 5-8 pm, several artists showing and selling (free Tully’s Coffee, we’re told!).
Last month, we announced the winners of the first quarterly West Seattle Community Recognition Awards, a new way to honor West Seattleites working to make a difference — the brainchild of Julie Mireille Anderson from Divina, with the nominating process open to everyone in West Seattle. As we open the next round of nominations, we are profiling the first three winners today, tomorrow, and Saturday — people you may or may not have heard about or met, people whose hard work makes West Seattle a better place. Today, we want to tell you about Cindi Barker from the Morgan Community Association, which has its next quarterly meeting tonight (7 pm, The Kenney); even if you don’t live in the Morgan Junction area, chances are that Cindi’s work has touched you:Read More
First, the wind advisory is now over. Second, if you work or travel through South Seattle/Sodo, there’s a power outage in the area right because of downed lines (possibly including nonworking traffic signals; lots of scanner chatter about this; here’s the official City Light description). Third, thanks to Dan E for this photo of everything washed up on the Alki boardwalk after a stormy night:
This has been in the works for a while, at 53rd/Alki, and it will affect bus service, parking, and drivers going by. Here’s the full text of the county announcement just posted:Read More
As promised yesterday, the new market/deli opened first thing this morning (2820 Alki Ave, east of 63rd, same building as Cactus and All the Best Pet Care). ADDED 9:22 AM: Here’s a 30-second video look inside. Seems pretty much as described when we interviewed the owner for this article last month.