Scenes from Hi-Yu Parade Day ’07, 1st installment

Many more to come later. But for now, four photos, starting with deep-fried disappointment: The Spud Fish & Chips mascot did not show off The Calves (quoth one WSB Team Member, “at this rate, next time the mascot will be in a burqa”):


We did spot a letter carrier in shorts before the parade, but we were not photographing him for his legs, but rather, his scarf in honor of Literary Phenomenon Du Jour:


Here’s the parade-watcher with the best seat in over the house:


Finally (many more pix later), WTG to the Hi-Yu folks who urged the crowd in The Junction to do a “no rain” chant before the parade. Except for a one-minute spray of light mist — it worked. Later tonight, we hear, it could be a different story, so we hope we won’t have occasion to see this parade entry back in WS for something less festive:


Links to our other parade photo posts:
Second installment (The Kids)
Third installment (The Enforcers)
Fourth installment (The Wheels)
Fifth installment (The People)
Sixth/final installment (The Winners)

3 Replies to "Scenes from Hi-Yu Parade Day '07, 1st installment"

  • The House July 21, 2007 (2:59 pm)

    Hmmm, apparently I saw the WSB today. From the vantage point of your pics we were right near each other. This was our 1st parade and enjoyed it greatly!

  • Keith July 22, 2007 (10:15 pm)

    When I saw the potato I had practically the same reaction!

  • RobertSeattle July 23, 2007 (9:24 am)

    Was there ever an explanationw hy the parade seemed to start late? There was a very long delay between the Vancouver Motor Cycle cop display (which seemed to start right at 11:00) and the first parade marchers – 11:30 or so.

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