New allegation from GEE

Yesterday, we wrote to the PR folks for GEE Automotive to ask for the latest on the shuttered dealership — is it still for sale, is a buyer near, or will the inventory be cleared off the lot any time soon. Finally got a response today, in the form of the following press release claiming Steve Huling is to blame for a sale not going through. 6:05 PM UPDATE: A response from the Huling family is in the comments following this post (excerpt: “This whole episode is yet another attempt by the Gees to blame the Hulings for Gees’ lack of execution.”) Also, linked after the press release, is a document also sent by the GEE PR representatives, from Ryan Gee to Steve Huling:

Full unedited text of press release sent by GEE Automotive PR representatives:

SEATTLE – Steve Huling, the former owner of West Seattle’s Huling Bros. Auto Center, today killed the opportunity to keep the dealership’s three locations open by refusing to assign the property leases to a company willing to purchase the company from GEE Automotive.

“I am in complete shock that Steve Huling refused to assign the lease in order to keep those dealerships open and give his former employees the opportunity to return to their jobs,” said Ryan Gee, CEO of GEE Automotive which purchased the dealership from Huling less than two weeks before a major scandal erupted in the news media involving employees now facing criminal charges for cheating a mentally vulnerable man out of more than $100,000.

The damage to the reputation of the dealership and loss of goodwill caused a huge decline in business, forcing Gee to announce in September that it was seeking a new buyer for the dealership in order “to give it a ‘fresh start’ with a new owner.” GEE Automotive has lost its entire investment in the dealership, and is sustaining losses in excess of $300,000 per month.

Gee said the buyer was willing to buy the dealership based on just two conditions:

Confirmation from the manufacturers that the franchises had not been terminated, and
Confirmation that the Hulings would transfer assignment of the property leases to the new buyer.
While GEE Automotive bought the dealership, the Hulings own the property upon which the dealerships sit.

“In a direct conversation between Steve Huling’s attoney and the buyer, my understanding was that Mr. Hulings’ attorney was told Thursday that the buyer would wire him the $180,000 in past rent today,” Gee said. “But, despite that Huling, flatly refused to reassign the lease, and thus killed any possibility of selling the dealership. I simply cannot understand why Steve would not want to keep the dealerships open,” said Gee. The dealerships had 160 employees.

On Oct. 3, Gee sued Steve and Tom Huling in King County Superior Court for their failure to disclose their knowledge of the criminal investigation of their employees for theft, fraud and money laundering for cheating a mentally vulnerable man out of more than $100,000. The lawsuit seeks to rescind the transaction and be restored to the position it was in prior to contracting to purchase the dealership.

As mentioned above, the GEE PR reps also included a PDF of a letter from Ryan Gee to Steve Huling, talking about the proposed deal. Read it here. For previous coverage, this WSB post includes a link to the GEE lawsuit against the Hulings; this one links to the Hulings’ eviction lawsuit against the Gees.

20 Replies to "New allegation from GEE"

  • Huling Family October 12, 2007 (5:28 pm)

    This whole episode is yet another attempt by the Gees to blame the Hulings for Gees’ lack of execution. On Tuesday, October 9, we were specifically told by the Gees’ attorney that any deal was dead and the Gees would be turning the propery over to the Hulings. We were never asked to respond at all to the prior deal. We only learned of the new proposal this morning and were given a noon deadline to respond. As we explained to the Gees, Steve Huling was on an airplane today and would not land until after the Gee’s noon deadline. We did not even receive the Gee’s written proposal until AFTER their noon deadline. While it is unfortunate that the Gees have not been able to find a buyer for the dealerships, they have only themselves to blame for starting the sale process late and then failing to keep the Hulings in the loop.

  • GenHillOne October 12, 2007 (5:59 pm)

    What time did Ryan Gee email this letter to Steve Huling? It’s dated today, he wanted an answer by 2pm our time and he THOUGHT Steve Huling’s plane MIGHT land around noon our time…because that’s when a lot of them land…WTH?…and then they send out a press release? I don’t know either party, and don’t care really one way or the other, but my guess is that this was simply legal maneuvering for the lawsuit, a sort of passive-aggressive bullying. “Your Honor, we gave the Hulings an option to resolve this and they didn’t work with us.” I hate that. And unfortunately, it does work quite often :|

  • GenHillOne October 12, 2007 (6:39 pm)

    Well, technical difficulties on my end delayed my post, but I’m not surprised by the Hulings’ response above. What a mess.

  • The House October 12, 2007 (7:50 pm)

    Dear Mr. and Mrs Huiling and Mr. and Mrs. Gee,

    I may only speak for myself, but this is something that needs to be worked out amongst yourselves. It does not need to be played out on WSB. I am sure you’re all good people and mean well, but this is turning into the “Paris Hilton Goes to Jail” of West Seattle.

    I never visited either dealership and it wasn’t becuase of your families. It was becuase, unfortunately, GMCs suck compared to many other foreign brands.


    The House

  • todd October 12, 2007 (8:49 pm)

    Ok The House, its seems you do have sense of humor. Guess you can’t be all bad. By the way did you see the latest “National Enquirer”?


  • Mark October 12, 2007 (9:02 pm)

    I think that Ryan Gee needs to quit playing this thing out in the media and get on with selling his dealerships. The Huling’s have only responded to Gee’s numerous press releases and have not one time started the mud slinging. I was sickened when I read Gee’s latest release today. Ryan Gee needs to look into the mirror and the only person he should be blaming for the 160 employees who lost there jobs and his dealerships failure his himself. Shame on him.

