Ways to have fun before the week’s over

art+walk1.jpg-Tomorrow night is the monthly West Seattle Art Walk in The Junction; more than a dozen stops and their intriguing offerings are listed on the Art Walk blog (a fine resource that also includes direct weblinks for many of the participating artists and businesses). Among the participants, the growing Ginomai center for artists.

-Also tomorrow night, it’s opening night for two musicals here in WS: The Twelfth Night Productions presentation of “Oklahoma!” @ West Seattle HS Theater (tickets available online), and the ArtsWest Summer Musical Theater Conservatory Program presentation of “Disney’s High School Musical” (tickets available online).

-Friday, three one-time-onlies (more Fri-Sat-Sun events when our weekend lineup appears on Fri morning): In the afternoon; golf in WS for a good cause; then in the evening, the weather should be nice for the makeup showing (remember the July 21 rainout?) of “Chicken Run” at Sidewalk Cinema’s Movies on the Wall next to Hotwire Coffeehouse — and for the 34th District Democrats’ annual Garden Party Auction fundraising bash @ West Seattle Nursery.

2 Replies to "Ways to have fun before the week's over"

  • west seattle golfer August 8, 2007 (2:50 pm)

    This is a best ball scramble so it’s fun for the most novice of player. Support inner city golf, drive a cart, attend the awards banquet, maybe win a prize and enjoy the great food for $100! Too good to be true but it is at our home course in West Seattle. Come join the fun.

  • Eric B August 9, 2007 (11:03 pm)

    Just got back from the opening night of Oklahoma – it was very good. The male leads were particularly terrific. Lots of (West Seattle) locals are in it too.

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