Liberty, the latest

We’ve been waiting for one of the local papers to finally pick up on the Alki Statue of Liberty situation; nwartsstatuephoto3.jpgtoday, the Times finally does, in a choppy article that doesn’t quite capture the heart of what’s happening now, but at least has pix of the new statue. (If you missed it, earlier this month we reported the latest twists and turns, after the July 11 pro-plaza group meeting and after the Alki Community Council meeting last Thursday). Two more Liberty notes: In this week’s WS Herald, Cindi Laws — best remembered for her time on the monorail board — has a lively letter-to-the-editor about the statue; also, we’re still waiting for the Carrs’ website to go up (they said at the ACC meeting that it would be up last weekend).

2 Replies to "Liberty, the latest"

  • Counter "Fancy-Schmancy Plaza" group July 27, 2007 (7:07 pm)

    Why wait for $150,000 (plus) to be raised for the proposed New Fancy-Schmancy Plaza before she can be returned to us. Realistically, this will take considerably more than the year we’ve been hearing.
    There are compromises/alternatives to be considered:
    • Preferred by many: install her NOW on the spiffed-up existing base.
    • Construct in stages when funds become available: base first and statue erected; engraved bricks installed next; benches and plantings to follow.
    • Have her returned from Tacoma and placed in the Bathhouse where she can be viewed and used for fundraising. (Parks Dept. is checking on this possibility.)

    IMPORTANT: regardless of your position, please contact Pamela Kliment at the Parks Dept.
    Phone: 206-684-7556
    Email: Pamela.Kliment@Seattle.Gov

    Attend community meeting on Sept. 13, 7pm, place TBD, and state your views/opinions. Parks Dept. will be making final decision shortly thereafter.

  • Bring Miss Liberty Home Now July 30, 2007 (5:14 pm)

    Disclaimer: The above posting is NOT from the Parks Dept.

    Should you have any questions/concerns/opinions, please contact us at

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