  • Jake Turner October 12, 2007 (10:26 pm)

    I heard the phone conversation bettween Steve Huling and the buyer this morning at 10:30 am and Steve Huling is a lying sack of ^&$@!!!!! He said to the buyer “Under NO circumstance will I honor a lease with you period”!!!!! He himself put everybody out of work because I myself know the buyer and they could have made these dealerships ROCK!!! Allot of employees had returned this morning to start work with the new owner only to be sent home because STEVE HULING the arogant Bast%&*% who only cares about himself wanted to try and stick it to Gee WELL GUESS WHAT STEVE you just dug your grave have fun in it pal!!!! Here’s to BANKRUPTCY for you….

  • Jiggers October 12, 2007 (10:33 pm)

    WHo cares anymore get them all out already..

  • Sue October 12, 2007 (10:39 pm)

    LOL, House! I’ll sign my name to your note too. I wouldn’t change a word!

  • Kayleigh October 13, 2007 (5:45 am)


  • GrammarPolice October 13, 2007 (9:11 am)

    Hey Jake-

    This is the Grammar Police, we have you surrounded. Back away from the English Language at once, and no one will not be hurt.

    It’s “a lot” not allot.

  • Lou October 13, 2007 (9:59 am)

    this is really out of hand…I could care less and I agree…GMCs suck! Guess that’s why we own a Toyota and a Honda. Huling and Gee – please take your rants and silliness somewhere else – this is no longer news but pure b*tching and whining. You are not winning anyone over but mostly alienating the people you used to serve.

  • N October 13, 2007 (10:11 am)

    Here’s a crazy idea: let’s get rid of this cheesy car dealership at the portal to our great neighborhood. How about a Trader Joes? How about mixed use residential and businesses, including some restaurants that people actually want to go to like Buddha Ruksa? Frankly, I think even townhomes and Starbucks would be more appealing than rows and rows of poorly made vehicles, jaywalking car salesmen and flotillas of balloons.

  • Erik October 13, 2007 (12:03 pm)

    It’s ironic that car dealers are looking to the public for sympathy, as if they ever cared about our welfare when shopping for a car. I’ve never met a car salesman that my BS meter wasn’t ringing off the hook.

  • chas redmond October 13, 2007 (1:55 pm)

    It’s almost funny. Everytime I’m on that stretch of Fauntleroy these days I find myself trying to imagine the 3-D renderings of the developers – who must be licking their lips at this point.

  • Dawson October 13, 2007 (5:50 pm)

    Interesting that people are jumping all over Gee and the Hulings about posting on WSB. In fact, our dear WSB has a major hand in this online “he said she said” drama. The Hulings are responding to the PR statements from the Gee’s posted courtesy of the WSB. They have a right to get their side of the story out as well. So if this is really non-news, and from the sounds of it a few of you think it is, maybe the WSB can just drop doing updates on this story and move on to something else like baby seals, condos/townhouses/uber major development project that we can all discuss/whine about. Personally, I’d rather let the courts handle the Gee/Huling issue and not do trial by blog, but then again the public likes to throw their opinions in as well. Suffice it to say I don’t think any of us know the full story of what happened, but it makes for mildly entertaining talk to link the dots.

  • WSB October 13, 2007 (6:39 pm)

    Dawson – as we mentioned in the original post, we contacted the GEE PR people to ask some questions that not only did we have ourselves (driving by the dealership site at least twice a day), but we also had received from readers: when will the cars move off the lot, is there going to be a sale, and even (the most recent note we had received) might there be a liquidation sale of furnishings. They replied “We will check with Ryan Gee and get back to you.” That was day before yesterday. They didn’t get back to us that day — then yesterday, they sent the press release and document that we posted. We understand we weren’t the only ones on the mailing list. But we posted it, and will continue to report anything we find out, because we think that everything we can learn about the fate of these huge pieces of property and major West Seattle businesses is important. So we will continue covering this as well as baby seals, pumpkin patches, fatal shootings, design review board meetings, teardowns-to-townhomes (got another one in the publishing queue that we won’t even be able to write about until tomorrow, since things are so busy), reader recommendation requests, tent city proposals in church parking lots, the list goes on … Meantime, let us take a moment to say thanks to everyone for taking the time to comment. Without comments – whether they are positive, negative, curious, jokey, snarky, informative, what have you – this whole site would not be a hundredth as interesting as you all have made it.

  • Leira October 13, 2007 (7:52 pm)

    What a wonderful opportunity to reclaim the small town charm of West Seattle by redesigning this tremendous space. Can’t we do something as a community to reverse the north Aurora Cartown impact as we cross the bridge?

  • GenHillOne October 13, 2007 (8:18 pm)

    While the tactics might be somewhat juvenile, they are not unique to this kind of case and I agree that the truth probably lies between the two. I don’t think anyone can blame WSB for keeping us informed on not only such a large piece of WS geography, but what I can only assume was the largest WS employer. One always has the choice to skip over the story if it’s not your cup of tea.

  • grr October 15, 2007 (5:50 pm)

    whenever -I- drive by that land..all I can think of is…”wow..what a great place for some nail salons and frame shops!!!”.


Sorry, comment time is over.