Scenes from Hi-Yu Parade Day ’07, 5th installment: The people

July 21, 2007 11:59 pm
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 |   West Seattle Grand Parade | West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival | West Seattle people

While we sit back in our fold-up chairs and enjoy the parade, we can’t forget how many people it takes to make it happen — not just the hundreds of participants, but the others behind the scenes. Kudos to the Hi-Yu and American Legion folks, among a legion of others. Now, another group of photos — focusing on people. We start with the Hi-Yu royalty and other Hi-Yu folks (red shirts), who held court on the SW corner of Cali/Alaska (the camera crew you see behind/above them involved Art Institute students who have been shooting video at Hi-Yu events as a project):


Click ahead for more parade people, from the famous to the oughta-be-famous:

First, the famous — local-tv legend JP Patches (have you donated to the statue drive yet?), a Seafair Pirate walking the sidelines, and the cheeriest of the half-dozen-plus politicians in the parade:


Now, the oughta-be-famous, starting with the best-dressed gentleman in the parade, part of a contingent marching for West Seattle Nursery:


Half-century-plus marrieds Art and Gloria, who impressed us last year too (we need to get a better pic of them next year; SUN NITE UPDATE: Creighton got a great closeup):


The “Stewed Red Tomatoes” of the Red Hat Society:


The flamingo-flockers who raise money for Furry Faces Foundation (they’re doing the flocking thing again in September, according to flyers they gave out):


The West Seattle Yacht Club, showing that safety comes first, even on foot:


Another view at the folks from WestSide Baby (July 29, diapers, be there):


And the Hi-Yu standardbearers, who represent West Seattle in parades all over Western Washington all summer long:


Links to all our other parade photo posts:
First installment (unusual sights)
Second installment (The Kids)
Third installment (The Enforcers)
Fourth installment (The Wheels)
Sixth/final installment (The Winners)

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