West Seattle Gas Price Watch: Suddenly way pumped-up


As the photo montage above shows … many WS stations have suddenly jumped up past 3 bucks a gallon for regular unleaded. (Here’s why.) Fauntleroy/Alaska Shell, for example, has had at least two price hikes in the past day — one to $3-plus by late last night, then up to $3.12 as of first thing this morning. Delridge Arco still has the lowest price but as the photos below show, as of about an hour ago, its signs don’t really agree on what the price actually is (we didn’t stop to check the pumps):


12 Replies to "West Seattle Gas Price Watch: Suddenly way pumped-up"

  • Jan October 17, 2007 (12:28 pm)

    I drive down the alley next to the Safeway station on Admiral every day, and have notinced the climb in prices..last night was at 2.98…haven’t been by there yet today. Amazing what the price of oil per barrel is now. A “potential” crisis on the Turkey/Iraq border? Will the price go down if the “potential crisis” doesn’t materialize?…I doubt it. No wonder we’re cynical about being told that conflict in the Middle East isn’t about oil…

  • Erik October 17, 2007 (3:03 pm)

    The price of oil is/can be affected by many factors…it’s based on US $, which are currently not worth much overseas…overall global demand…the current Western belief that there is a finite quantity (Russia certainly has taken the ‘fossil’ out of fossil fuel with their abiotic oil drilling successes) and the perpetuation of the ‘Peak Oil’ myth. Of course, the companies want to make a mint too!
    I think the US is currently playing chicken with Turkey as they want to use turkish air bases to blast the crap outta Iran and Turkey hasn’t signed onto that yet. So they bring up the armenian holocast issue, which inflames Turkey, so they’re threatening to do away with the PKK in Kurdistan.
    and the beat goes on…

  • Bonnie October 17, 2007 (5:29 pm)

    I noticed that this afternoon when I was driving down 35th. Prices are up!

  • Christopher Boffoliq October 17, 2007 (5:35 pm)

    Adjusted for inflation and considered as a percentage of household spending, gas prices now are still below the peaks in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Use less gas if you want the prices to go down. Despite the climb in prices the demand hasn’t budged a bit.

  • Jiggers October 17, 2007 (6:12 pm)

    Time to get on the bus you whiners..

  • Jan October 17, 2007 (7:07 pm)

    just went by the Safeway station this evening…it’s at 3.03 now..5 cents since last night…but w/ a 3 cent discount, and if you get those 10 cent discounts for spending 50 bucks, it would be at 2.90. Shounld I be expecting long lines on my street? hehehe

  • OP October 17, 2007 (11:55 pm)

    Why Chris B., you actually sound like a capitalist! What, no calls artificial government gas price controls? And you strongly imply that the market should dictate the price? I have to say I’m shocked. You seem to be understanding Econ 101. How very un-Socialist of you!

  • Jan October 18, 2007 (1:19 am)

    or..do what I do…find a way to work at home. I put maybe 200 miles on my car every 3 months or so. At that rate a fill-up lasts me a good 3-4 weeks or so. Gotta love it. I do have to comment WSB, who obviously drives quite a bit for storied, pictures, etc….hope you’re using a little of the donated money for gas :)

  • Jan October 18, 2007 (1:19 am)

    or..do what I do…find a way to work at home. I put maybe 200 miles on my car every 3 months or so. At that rate a fill-up lasts me a good 3-4 weeks or so. Gotta love it. I do have to commend WSB, who obviously drives quite a bit for storied, pictures, etc….hope you’re using a little of the donated money for gas :)

  • Jan October 18, 2007 (1:20 am)

    geez, it’s late…I seem to be repeating myself – lol

  • miws October 18, 2007 (8:03 am)

    Nothing wrong with emphasizng a point that you feel passionate about, Jan! ;)


  • Christopher Boffoli October 18, 2007 (2:12 pm)

    Socialist. Capitalist. I prefer to actually consider what fellow WSB posters are writing, as opposed to trying to pigeonhole and label everything.

    If I had to declare a manifesto I’d have to say that I’m a militant Foodie… capable of more intolerance in the realm of food mediocrity than either Karl Marx or Adam Smith could ever muster.

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