West Seattle Christmas lights, 12/8/07


The picture doesn’t do it justice but this is one of our favorite simple-yet-striking Christmas light displays every year – it’s directly east of the Metropolitan Market parking lot, across 41st. The lights alternate red/white, and trace the home’s features quite beautifully. This house is now added to our clickable West Seattle Christmas lights map, which you can find any time on the WSB Holidays page.

6 Replies to "West Seattle Christmas lights, 12/8/07"

  • Luckie December 9, 2007 (8:52 am)

    I love this house! Every year, as you note, they put up those red and white lights. It reminds me of a string of cranberries and popcorn.

  • Jenny December 9, 2007 (11:42 am)

    I remember that one! Yes, the houses that use solid colors or alternating colors are so much more dramatic than the ones that just use the standard multicolor strings.

  • Brittany December 15, 2007 (9:41 pm)

    Your house is wonderful!!! Merry Christmas!!!

  • Dave December 16, 2007 (1:52 pm)

    This house, when the lights are red and grey looks like there are proud Cougars inside those warm walls!! Merry Christmas…….

  • matt December 16, 2007 (2:05 pm)

    this house rocks it best house everlol merry christmas

  • Robert STACKS December 16, 2007 (3:51 pm)

    Santa will definitely be visitng this happy Cougar home this Christmas!

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